Chapter 12

The conversation between Joseph and Ambassador Zhang Jianjun at the Paris Joint Conference did not last too long. Joseph needed to avoid some taboos, and Zhang Jianjun did not want any surprises in the things he had negotiated before. When the number of guests in the restaurant began to increase, the two had already dispersed.

  No one doubted in the short contact, after all, most people here know that Joseph has Chinese blood, and it is normal for people to say a few words with people from their mother's homeland.

  While Joseph was busy talking with the presidents of several small European countries in the restaurant, a burst of footsteps came from outside the restaurant, and then the restaurant fell silent. Joseph followed the eyes of others... "Marshal Bugayev?


  Look Seeing the obvious Eastern European face and the whispering of the Deputy Prime Minister of Croatia on one side, Joseph quickly knew the identity of the other party, and couldn't complain that the restaurant was so quiet. It turned out that another big boss had arrived.

  It is self-evident who the United States' European recovery plan is aimed at, but the Soviet Union is also eligible to enjoy the European recovery plan in name, which is why seeing the arrival of the Soviet representative, the high-level leaders of all countries in the restaurant are unanimously silent. Of course, this kind of silence only lasted for a short ten seconds, and soon the environment of the restaurant returned to its previous state, but if you observe carefully, you can see that the people around are quietly watching the Soviet Marshal in unison.

  Marshal Bugayev was very calm. In fact, before he arrived, he knew that this would be the result, but he knew it. Some things still had to go. What if there was a chance to benefit? Of course, even if you can't get sick of the United States, let the joint meeting be more reserved by the way and don't be too obvious against the Soviet Union.

  However, the arrival of Marshal Bugayev made several Eastern European countries very uncomfortable, especially when the looming eyes were fixed on them, these prime ministers and presidents felt as uncomfortable as if they had lice, and they couldn't wait to leave here quickly. Fortunately, this situation did not last for too long. The time for the joint meeting came soon, and they went to the meeting place in order under the leadership of the hostess.

  The Principality of Nord is a small country. Even though Joseph and his Principality have been very active internationally recently, this cannot replace the fact that it is a small country. Therefore, Joseph entered the field almost at the end of the team. Joseph is not angry about this, but only has endless motivation, trying to make Nord become one of the countries with the right to speak in Europe in the near future.

  The meeting was held in Hall 1 of the Elysee Palace. The venue that can accommodate hundreds of people is almost overcrowded at this time. Almost all high-level executives in Europe are gathered here. If a bomb hits at this time, I believe that the whole of Europe will be in turmoil.

  In terms of status and influence, Joseph may not be ranked, but in terms of status and nobility, Joseph can be ranked in the top three in this venue. The first is a prince of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the second is a duke of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the second is It was Joseph, the Grand Duke of the Nord Principality.

  Noble status depends not on the strength of a country but on the glory of its ancestors. The Ragnar family was the duke of the former French Kingdom, and it can even be traced back to the Roman period. But at that time, the Ragnar family only owned a small It's just a count.

  Not long after sitting down, a handsome blond middle-aged man stepped forward. Joseph knew his identity without being introduced by others. He was the Secretary of State of the United States and the famous five-star general Marshall.

  "Good night, gentlemen and ladies, and please forgive me for interrupting your dinner time at this time, but I believe that compared with dinner, what I'm going to say next is far more tempting than those delicacies." A small joke

  made The environment in the conference room was a little more relaxed, and then Marshall began to talk about the European recovery plan in detail. Joseph did not pay too much attention to this, and his main attention was still on the Soviet representatives and Zhang Jianjun.

  The Principality of Nord is too weak, so weak that it only has the ability to passively accept this time in the process of ranking the seats. If the United States does not support it, then the Principality of Nord will not be able to get anything in this meeting.

  As Joseph thought, Bugayev soon put down the detailed information on European revival in his hand, and began to provoke tit-for-tat: "According to General Marshall, the Soviet Union seems to have the right to participate." Bugayev

  said Without disturbing Marshall's mood, he replied with a slight smile: "Marshal Bugayev is right. The Soviet Union is indeed qualified to participate in the European revival, but I don't know if the Soviet Union is willing to accept other conditions in the revival plan. If it agrees... Before Marshall

  finished speaking, Bugayev had already started to raise his eyebrows. A right to participate, a qualification to participate, words with the same meaning made Bugayev very upset just because of the different vocabulary, and of course he was most upset. What's annoying is that the United States actually added conditions specifically to the Soviet Union.

