Chapter 9 Cook Education for the Future

Your Highness..."

  "Thank you for your hard work, what's the result of the contact?"

  Looking at Andy, whose eyes were a little red, Joseph couldn't help feeling a little emotional. Although the Duchy of Nord has a small population, there are really many people loyal to the Ragnar royal family. few.

  As soon as Joseph opened his eyes early in the morning, he heard the news of Andy's return from the guards. Before he could get dressed, he came to meet Andy who had been waiting in the hall for a long time. Sex is very high.

  The icing on the cake is never as good as giving charcoal in the snow. At this time, Huaxia is lacking the recognition of European countries. If Joseph can stand up and express friendship at the first time, by virtue of Huaxia's international status in the future, the benefits of the Principality of Nord will far exceed Imminent pay now.

  After arranging Andy to sit down, Joseph began to inquire about the specific matters of Andy in the French embassy in detail. Although Andy was a little tired, he understood the importance and explained them one by one very seriously.

  "Your Highness, Ambassador Zhang Jianjun was a little surprised. When I came here, let me tell you that Novartis' friendship is in his heart, and I will give you a gift." "Gift?" "A cook who knows Chinese cuisine."



  gift Joseph couldn't help being taken aback, but following Andy's words, he understood that it was true that the cook was a reliable contact, but that was fine, and it was always right to be cautious.

  Joseph knew that he would not be able to ask Andy anything next, so he nodded and asked him to go down to rest, and by the way, asked the Imperial Guard to call the Chinese ambassador to France, no matter if there was anything to do, they always had to meet first.

  Andy, who stood up and was about to leave, opened his mouth as if thinking of something, but when he saw Joseph with a happy face, he forcibly held back what he wanted to say, and turned away with a little confusion.

  Joseph actually saw Andy's actions and knew what he wanted to say, but Joseph didn't take the initiative to speak. First, it was unnecessary, and second, he didn't know how to explain it himself. It was only at this time that Joseph began to rejoice in his identity. If Ragnar II was still in power and he was not in power, he would have missed many things. After all, he couldn't explain why he did that.

  "Good morning, Your Majesty Joseph."

  Big shoulders, a short stature and a thick neck, this is Joseph's first impression of Zhu Yunsheng. He really deserves to be a chef. At this time, Joseph even thought, maybe the ambassador Zhang Jianjun really gave him Be a cook yourself.

  Of course, this idea just disappeared in an instant, because it is absolutely impossible for ordinary cooks to do such a standard European etiquette for commoners to meet nobles. An urge to make people laugh.

  "Your name is Zhu Yunsheng! Where is your ancestral home? My mother is from Huaxia, and I know something about it." As a

  member of Xinhua News Agency, Zhu Yunsheng is still very clear about Joseph's information. The woman is from Fujian. During the Second World War, she came to the European battlefield as a foreign legion nurse, and coincidentally met Ragnar II in the field hospital. It's just that the woman looks very ordinary, and Ragnar I didn't approve of this combination very much at first.

  However, Joseph's mother was also a very capable person. She was not lacking in skill and determination, and she only took three days to conquer Old Ragnar, the old European nobleman who founded the Principality of Nord.

  "The princess and I are both from the middle of Sichuan, but I don't know that His Royal Highness Joseph is not used to spicy food. I also know some of the other eight Chinese cuisines, but it is much worse than Sichuan cuisine."

  "You are also from Sichuan? Sure enough, I like Sichuan cuisine very much. I am looking forward to the taste of my mother's hometown." Joseph heard a hint of other meaning from Zhu Yunsheng's mouth. There was no threat, but he confessed that he had investigated him

  . , or Zhu Yunsheng wants to show that he is not an ordinary cook.

