Chapter 7 War Reparations

At the beginning of June 1980, the weather had started to get hotter, but for James who was far away in the United States, the hot weather didn't affect his mood.

  The European recovery plan has been passed by the US Congress, and 16 countries are included in it. The most attractive one is the Duchy of Nord, a small country with a population of less than 2,000 and a land area of ​​only a few tens of square kilometers.

  When the President of the United States put the Principality of Nord into the proposal, the members of the parliament were in an uproar, but when a piece of information was placed in front of them, the members stopped talking and each planned their own little thoughts.

  In the initial proposal, the Nord Principality received 80 million U.S. dollars in aid funds, but in the following period of time, the 80 million U.S. dollars gradually increased to 250 million U.S. dollars, and it was at this time that James received the aid from the President. Appointment news.

  In fact, James did not have much dialogue with the President of the United States. The two sides expressed their feelings for Nuomei, and then there were some trivial matters in life. It was not until the end that they told him that Nuode was also aided by the United States.

  James obviously didn't react to this sudden pie. After all, he never thought that the US Congress would pass Nord to become a member of the aid, but the result was just the opposite. The final result was that 80% of the congressmen chose to support it. .

  While James was full of doubts, the President of the United States was also having a conversation with his assistant, and the content of this conversation was why Congress received 250 million aid through Nord.

  "Are you sure about the matter?"

  "Director Smith is still investigating, and the satellite images are very blurry, but it is confirmed that the Duchy of Nord has a highly intelligent machine that builds a new city every month. This speed is indeed a bit..." "

  Yes Alright, otherwise, how will we account for the 250 million US dollars to American citizens."

  The last sentence Mr. President said was very serious, but the expression of the assistant on the side said it all. Of course, 250 million US dollars is indeed not a small amount. , there should be an explanation.

  When the President of the United States was talking to his assistant, the European recovery plan passed by the House of Representatives had also been learned by the outside media. The five-star hotel where James lived instantly became the main gathering place for the media. I have never heard of the country Nord Principality.

  "Minister James, why is the Duke of Nord ranked in the forefront of European recovery aid? As far as we know, the Kingdom of Spain has not received this time..." "Minister James, there is news that the

  new Grand Duke of Nord is A child under the age of ten, is this news true?"

  "Minister James, most of the cabinet members in your cabinet government are French officials, does this mean that the Duchy of Nord will become a member of France in the future?"

  "Foreign Minister James..."

  When James first came to the United States, he was eager for this situation, but when the media came in droves, he was a little tired, mainly because there were many problems in it that he himself didn't know. , such as why there is the Principality of Nord in the European Restoration Plan, and it also occupies a considerable proportion.

  Answer some selectively, and claim that although the Principality of Nord is a dual monarchy, these officials are not called foreign ministers but ministers, and various departments are not ministers but ministers.

  Minister James fled the United States in embarrassment, and Joseph was carrying out his next plan. The son of James, a young man in his twenties who had just graduated from the Paris Polytechnic University, had already gone to France. The embassy in France contacted and met the ambassador.

  The news from the United States has been transmitted to the Atlantic side by telephone. When the citizens of Nord got the news, they ran on the street excitedly, shouting the name of Ragnar III loudly.

  The New York Times, London Daily, Paris Times, Washington Daily and other well-known media from various countries have also rushed to Nord for two purposes. The first is to see what kind of country Nord is and why it ranks first in aid , and the second is to look at Joseph, who is only eight years old.

  Joseph also received news of these things, so a five-star hotel was built in the coastal area of ​​Beicheng District, and the funds spent naturally came from the little remaining treasury of the Principality of Nord.

  Kress had already been eyeing these sudden buildings, so when Joseph used treasury funds and arranged for people to clear and level the land, his eyeliner had been there all day and night. Unfortunately, the final result made Kress very dissatisfied. During the construction, layers of steel plates blocked the eyes of the eyeliner. He wanted to approach but was stopped by the guards. Even Kress went there in person and did not let him go.

  At this time, there were more than 80 members of the Nord Guards. In terms of loyalty, these new members were no worse than those old members. The only thing they lacked was high-intensity training.

  A small military camp was built not far from the Nord Palace, and the brainwashing day and night made these loyal Nord young people die for Joseph. I believe that even if Joseph asked them to die, these people would not hesitate in the slightest.

  Accurate firearms bonus, physical strengthening, and instilling military literacy, when these effects are concentrated on these Janissaries, even if they use firearms from when Germany was defeated, their real strength is no worse than that of the elites of the US Navy Seals and Coastal Defense Forces. Because of the existence of these people, Joseph became more and more casual in the Principality of Nord.

  Power grows out of the barrel of a gun, and as long as the Imperial Guard is in Joseph's hands, no matter how much power Kress holds, he will not be able to overthrow Joseph's rule.

  The reason for continuing to appoint Kress is because of his relationship with France. France is a big country. I believe that with the approval of the United States this time, the matter against Nord will end. Kress will leave sooner or later. What Joseph has to do now is to borrow Kress status, try to get benefits from France.

  The United States can discover the changes in the Principality of Nord, and France, as a neighboring country, naturally has no reason to ignore it, especially because there is Kress here, so a large number of French intelligence service elites came to Nord. Sent to Nord by the French government on the grounds that the Duchy of Nord was entitled to the spoils of the victors.

  Of course, this is not a reason, but a fact. As one of the victorious countries, although the Principality of Nord had only 3,000 soldiers to participate in the battle during World War II, and it fell within a day, it cannot be denied that Nord Principality's position.

  Germany was defeated three years ago. According to the rules at the time, the Principality of Nord should have received more than 200 million marks in compensation. However, these compensations have been withheld by the French government. Even now, only one-tenth of the compensation has been sent.

  The Palace of the Duke of Nord:

  "Your Highness, are you looking for me?"

  "Two things, the first thing is the arrival of the media from all over the world, this matter must be taken seriously, let them see our poverty as much as possible, and strive to get more for us Assistance, and the second thing is to arrange for people to go to France, about the issue of compensation that belongs to us."

  When the person came, Nord's deputy foreign minister, in fact, there are only five people in the entire foreign ministry, and James went to the United States to take away an assistant , Now only the deputy minister and two assistants are left, so he is very embarrassed about Joseph's order.

  "Compensation, hasn't the French government already..."

  "I'm referring to the rest. The German economy is in a depression, and Germany is included in the aid of the United States. What I need you to do is to use the remaining compensation to obtain the shares of the German Auto Union." "German Auto Union?


  Joseph What the Deputy Minister said made me a little puzzled, not because of the relationship between France's control of their indemnity and Germany, but why Joseph wanted an Auto Union.

  Joseph did not explain, but waved him to go down. The matter has been ordered, and what to do next is the business of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All he wants to see is the final result.

  Accompanied by the confused back of Nord's deputy foreign minister, Joseph murmured: "Audi, industry, Novartis joint venture..."