Chapter 15 "Royal Daily News of Nord"

 In early August 1980, news of the European recovery plan came from the United States. Congress approved the total aid of 87 billion U.S. dollars after the reduction by the President of the United States. List.

  Eighty-seven billion U.S. dollars will be given to European countries over three years. In the first year, almost all countries will receive about 40% of the total aid of each country. However, there are some surprises here in the Principality of Nord. The Principality of Nord won not 40% but 60%. In addition, there were trade orders as high as 130 million US dollars.

  The intention of the United States to support the Principality of Nord is obvious. When the French President heard the news, he hurriedly summoned his cabinet members to discuss. No one knew the final result. However, after the meeting that day, Joseph received a call, a special invitation from the French President.

  It is rare for Joseph to refuse this invitation, but this did not arouse the anger of the French president. Not only was there no anger, the resignation report of Kress and other French officials who applied for a period of time was also quickly passed, just after Joseph rejected the invitation of the French president. Kress and several French officials left Nord on the third day.

  This was a silent victory. The Nord Principality really got rid of the influence of France and entered the era of Ragnar III Joseph. On the day the aid was passed in Congress, Joseph restarted the shipyard project.

  Joseph's original intention was to let the United States understand that there is actually nothing mysterious here, but that it was built quietly and secretly. The original North City District was not built overnight, but American satellites have never discovered it. Many times things don't go according to your ideas. For example, at this time, the President of the United States not only did not dispel his suspicion of the Principality of Nord when he heard the news, he even felt that he was covering up something.

  Of course, these have nothing to do with Joseph. The shipyard took nearly 40 days, and on the day of completion, Joseph came to visit the shipyard in person. At this time, he is very different from when he first came to this world. Although he is still an eight-year-old child, he has begun to truly look like a country's royal family.

  Nord Shipyard is located in the northern part of the city and faces England across the sea. It is not that Joseph does not know that the west coast of Nord is suitable for building shipyards, but it is the place Joseph reserved for reclamation. There is no choice but to choose the north.

  More than a dozen guards from the Security Bureau and the person in charge of the shipyard followed behind. When Joseph was enjoying the sea breeze, the person in charge of the shipyard also began to explain the detailed information about the shipyard.

  "Your Highness, the location here is not very good. The shipyard can only build medium-sized cargo ships with a capacity of less than 100,000 tons, but our shipbuilding speed has reached the international leading level. We can build six cargo ships at the same time and deliver them within two months..." the person in

  charge People actually have doubts in their hearts, but in the end he still boils it down to the German workers and shipyard machinery. He can't imagine that this is the rapid construction bonus effect brought by the building itself.

  Nodding Joseph seemed to be satisfied with the construction speed. He stepped forward and walked over. The German workers he met along the way saluted him respectfully. After several months of rest, the panic on the faces of these German workers had disappeared, because the system buildings were all It has the effect of brainwashing, and they agree with the Principality of Nord and the royal family of Ragnar very much.

  "Your Highness, there are currently 678 workers in the shipyard, which is more than half of the full capacity. Prime Minister James..." "

  I will let him arrange that the shipyard cannot stop working. For the next period of time It is very important for the Principality of Nord, Herman has already gone to the UK to discuss foreign trade matters, and with the foreign trade orders from the United States, our ships will be under great pressure." Herman is the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, James has

  been Appointed as the new Prime Minister, although James has no problem with loyalty, he is not even as good as his son Andy in terms of ability, let alone Kress.

  The person in charge of the shipyard understood that Joseph was telling the truth, so he nodded, but he could tell from his appearance that it was difficult, and Joseph could understand it, but in his position, he must not talk more. Basic knowledge.

  After walking around, Joseph couldn't help but think of the data of the Principality of Nord at this time. The population has exceeded 4,000 and is heading towards the 5,000 mark. If there is no accident, the population of the Principality of Nord can reach 8,000 in one month, of course, 6,000 of them will be in the inspection period, and it will take three years before they can become citizens of the Principality of Nord.

  The area occupied by the shipyard is undoubtedly very large, but Joseph did not occupy the land he owned, but chose to automatically fill the sea with the system to forcefully build the Nord Royal Shipyard on the sea.

  In more than a month, more than half of the 30 million loan that Marshall assumed for him had been spent, most of which were used in the South District. At the beginning, Joseph himself set the South District as an industrial zone, and it can be regarded as worthy of the name at this time. .