  "Your Highness, Sichuan cuisine pays attention to the ingredients, and the ingredients are the best in the central Sichuan region of China. If possible, I suggest that Your Highness allow me to contact the country to purchase ingredients." Zhu Yunsheng's eyes were meaningful when he said these words, and Joseph was taken aback for a while

  . Understanding what he meant, they looked at each other with a smile and replied: "The Principality of Nord does not have an airport, but it has a port, but the distance is longer and there are pirates in Somalia, so the danger is very high." Joseph said so, but

  the danger in his words Zhu Yunsheng was naturally very clear about whether he was referring to pirates or others, so

  he hesitated before saying, "There is nothing we can do in the Atlantic Ocean, but the problem is not serious in the Indian Ocean." It has nothing to do with him, everything has risks, the only difference is the level of profit and whether it is worth it.

  "The distance is far away and the price will naturally increase. These are all problems!"

  "Price is not a problem. China is a hospitable country, and your highness is a distinguished person. I believe the government is willing to make you a friend.

  " After negotiating the general matter, the next step is the specific price. However, Joseph believes that with Zhu Yunsheng's words just now, he will definitely make a lot of money this time.

  Afterwards, the two talked about some things about China, and Zhu Yunsheng left with the imperial guards. After all, he was only a cook, and it was not suitable for Joseph to meet him for too long. After all, no one knew whether there were any intelligence personnel from other countries here.

  Not long after Zhu Yunsheng left, two officials from the Ministry of Education came to Joseph. They only had one thing to do. June was coming to an end, and the freshman season was coming. They needed to ask Joseph about enrollment.

  "What's your opinion?"

  Joseph was just an ordinary college student in his previous life. He doesn't know much about many things now, but he has one advantage, that is, he never meddles indiscriminately if he doesn't understand. In fact, this is already Basic qualities of a manager.

  "The minister means that students from some nearby towns in France are included in our enrollment, but the size of the school..." "No need, schools in the Principality of Nord now only enroll students from their own country, and the number of teachers is

  now How?"

  "Prime Minister Kress invited two teachers with senior professional titles from France, and there are eight other teachers from our country. The only trouble is that one of them has participated in **..." **

  ? Hearing these two words, Joseph couldn't help but frown. From the bottom of his heart, Joseph didn't have much dislike for Hitler and his henchmen. Under such circumstances, it would undoubtedly be troublesome if citizens who had participated in the revolution were used as teachers, especially when the joint conference was about to be held in Paris.

  "Tell me about his specific situation."

  The two officials of the Ministry of Education exchanged glances, and finally the senior assistant said, "Your Highness, he was arrested by the Germans in 1965 and forced to work in a field hospital. Since then Until the end of the war, it is said that his wife..."

  "It was just forced. Now that the college lacks teachers, there is no need to worry about it. Let's make a decision like this!" After hearing the previous words, Joseph had already decided to

  send the doctor to the college Because of this, he deliberately interrupted the official of the Ministry of Education. There is no way. Once some things are said, things will be completely different.

  The senior assistant of the Ministry of Education is not a fool either. He already understood some meaning from Joseph's attitude, so he hurriedly shut up and said nothing, and nodded in agreement when Joseph finished speaking. After waving his hands to let the two officials from the Ministry of Education leave, Joseph sat on the sofa blankly thinking about something.

  An hour later, Joseph's order was issued from the palace, but citizens of the Principality of Van Nord, as long as they meet the age requirements, go to school to study, and once they become students of the school, each high school student will be subsidized with 3 vouchers per month, and 5 vouchers for college students. It can be seen from this that Joseph attaches great importance to education.

  Because of the national conditions of the Principality of Nord at this time, the school's subjects are all related to basic necessities of life, education, and health. In fact, Joseph also somewhat underestimated the education coverage of his own country. If he knew clearly, he would not have the idea of ​​letting students learn by themselves when he built the school.

  When the files from the Ministry of Education were submitted, Joseph looked at the super high education coverage and could swallow a small porcelain bowl in his mouth. Among the people over 30 years old, the high school coverage rate was 80%, and the university coverage rate was 80%. Thirty percent...

  This is not the result of the Ragnar family, but the efforts of the Germans who occupy here.