Chapter 14

The silence of the German worker Kress brought the meeting to an end quickly. Joseph finally chose Andy's proposal to give the old citizens of Nord as much support as possible in terms of welfare policies within three years, such as low-interest loans and lower conditions for becoming a civil servant Wait...

  Joseph doesn't know how much the citizens resist the foreign employment policy, but he knows that the Ragnar family's position in the Nord Duchy has become more and more stable since the citizens' welfare was improved according to Andy's proposal. At the end of July, the first A group of workers came to Nord in a truck, but their identities...

  The study of the Duke of Nord's palace:

  "They are all Germans?"

  "Most of them are Germans, my lord."

  "Kress, are you resisting me?" order?"

  "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, the attraction of Nord is not enough to make British and French workers leave their hometowns. Except for the Germans, most of them are from Eastern Europe. If you are not satisfied..." Kress has not finished

  speaking Joseph smiled, and indeed took it for granted that no matter what, it was impossible for workers from various European countries to come to a small country like Nord. The sudden improvement in mood is naturally not because I understand these things, but because I remembered one thing, a very important thing.

  During World War II, when it comes to the universality of education in various countries, Germany is well-deserved No. 1. Although a large number of scientists who were defeated in Germany were abducted by the United States, even ordinary workers are highly educated in a small country like Nord. Don't forget that Nord has the current educational foundation thanks to the Germans.

  Compared with these German workers, Eastern Europeans do not have much advantages. Of course, if they are tall and fearless, if they can be called highlights, Joseph has nothing to say.

  Joseph was angry before because the Germans were still in trouble at this time, but considering the arrival of a large number of high school and even college students, this trouble is not a big deal.

  He really wanted Cresto to recruit some Germans, but when he opened his mouth, Joseph realized that the other party was not suitable for such a thing. After all, he was French, and his fundamental interests were still biased towards France. Wouldn't you die with regret?

  After waving Kress to step back, Joseph opened the list of the first batch of workers, a dense list of names was displayed in front of Joseph, and Joseph looked over the brief information made by the cabinet.

  Germany: 847, Czechoslovakia: 71, Poland: 159; young and middle-aged (male) 82%, young and middle-aged (female) 18%, illiterate 20%, primary school 8%, middle school 30%, high school 39%, university 3 %.

  Overall, Joseph was still very satisfied, and asked the guards to call James. Joseph was going to recruit a large number of German workers, especially high school students. Regarding this group of people who came to Nord, Joseph has already made plans. Transportation is an important project in the future economy. Joseph has already taken the shares of the Auto Union, and he has no reason to let it go at this time.

  "Your Highness!"

  "One thing, arrange people to go to the Federal Republic of Germany as soon as possible. I need a large number of workers, but keep a low profile and recruit as many high school students as possible, especially young high school students. From Eastern Europe... if someone smuggles, we will accept them. .In addition, separate Audi from the Auto Union, and try to make the Auto Union into a parts processing place."

  James is good at this, and he will not ask about anything. Joseph's order was not very agreeable. In his opinion, it was obviously unwise to attract the attention of Britain and France because of the large number of German workers at this time.

  Joseph ignored the thoughts of James, who was leaving, and spread out a blank sheet of paper. Joseph began to paint and paint. The Marshall Plan has been finalized, and now it depends on the final distribution plan of Congress. It can be seen that Nord will enter a period of rapid development with the aid of the European recovery plan of the United States, so Joseph's next goal is to become a founding member of the European Union and promote the birth of the euro as soon as possible.

  At this time, Europe is still active internationally except for the pound. Even the French franc has become a second-rate currency. If there is no euro, Europe will never have the right to speak. After all, the war is over and the future will be the era when the economy is king.

  Joseph intends to support heavy industry, and the purchase of Auto Union is an important part of heavy industry. It's a pity that the Nord land is too small, and now the Principality of Nord does not have enough funds to reclaim the sea. It is a last resort to separate the Audi brand from the Auto Union.

  The Auto Union is still in Germany, but it will change from a car company to a parts processing alliance, gathering many small parts manufacturers in the old Auto Union location, and fully supplying Audi to assemble finished cars for sale.

  Some people may wonder, with a car company that has begun to decline, can its sales catch up with the assembly? Of course it wouldn't work if it was someone else, but who is Joseph? His greatest ability is not building a company but his vision. Looking at the cars at this time from the perspective of future generations, it is not an exaggeration to describe their appearance as ugly.

  When the beautiful assembly line car is displayed in front of you, will anyone still like such a square-shaped old antique? What's more, the assembly workshop and creative workshop under the construction system will inevitably enable Audi to create a new era of automobiles and a sales miracle.

  The schools in the Principality of Nord have started, and there are not many students, but their grades can be considered top-notch in prestigious universities such as Harvard and Cambridge. It is not that they are smart, but the school in the Principality of Nord gives them 30% Brain development and learning bonus effects.

  In other words, if in other schools, Nord students can easily solve the same question, aura is a common occurrence in the high schools and universities of the Principality of Nord. After graduation, their true level may only be able to serve as assistants in other national laboratories, but with various building bonuses, they are not far behind even those old professors.

  It is because of such effects that Joseph is so confident in the upcoming assembly line workshop and creative workshop of Audi company. The arrival of a large number of workers has reactivated the construction system, and the shipyard is Joseph's first construction project.

  Because he didn't know the difference in the reactivated construction system, Joseph also came to the construction site in person when the shipyard started construction. He was surprised that the steel plates that used to cover the sight of others disappeared, and workers from Eastern Europe were working hard to move the concrete. wait for something.

  Where did these building materials come from, why the workers of the construction company moved so quickly, and why these workers carried hundreds of kilograms of things without any surprises from others, these were all the confusions in Joseph's heart.

  It wasn't until Joseph, the guard who wanted to inquire around him, that he realized that only he could see that the things they were carrying were hundreds of kilograms. The unloaded building materials were born out of thin air...

  In fact, it's not that others can't see them, but these workers are just like you see a passerby who is ordinary in every aspect in a crowded market. I will pay attention, simply put, under the influence of the system, people can ignore their existence, or ignore their actions and weights to the greatest extent.

  It is these workers themselves who only think that they are carrying tens of kilograms when they are carrying hundreds of kilograms. The cargo ship also makes people subconsciously think that it is just returning to the voyage, and they are not interested in research at all, even those who deliberately Pay attention to the intelligence personnel of various countries here.

  Knowing this, Joseph breathed a sigh of relief and at the same time shut down the shipyard project. Now he still needs to give the United States a very mysterious impression of himself, and everything will wait until the assistance of the Marshall Plan is finalized before talking about other things.

  Because of the arrival of a large number of workers, Joseph found a former German Wehrmacht officer from among the Germans. Although he was only a low-level officer at the first level of the company and battalion, it was also very rare for the Nord Guard.

  Joseph made a special case to let him skip the three-year inspection period and directly become a citizen of Nord and serve as the deputy instructor of the Nord Guard. However, it is not yet time to rebuild the Guard, so most of the time the Wehrmacht officer is in charge. Train the guards of the Security Bureau.

  Germany's army ranks first in the world. No one denies it. Under the bonus effect of the training ground, the training of German officers has made the military capabilities of the guards in the Security Bureau rise in a straight line. Even small-scale operations are twice as many elite special forces from various countries. Not their opponents.

  Of course, their biggest flaw is the small number of people. Although the number of guards in the Security Bureau has been increased to a hundred after a new round of Eastern European men, but in other countries, this is only a platoon of troops.