  Bugayev had already seen those conditions. If he agreed, the Soviet Union would lose certain economic sovereignty. Such a result was unacceptable to the Soviet Union. Just when he was about to interrupt General Marshall, the French Prime Minister spoke.

  "The purpose of the European recovery plan is to speed up the return of Europe to its pre-war state. If the Soviet Union wants to participate in it, then we must carry out the construction of a single European market." The British prince said just after the French Prime Minister said: "Yes, we

  must Participate in the construction of a unified European market. Only in this way can the pre-war state be quickly restored. In addition, I propose to form the European Union to implement currency unification..." Prince James of the United Kingdom picked a good time, but his goal was not achieved. Marshall discovered it

  immediately Because of his intentions, he interrupted Prince James without waiting for Bugayev to speak.

  The formation of the European Union is in the interests of the United States, but the euro will seriously damage the status of the dollar. Such a result is not what the United States wants to see. Unknowingly, Marshall looked at the representatives of Britain and France with a trace of vigilance in his eyes.

  Prince James was just probing. Seeing Marshall's firm refusal, he stopped mentioning the matter, and began to unite with France as a whole to target Bugayev. Bugayev could not accept neither the construction of a unified market nor the conditions proposed by Marshall that would lose the Soviet Union's economic sovereignty, so the Soviet delegation left sadly after a few hours.

  At this time, it was already ten o'clock in the evening, and the representatives of various countries were already sleepy. They had no choice but to temporarily end the meeting. After discussing the continuation of the next day, everyone left.

  In the first joint meeting, Joseph behaved like a passerby, mainly because he had no right to speak, all he could do was to listen and think, to see the attitudes of the top leaders of various countries and plan the future of Nord.

  Early in the morning of the second day, Joseph and the leaders of the country gathered in the conference room again after having breakfast. However, compared with last night, there was no Soviet delegation in the conference room at this time. had already left Paris.

  The departure of the Soviet delegation did not make the venue much quieter. Western European countries began to compete with several Eastern European countries for aid distribution. It is the Eastern European countries that the United States wants to win over.

  The idea of ​​the United States is very good, but they underestimated the influence of the Soviet Union. On the third day of the meeting, the delegations from several Eastern European countries hurried away. It is said that they received calls from China at noon that day. It didn't take long for all of them to leave, and there were rumors that there were minor changes in the Soviet army at that time.

  With the departure of the Soviet Union and the departure of several countries in Eastern Europe, the rest of the matter would be much easier. Without the Soviet Union and the United States, the aid would be much more sincere. Those excessive conditions have all disappeared. Simply put, the aid at this time is simply sending money. Send money to the development of Western European countries and then join forces to fight against the Soviet Union.

  But even this kind of meeting did not go on quietly. France wants to resist the rise of Germany again. The United Kingdom has the same idea, but several countries around Germany have different ideas, although they were also invaded during World War II. , but considering their own close economic ties with Germany, they still hope to promote their own economic prosperity and development by promoting the revival of Germany.

  In addition, these countries have always adhered to two principles. One is that their long-standing trade ties with countries in the Eastern European camp should not be interrupted, and the other is that their neutrality cannot be violated. Britain insists that, given its own special circumstances, it cannot simply be satisfied with receiving aid equal to that of other continental European countries, since such a share of aid is of little real value to Britain.

  On the one hand, the United States vigorously advocated the principle of free trade, and on the other hand, it demanded that Europe unite to build a fortress against the Soviet Union. Under the quarrel, Marshall had to promise European countries that they could organize their plans freely. However, he reminded the Europeans that if the plan was to be implemented, it must go through the U.S. Congress. At this time, although most members of Congress agree with the two principles of free trade and European integration, they are hesitant to invest too many dollars in Germany.

  Under such circumstances, Marshall once again turned his attention to Joseph and the Principality of Nord. In fact, what the United States is most worried about at this time is that the European countries are out of control. Threats, I believe that the EU will find it difficult to really come together.

  This nail is undoubtedly Joseph and his Nord Principality. For this reason, Marshall even firmly proposed to give the Nord Principality 300 million U.S. dollars in aid during the meeting, which is 20% higher than the previous plan.