Chapter 16 Maid Joanna

Your name is... Joanna?"

  "Yes, yes, Your Highness Joseph."

  Joanna was still a little nervous, she never treated Joseph as a child, from the first day she came to the palace , what the people here instilled in her was the dignity of the upper and lower levels and some deeds of Joseph. YouQi happened to see Joseph get angry twice, and Joanna was deeply impressed by the hideous look on his immature face.

  "You seem to be afraid of me?"

  "No, no."

  With a slight smile Joseph did not tell her lie, picked up the coffee brought by Joanna, Joseph could not help admiring the little girl Miaoman's figure.

  Joanna is Polish, half of her blood is German. She is tall and has dark blue eyes and slender legs. She looks very attractive under the maid outfit, especially her palm-sized face with delicate Face, basically she has the qualifications to be a beauty model.

  Joseph's gaze made Joanna a little uncomfortable. Although she knew that the other party was just an eight-year-old boy and couldn't do anything to her, some things were beyond her control. Her legs gave way and she almost fell to the ground.


  Joanna's face was a little red, and she didn't know why she made such a shameful moan. Could it be because of His Highness's gaze that she felt the thrill of taking off her clothes and standing in front of him?

  "You are fourteen years old this year!"

  Joanna, who was imagining some bad things, was instantly awakened by one sentence. A daze flashed in her beautiful eyes, but the daze quickly disappeared. She nodded her head and said, "I'm just fourteen years old this year." "

  "Your father is an engineer in a shipyard, and your mother is now a teacher at Nord Secondary School?"

  "En" Joanna didn't understand the meaning of Joseph's question, but she still affirmed it honestly.

  "It's okay, let's go down! By the way, I'm not as scary as you imagined, and I won't eat you." Waving Joanna to leave, but when she walked to the door in confusion, the words behind Joseph also

  spread Come on, the speaker didn't mean it but the listener meant it. Joseph was just teasing, but Joanna obviously misunderstood something when he said that you've eaten, which caused Joanna to avoid Joseph for a while.

  I thought today was a rare day of leisure, so Joseph was in the mood to tease his little maid, but who would have thought that James would come in a hurry not long after Joanna left.

  "Your Highness, Minister Herman has returned, and things are going well. Minister Herman has signed processing projects worth more than 30 million pounds, most of which are light industries. Look, Your Highness..." During this period of time, Joseph's mysterious

  James The first-line officials are becoming more and more aware, especially those workshops and shops built by Joseph are very different from those opened by Nord citizens privately. Needless to say, the speed of producing finished products is more than double that of ordinary workshops.

  There are also restaurants. The same chefs cook exquisite dishes in the restaurants sold by Joseph, but they are much more ordinary in other restaurants. Of course, things like this are blocked by James.

  James and other officials didn't think much about it, they thought that Joseph had some mysterious technology in his hands, such as workshops and restaurants, which could actually be attributed to tableware and machinery. In fact, those workers and chefs themselves said, Even if you use the same thing in other places, you will feel almost nothing.

  This time James's arrival is to allow Joseph to build more textile and food processing workshops. As the US trade orders are coming soon, the Principality of Nord wants to complete the orders within the agreed time, so adding a few workshops is essential, and these workshops will also be leased to Nord citizens at a relatively low price.

  It is worth mentioning that the tax statistics for July have been calculated, and the GDP of that month almost reached 4 million US dollars. This is certainly due to the arrival of a large number of media, but Joseph cannot be dissatisfied with such data.

  With the gradual repayment of the loan, one-tenth of the original loan of more than 600,000 US dollars has been repaid. The amount is small, but this is a good start. It is conceivable that Nord's finances will be difficult even if there is no Marshall Plan in a year. It will gradually become correct.

  "Let Andy come over here."

  He called the guard casually and asked him to call Andy. James looked at Joseph with some doubts, not understanding what his son had to do with the things he said.   "Prime Minister James, there may be one thing you don't know very well. Andy helped

  me contact the Chinese ambassador to France a while ago, and we can talk about some things." "Huaxia?" James became more and more confused   . James naturally knew that he respected Joseph's mother from China, but he didn't understand what to discuss with Joseph and the Chinese government. That country is backward and poor, and the Principality of Nord has no roots. What can the two poor countries talk about?   "Your Highness, are you looking for me?"   Joseph didn't answer James' doubts. He didn't ask Andy to explain the matter in detail until Andy arrived. After learning the content of Joseph's negotiation with Huaxia, James froze in place.   "Your Highness, you, you are, you are..."   James was so excited that he couldn't complete his words. After all, Andy was just a college student who had just graduated, and he didn't think too deeply. He just felt that doing so might irritate him The United States simply cannot imagine what this incident will bring to the Principality of Nord.

  "There is no need to say whether this matter is right or wrong. As long as it is not discovered by the United States during transportation, I have my own way to solve the other problems. I guarantee that the United States will not suspect us. But there is one thing I need you to do. Ask China what it needs The specific equipment and the price of the equipment." What

  Joseph actually valued was not the benefits this time, even if a 50% increase in the previously set price would make Joseph earn close to 300 million US dollars, but it is not the same as gaining China's friendship. What is more than these?

  It is estimated that no one would have thought that China would be called the world's factory in more than ten years, and no one would have thought that the food, housing and transportation of most people in the whole world would be marked with the label made in China.

  After the shock just now, James' mood has begun to calm down. Indeed, as Joseph said, as long as there are no problems in transportation, other things are not too important. Nord urgently needs a lot of funds. If the interest really reaches 50%, this matter is still worth doing .

  "I will arrange for people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to go to France for this matter. Your Highness, is there anything else?" The

  cook in the palace can solve small matters, but such decisive matters still need to go to France to discuss with Ambassador Zhang Jianjun in person. Yes, that's why Joseph told James. Andy? Andy can go for the first time, but this time it is better for professionals to go.

  "Now Nord is still short of workers. Although hundreds of German workers come to Nord every month, it is still not enough, far from enough. You go to test the meaning of Ambassador Zhang Jianjun. If it is feasible, sign a labor service of 10,000 people. Contract."

  The Central District is under construction, and Joseph intends to upgrade the low-rent apartments in the North District to ordinary apartments and build a few more buildings, so that the population that can be accommodated in the North District will at least triple, and the South District alone will be able to accommodate With a population of 6,000 to 7,000, the Central District is far larger than the Beicheng District. Once completed, the population will be at least 50,000.

  Of course, this is not the reason why Joseph wants a large population. The real reason is that various workshops, whether it is Audi assembly workshops, textile workshops, ports, and shipyards, still have a large shortage of workers. Ten thousand people are just the foundation and cannot satisfy At this time, the Nord Principality needs workers.

  In particular, Joseph has just built an agricultural laboratory. Genetically modified small farms and high-efficiency pastures are about to be activated. At that time, a large area of ​​reclamation will inevitably be required, and the demand for workers will continue to increase... Once these are completed, Nord Corporation

  Only when the country has stabilized, everyone has housing, food, jobs, living in a garden city, no shortage of food, housing and transportation, and no dependence on foreign countries. At that time, the Principality of Nord is a truly independent country.