Chapter 10 US intelligence personnel

In mid-June, a large number of media have come to the Principality of Nord, living in a hotel with an elegant environment, opening the window to see the sky-blue sea water and golden-yellow sandy beach, the sycamore trees beside the road, the clothes of big pants and flowered shirts. Passers-by let these media see the leisure of a completely different country after World War II.

  At this time, all countries are working hard to rebuild, only the Principality of Nord, under the heaven-defying function of the construction system, the people of the Principality of Nord have already lived a life before the war one step ahead. However, because of Joseph's previous regulations, although the environment is good, the Nord citizens show a look of poverty.

  Of course, they are actually very poor. Needless to say, millionaires, perhaps only Joseph is the only Nord citizen with over ten thousand assets. .

  The arrival of the media from various countries has promoted the economy of the Principality of Nord to a certain extent. Not to mention other things, the Royal Bank of Nord, whose foreign exchange is almost exhausted, has a small savings through the consumption of these media personnel, although the savings are only a few hundred thousand. Dollar.

  The Ministry of Finance of the Principality of Nord is dispensable at this time. Ninety percent of the staff are working in the bank, and all functions have been replaced by the bank, such as taxation and financial allocation... With Joseph's

  political With every victory on the road, his car has also changed from a black logo to a silver Rolls-Royce Phantom. Don't get me wrong, this is not Joseph's initiative to buy it, but a gift from Rolls-Royce to Joseph.

  The European recovery plan has been known to more and more people, and the Principality of Nord is undoubtedly a well-deserved dark horse in the plan. Rolls-Royce has already understood that the future of Nord cannot be said, but Joseph will definitely become the future European leader. One of the most influential people.

  The biggest beneficiary of World War II is the United States, especially now that the United States has begun to show its ferocity. As the Principality of Nord, which has a close relationship with the United States, at a time when European countries will shrink under the United States in a short period of time, labor There is no reason why the Sless company should not come forward to make a relationship.

  Rolls-Royce is different from other car companies. His main customers are nobles. As the royal family of the Duchy of Nord, a rare dual monarchy in Europe, how many people can be more honored than Joseph?

  Of course, these people misunderstood Joseph's relationship with the United States. If they knew that the United States only wanted something from Joseph, then I believe they would never be so enthusiastic.

  Rolls-Royce was not the only one who gave gifts. Some luxury brands in France, famous Italian handmade suit makers, and some rich men in the United States who were eager to establish a relationship with the aristocracy all sent valuable gifts one by one.

  For these people, Joseph also knew their psychology. Naturally, Joseph could not explain some things stupidly, and accepted their gifts with peace of mind. However, Joseph also gave back gifts, which will be held on the beach of the Principality of Nord in a few months. For the banquet, the invited members are rich and powerful from all over the world.

  Nord Palace:

  More than a dozen men in black suits and sunglasses walked out of the palace vigilantly. After searching around for no danger, a seven or eight-year-old boy walked out of the gate. Two bulletproof Mercedes-Benz cars, there is no doubt that this group of people is Joseph and his bodyguards.

  The Royal Guard has been renamed the Royal Guard. Of course, the Royal Guard still retains its establishment, but now there are only a few officers left. When it will be rebuilt depends on Nord's economy and population.

  Today is June 28, 1980, and the American delegation has already left for Paris. As a member of the European recovery plan, it is inevitable for Joseph to go to Paris.

  At this time, the Principality of Nord is not much different from before. There are several entertainment buildings newly built in Beicheng District, small theaters, KTV, and small stadiums. There are system credits and self-built by the Principality of Nord, such as KTV, nightclub and other entertainment. Naturally, the industry cannot be created by Joseph. Although they can bring happiness and considerable taxation to citizens, at the same time, it is also a test for the security of the Principality of Nord.

  Joseph set a five-year plan to use the sports bonus effect of the small stadium to allow the Principality of Nord to win the Olympic Games. Only in this way can the Principality of Nord's influence be expanded and some troubles avoided.

  Europe and the United States are integrated, and now the system has shown signs of being exposed. In order to ensure that the United States will not take violent actions against him, Joseph can only do his best to let the world know that the Nord Principality is a country. The Nord Principality is not the Middle East. As long as most American citizens know the Nord Principality , then no matter how courageous the President of the United States is, he would not dare to act rashly, unless he does not want to be re-elected.

  The new era has the benefits of the new era. Some crimes need to be hidden in the dark. As long as the United States does not send out regular troops, Joseph will naturally not be afraid of other aspects.

  finance? The Principality of Nord does not even have a financial system now, and the United States is powerful and uses it everywhere. As for the future, once the European Union is established, the euro will be the common interest of most of Europe, and Joseph will naturally not be afraid, because once the euro depreciates, all European countries will suffer together.

  It's useless to talk too much. Joseph, who was sitting in the car, looked at the desolation of the central area outside the window and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The funds in his hands are still too little! I only hope that the aid of the United States will come as soon as possible, because only in this way can the Nord Principality enter a period of rapid development.

  Unknowingly, Joseph remembered an incident three days ago. The Nord Royal Guard reported that an American intelligence officer who had plotted against the law was caught...

  that intelligence officer was also unlucky. His boss arranged for him to come to the Nord Principality to investigate the satellite discovery. It happened that Joseph was building a small stadium. He also had some skills and was able to bypass the blockade of the intelligence agency and approach the stadium under construction. There are no other gaps.

  It doesn't matter if it's just like this, but something strange happened to the intelligence personnel. There was actually the sound of the machine turning behind the steel plate in the early morning of the night. He was actually working day and night. No wonder the Principality of Nord built a small town in just a few days. Of course, there must be other reasons. Vehicles transporting construction materials appear.

  American intelligence personnel, who were so thirsty for knowledge, took out a miniature cutting tool from the tool box they carried with them, and were about to cut open the steel plate to see what was inside. At this moment, an unfortunate thing happened... When the American intelligence personnel touched the steel plate with the cutting

  tool When he got to the steel plate, his cutting tool, which was powerful enough to cut most metals, did not leave any marks on the steel plate. Could it be that he could only enter through the main entrance?

  Just when the American intelligence personnel thought so, a faint numbness spread from the cutting tool to the whole body, and then? After waking up, he found that he was already in the isolation room of the Nord Royal Guard...

  No one knew that he was not the only intelligence officer arranged by the United States, and another intelligence officer who had been secretly following behind him was in the room. Reporting this matter back to the US headquarters immediately, the US president who learned of the news became more and more sure of his inner guess, and at the same time did not dare to act rashly.

  Naturally, Joseph didn't know these things, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. What is the most dreadful thing in the world? That is the unknown. As long as the United States does not understand the situation behind the steel plate, it will not dare to act rashly for a day, and of course there are other countries.

  Go in from the front door? It was just a joke, Joseph himself tried it secretly, the main entrance was just a decoration, and he probably couldn't open it even with a howitzer.

  High-altitude shooting? Joseph didn't know what kind of technology it was, but it was probably related to magnetic energy. Any electronic equipment that came close would be covered in snowflakes, including video cameras, cameras, and satellites. Maybe its clarity did not break through the system's self-protection, Joseph guessed.

  While thinking, the convoy left Nord and started heading towards Paris...