
The orb engulfed the Dragon King and began its disastrous work. A violent wind swept across the area, releasing destructive energy shaking the earth.

Fafnir's head emerged from this hell, its color oscillating between red and black. He let out a huge roar, as his flesh slowly transformed into a gelatinous substance.

His eyes glowed brighter and brighter, his energy increased, in fact all the energy around him kept increasing exponentially, as his own body turned into fuel.

Zury felt her spell fade from him, and so she created another pentagram on the ground, rippling through Fafnir in the form of chains encircling his head, closing his jaw, but the beast forced his jaw open, and released a new beam aimed skyward, a final roar of despair, as his jaw began to reveal the structure of his bones.

Everyone watched this sinister spectacle, there was no way out, it was the death of a Player.