Searching For Their Friends

-Mihr'hai: Ron And Jean (Ron's POV)-

We made it to Mihr'hai. Everything seemed fine at first. The two of us looked around town, but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. We moved to the edge of town to see if anything would be different, but we still didn't have any luck. After looking around for a while, a male police officer approached us.

"What are you two doing?" he asked.

"We're looking for our friends." answered Jean.

"Let's see," he said, "I recall a few people wandering around town a bit ago. They said they were looking for their friends too."

"Do you know where they went?" I asked.

"Somewhere that way." answered the police officer.

"No problem." he responded.

We walked over in the direction he pointed and we found something interesting: Lucas, Jeff, Charles, and Clara fighting a large green dragon.

"Need some help?" I asked, appearing in front of them.

"Ron…!" exclaimed Lucas.

"Still alive, huh?" commented Jeff.

"Y'know I'm here too, right?" added Jean.

"I guess that's good too." teased Jeff.

"What do you mean 'you guess'???" responded Jean.

"Okay, enough talk," said Clara, "we need to fight this thing!"

"Where'd it even come from?" asked Jean.

"Well, the evil Justin and Miles have been running around causing more chaos," answered Charles, "they're saying they're doing it to open up 'the gates of hell' or something."

"Whatever the reason," said Clara, "it's not good."

After that, we all got to work on battling the dragon. I used a cat sword, Jean used her gold sword, Lucas used a green sword, and the rest of us used guns to battle. All of us kept going, continuing to strike the dragon. After hitting it for a while, we managed to destroy it. Once we made sure it was dead, I pulled out the phone I created to check with everyone else.

-Dovacath: Christina And Kia (Christina's POV)-

When we made it to Dovacath, we saw something very surprising. In the middle of town, there was a large red dragon and five people we knew were already fighting it: Justin, Harold, Cerise, Jon, and Lilith. Kia and I quickly ran over to help.

"So this is where you guys ended up." I said.

"Christina…!" responded Jon.

"Now that I think about it, you remind me of someone," said Harold.

"We can talk about that later," I replied.

"Um yeah," said Justin, "we have this big ass dragon in front of us right now."

"Let's get rid of this thing!" said Lilith.

"Why is there a dragon here?" asked Kia.

"Well," said Jon, "our enemies seem to believe that by causing chaos, they'll open up some kind of pathway."

"Anyways," said Lilith, "we need to stop them!"

I got a cat-sword ready, like I'm sure Ron did. Harold was shooting arrows at the dragon, Kia was shooting lasers, Cerise was throwing knives, and then the married couple was using two glowing swords, although Jon would occasionally blow into a whistle that would cause him to move all over the place. After going at the dragon for a while, it ended up dying. After making sure we had won, I got out my cat-themed phone to check on everyone else.

-Mirai: Mikaela And Kurt (Mikaela's POV)-

We hadn't even been to Mirai for that long. We looked around town for about a minute and the next thing we knew, we saw flames coming from the forest nearby. After checking it, we found three people: Catherine, Iris, and Jason… and they were all fighting a silver dragon.

"Why the hell is there a dragon here?" muttered Kurt.

"Mikaela…!" said Jason, "Who's that guy with you…?"

"It's a long story." I answered, "Now let's end this creature's life!"

"I don't know what's going on," said Iris, "but I'm glad you're here."

"It'll definitely go a lot more smoothly with more of us," said Catherine.

We all got to work on fighting the dragon. I kept swinging my scythe, Kurt was using knives, Jason was using a sword, Catherine was throwing clones of people at it, Iris was throwing blades, and Justin was throwing hammers. As we battled the creature, it felt like we were fighting for an eternity. It was tough and we came close to getting hurt a few times, but we won in the end. After making sure it was over, I got out the phone I "borrowed" from Lucas to check in with the others.

-The Call (Ron's POV)-

Somehow, I ended up in a call with the other teams.

"Everything went fine on our end." I said, "We found Lucas, Jeff, Charles, and Clara.

"Same here." added Christina, "we found Justin, Harold, Cerise, Jon, and Lilith."

"We did alright as well." responded Mikaela, "I've taken Catherine, Iris, and Jason hostage."

"What do you mean 'hostage'!?" exclaimed Jason.

"We didn't do anything of the sort!" responded Kurt.

"F-Father!?" exclaimed Cerise.

"Cerise…?" replied Kurt, "I'm glad you're alright."

"Where…?" she said, "Where have you been?"

"Sorry," replied Kurt, "I got a little busy with one of my jobs."

"You could have at least told me." she said.

"With the state of our worlds," said Kurt, "it's kinda been hard to."

"So… everyone's back together after everything that happened?" asked Catherine.

"Seems that way." responded Harold.

"That's good." commented Iris.

"It's been a couple days," said Lucas, "but I thought it would take even longer for us to see each other again."

"Well, now that we're able to get together again," said Jeff, "shouldn't we be planning our next move?"

"If only we could figure out what our enemies are planning to do next." said Charles.

"I believe something was said about them 'opening up the gates of hell'?" replied Jean.

"I do recall hearing something like that, yes." said Charles.

"Whoever has an idea, raise your hand." instructed Justin.

"I don't think it will be that easy." I said.

"I feel like we've just been running around in circles this whole time." complained Clara.

"We just don't know what the heck they're thinking." said Lucas.

"My head hurts." responded Kia.

"Where would they have gone?" said Jeff.

"Do they still have that airship?" added Charles, "I don't think they'd continue to use it as a base but it would be weird to just get rid of it, wouldn't it?"

"Without a clear goal in mind," said Clara, "we're just gonna keep going in circles. Does ANYONE here have any ideas?"

"Is there someone we can talk to that can point us in the right direction?" asked Justin.

"That'd be too easy." said Jon, "There's no way something that convenient would just happen."

"Maybe we should take a break?" suggested Lilith, "Just standing here trying to figure it out isn't really getting us anywhere."

"Why bother thinking?" said Mikaela, "Why not just destroy everything in our path?"

"Settle down there." said Cerise, "No need to do anything that crazy."

"A break might be a good idea." responded Iris.

"I feel like we got plenty of rest though." said Harold.

"Doesn't mean we need to rush through everything." said Catherine.

"I feel like we rushed through those dragon fights," I said.

"What was that?" asked Catherine.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Oh yeah," said Harold, "I said you reminded me of someone-"

"Ron's already figured it out, so I guess I should tell the rest of you." said Christina, "I'm another version of Ron…"

"What…?" responded Justin.

"Well, after fighting the alternate universe Miles and the alternate universe Justin, is it really that surprising?" I said.

"That would explain it," said Catherine, "but I never expected it to be something like this."

"What did you expect?" asked Kia.

"Who knows?" responded Catherine.

Our conversation was interrupted by a beeping sound.

"What's going on?" asked Lucas.

"Someone's… calling?" I said.

I answered and the person who called was Matthias.

"Matthias…?" I said, "What's going on?"

"Nothing good." he answered, "They… took the kids."

"What!?" I exclaimed.