Titandrop: Fenrir VS Fafnir

The black wings gave way to a colossal blow, topped by a growing, molten chair stump.

A gelatinous material emerged from it, and beneath it, flesh covered a bony structure, fusing together to form the skull of the giant dragon.

Head pointed skyward, wings spread across the width of the island, Fafnir uttered a high-pitched roar, making the air vibrate and the earth tremble.

Lightning tore through the darkened sky, lava covered the frozen ground.

The King of Dragons stared at the intruders, his red eyes glinting with misfortune.

Dora and Rhea breathed a little, their movements identical like a reflection in the mirror, then, their eyes turned black, covering their bright irises with their assigned color.

"Sanctification of Greed: Avarice"

"Sanctification of Pride: Vainglory"

Their pressure engulfed the entire island in an instant, mixing the red and black color of the air with white.