Chapter 8 Chinese Ambassador to France

June 8 Andy, carrying Joseph's mission, came to Paris and met Zhang Jianjun early the next morning.

  Zhang Jianjun who got the news was a little puzzled. He was not familiar with the country of Noord. It is normal for some people in China not to know such a small country. It is impossible for him not to have a little understanding of this country, not to mention that the Principality of Nord has recently been controversial internationally because of the European recovery plan.

  Of course, not being able to guess the meaning of Andy's arrival does not affect him from meeting Andy, even though this country is only a small country with a population of only a few thousand people and a territory of only a hundred kilometers.

  No matter from which aspect, Zhang Jianjun far exceeds Andy and even Joseph himself in terms of identity, status, and influence. But even under such circumstances, Zhang Jianjun still maintained the traditional Chinese humility and friendliness, and warmly received Andy, a young man who didn't even have an official position.

  "Are you the son of Foreign Minister James?"

  When he heard the news, Zhang Jianjun paid more attention to Andy. At this time, James was not the foreign minister of the Principality of Nord who had just arrived in the United States. The public opinion of the media It has made Joseph and James world-famous. Citizens of the world may not know the Prime Minister of the Principality of Nord, but I believe that no one does not know the name James.

  "Yes, this is the letter His Highness asked me to hand over to you."

  Andy did not show any pride or joy because of this sentence, but was still flat and respectful, and handed over the letter written by Joseph to Zhang Jianjun. He picked up his teacup and took a sip. That's right, the faint bitterness is mixed with a delicate fragrance, this should be the Luzhou Yunwu that His Highness mentioned!

  Zhang Jianjun didn't have the heart to know what Andy was thinking, and he opened Joseph's letter without hesitation. Just a few lines made Zhang Jianjun, who is known for his calmness, no longer able to maintain his previous calmness.

  "Dear sir, if I am willing to sell a batch of industrial equipment, would your country be willing to add 50% to the international price?" Joseph is not a saint, and he does have some special feelings for that ancient country, but this feeling does

  not It cannot affect his status as the ruler of the Nord Principality at this time. Besides, this batch of precision instruments is also a considerable risk to the Nord Principality and even himself, not much at 50%.

  Zhang Jianjun is naturally clear about the US's European recovery plan, and he can guess that the machinery Joseph is talking about is part of this assistance. Of course, he didn't know that Joseph was trying to sell him all and not part of his guess.

  As a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he is very clear about what is most lacking in the country. After all, it is often one of his responsibilities to help the country get these things back. Now the opportunity is in front of him. Zhang Jianjun has no reason to remain calm.

  "Andy, this matter..."

  "I'm sorry, Mr. Ambassador, this is a letter from His Highness to you, and only you and him know the contents. If you have something to convey to His Highness, please write it on paper, and I will pass it on to you." His Royal Highness Joseph."

  A little stunned, Zhang Jianjun soon understood Joseph's caution, nodded and thought in his heart: That's fine, if the United States finds that the biggest loss is not the Principality of Nord but itself.

  "I only have one sentence. Please tell Andy to His Royal Highness Joseph. I will keep Novartis' friendship in my heart. In addition, I heard that His Royal Highness Joseph has Chinese blood and likes food. I have a chef here that I can lend to His Royal Highness temporarily."

  Andy naturally understood who the chef was, but he didn't refuse. This was the best way to save him from frequent visits to the embassy and being discovered by people with ulterior motives. In fact, Andy refused to contact China from the beginning. He didn't know the content of the letter, but as a member of the European countries and maintained a good relationship with the United States, the Principality of Nord itself should not come.

  A good relationship with the United States is guessed from the assistance of the recovery plan. If Andy knows the specific situation, I believe he will not think so again. Of course, even if he believes that way, he will still reject it. After all, the Principality of Nord is still in Europe. After all, he doesn't know the position China will occupy in the world twenty years later.

  After expressing his thanks, Andy said goodbye and left. Looking at his back, Zhang Jianjun couldn't help but fell into deep thought. At the same time, he ordered to go down to learn more about the Principality of Nord.

  Naturally, Joseph didn't know anything about France. He had been busy with government affairs for a while, and he rarely visited Beicheng District. Some media close to the country had arrived. The beautiful garden-style town made the group of media personnel keep expressing their praise. The only shortcoming Maybe it's just too little entertainment.

  There is a fruit tree not far from both sides of the street. Summer has come, and the intoxicating fragrance of flowers fills the whole city. Joseph has issued an order that passers-by are not allowed to destroy trees at will. Those who violate the order will be fined $50-$200, and the specific amount depends on the situation. Certainly.

  There is often a bench on one side of the fruit tree. Passers-by can pick it if they are thirsty or when they are resting. However, the Principality of Nord does not allow waste. Once picked, they must be eaten up, otherwise they will face a fine.

  While Joseph worked hard to build the Nord Principality and strengthen Nord citizens, he did not forget to pay attention to the moral aspect. Joseph could allow petty theft in his country, but he did not allow people with moral depravity to appear. It's a pity that it's not the time yet, otherwise a treaty and law that Joseph has planned for a long time will be presented to the citizens of Nord.

  A large amount of war indemnity has not only improved the lives of Nord citizens, although most of France's grants are in kind rather than money, but even so Joseph is already very satisfied.

  Originally, the foundation left by Ragnar II was only enough for the citizens of Nord to live for two years, but with the arrival of a large number of goods from France, Joseph could not even invest a penny at this time, enough to allow the citizens of Nord to live for seven or eight years , but Joseph was not prepared to make his citizens' lives so urgent.

  However, Van Nord citizens can receive ten vouchers, two kilograms of beef, one kilogram of pork, and some flour every week. Each voucher is worth $5. These vouchers are used to go to the store to buy clothes and daily necessities.

  At this time, the second block (commercial street) is not only the few shops that Joseph used the system to build, but also a small supermarket was quietly established one night. De Royal Group belongs to it.

  Never underestimate the ability of human beings to create the economy. Now there are more than 20 shops in the second block. Except for the small supermarket, the rest are all opened by Nord citizens. However, due to the national conditions and the shortage of materials , Most of these shops are very simple.

  All the store buildings in the second block have been sold. Joseph sat on a bench on the side of the commercial street. What he saw was not only the shops, but also the development of the Nord economy, but it was still far away from the real development. A small opportunity.

  Of course, Joseph believes that this opportunity will come soon, because James has sent news that he is already on his way back at this time, the joint parliament in Paris is about to start, and the European economy is about to usher in rapid development...