  The Audi company has moved to the Principality of Nord. Its location is on the border between the northern city and France. The traffic roads have been reorganized by Joseph. The new highway makes the Principality of Nord completely free of land transportation pressure.

  Several assembly line assembly workshops have been built, and a creative office is also in that small factory building. The person in charge of Audi is a German. Joseph, a veteran car operator, once negotiated with him, and he is very interested in his own ideas. The ability is very recognized. I believe that with the several new models provided by Joseph and the quality assurance of Audi itself, it is only a matter of time before it sells well.

  In Nancheng District, there is not only Audi, but also a pharmaceutical factory and a drug research center. The territory of Nord is relatively small, even if there is a reclamation system, it is impossible to develop into territories such as France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. For this reason, the economic center set by Joseph from the beginning is an economy with a small footprint such as medical care, finance, and IT. direction.

  Needless to say about IT for the time being, it is not the time yet. Even if there are companies such as Microsoft and Apple in the United States at this time, Joseph has a construction system with building bonuses in his hands, so he can catch up with or even surpass the other party in a short time at any time.

  Due to the addition of several new factories in Nancheng District and the fact that the shipyard is also a large consumer of electricity, Joseph bought a small island not far from Nord from the French government. Because the area is not very large, it only cost two million US dollars. , and that island is the address of the nuclear power plant that Joseph plans to build.

  Of course, this matter is just a plan now, and the aid from the United States has not yet come. Joseph doesn't want to make excuses for the other party. Fortunately, the new energy center has achieved the results of solar panels after several months of experiments. It can continue to support it.

  At this time, the foreign economy of the Principality of Nord is mainly based on processing. The orders from the United States and the Volkswagen Group are all processing projects. Such projects are highly dependent. Once they no longer give orders, one can imagine how the economy of Nord will be. It plummeted.

  Fortunately, Joseph had already prepared. Now Audi is preparing. If there is no accident, you should see the appearance of finished cars at the end of the year. Joseph can guarantee that a car storm will sweep the whole world at that time.

  Back at the palace, the new butler Abner hurried over with two maids. Don't get me wrong that it's not that something happened, but that Abner will be like this every day.

  Joseph is the Grand Duke of the Nord Principality, the master of the entire principality, he can do whatever he likes, but as his servant, whether it is Abner or the two young maids who are handsome and young, they must always be prepared Serve him. For example, just now, Abner was still reading a book while the two little maids were tidying up the garden. When they heard that Joseph came back, they hurriedly put down their work and ran over to help Joseph change his shoes and clothes.

  "Abner, you don't have to be like this. I can do some things by myself."

  Looking at the two little maids whose faces were slightly flushed because of the trot and Abner who was already out of breath for a long time, Joseph felt a little emotional in his heart He didn't think there was any unfairness. I should pay you to do things like this to serve me. The main reason is that Joseph didn't think it was necessary to be so meticulous, which made him feel a sense of urgency.

  "Your Highness, we are your servants..."

  Well, when the middle-aged housekeeper opened his mouth to Joseph, he just shut up. This uncle is really good at nagging, if it weren't for the fact that the other party is an old man in the palace, loyal to the Ragnar family, and good at handling things. Let him go long ago.

  It was already afternoon, and under the service of the maid, he changed into a lighter robe, and Joseph sat on the sofa in the living room and picked up the newspaper beside him - "Noord Royal Daily".

  "Royal Daily News Nord" is now the only media organization in the Principality of Nord, and the broadcasting company is also under the "Royal Daily News Nord". If there is anything in the Principality of Nord that suffers daily losses, then it is undoubtedly it.

  The main content of the daily is still some government affairs in Europe and the United States. The war has passed, and it is difficult for such a newspaper to open up the situation. Joseph intends to reform but is worried that the situation will get out of control, so he is going to wait until later. After all, "Royal Daily Nord" is an official newspaper and cannot be replaced at will. Entertainment newspapers have also thought about it, but considering the current situation in Europe, he believes that it is not the right time. It is still the best time to wait.

  Most of what the newspaper recorded was about the European recovery plan. In addition, it also talked about the completion of the shipyard today, and Audi's plan to re-sell cars at the end of the year. Because these news were already known, Joseph shook his head and lost interest in continuing to read. .

  Suddenly Joseph looked at the maid who brought the coffee. After all, she was not a professional maid. The little girl was obviously startled by Joseph's look, and her hand trembled and almost dropped the coffee on the floor. It is true that Joseph is just a child, but who in the palace or even the Principality of Nord would dare to really treat him as a child?