Chapter 19 European general agent


  Joseph saw Singola's hesitation, so he hurriedly waved his hand and explained: "Your Highness, just call me Singola. Although I am a few years older than you, but..." "I will call

  you Sit down, Earl Singola!"

  "Um, good."

  I thought Joseph would give in to him, but who would have thought that the final result would be so happy, and Singola, who has been in the political center all day, can see that Joseph He is a person with a strong desire to control.

  There is no rule in the Nord Palace, but today Joseph himself abides by the traditional admonition, and he did not say a word during the meal. Singla is obviously not used to it. He wants to say something but doesn't know how to open his mouth, and remains silent. The atmosphere is condensed in the restaurant.

  When Joseph finished his breakfast, the food in front of Singlar barely moved. Joseph, who had been observing Singlar's demeanor and movements, couldn't help but smile inwardly. It seemed that he overestimated this cousin, and he was just an honest man.

  "I heard from Steward Abner that the reason why my cousin came from Spain this time is because of the grain trade?"

  Joseph's sudden theme made Singola stunned, especially the name of cousin made Singola even more confused. But he quickly realized that he could ignore the name of his cousin and nodded: "Yes, His Majesty the King attaches great importance to Nord's grain trade. Since you know my relationship with you, let me take charge of this time..."

  Although Joseph is just a child, but his identity makes it impossible for anyone to treat him as a real child, especially when he speaks in an orderly manner, which makes it easy for people to ignore his age. That's why Earl Singara kept calling you you you.

  Singola was interrupted by Joseph before he finished speaking, but what Joseph was talking about was not about the grain trade but...

  "Is my cousin doing well in Spain? Look at Nord, although the land is only equivalent to one in Spain. It is a small city, and its population is not even as large as that of a city, but you should be aware of Nord's potential cousin, the Principality of Nord is an important part of the European recovery plan." If the name of the cousin just now made

  Singla He was a little surprised, but at this time Joseph's words really frightened him. Although Singla was a bit greedy, he was not a fool. How could he not know his threat to Joseph? Especially Joseph was young after all, those who knew him well knew that he was an unusual grand duke, but those who were not familiar with him would definitely think that he was young and easy to bully.

  Under such circumstances, if Singora stays in Nord, the result will inevitably be a group of people who are not optimistic about Joseph in a short period of time, which is fatal, because Joseph is not as easy to bully as he shows, etc. Singla poses a threat to Joseph, and he must die.

  Joseph meant to let Singla stay in Nord. If he hadn't met Joseph, he might really agree. Even if he had the opportunity, he might want to touch the real power of the entire Nord.

  But from the moment he stepped into the palace, for some reason, his heart was full of tension, even he himself didn't know why seeing an eight-year-old boy gave him the feeling of meeting the King of Spain, until he came to Joseph. suddenly realized.

  Joseph doesn't show any domineering, but in this position, Joseph himself has the aura of a superior that ordinary people don't have. It can only be said that although Singra has an earl, he lives too common. If it were replaced by any powerful noble in Spain, his performance will not be so unbearable.

  To put it simply, from the very beginning, Singlar did not put himself on the same level as Joseph, and the suppression of the level was fatal, which made Singlar completely passive in contact with Joseph.

  Through these feelings, how can Singlar still feel that this is Joseph really inviting him to stay in Nord? The only thought is whether this is a kind of temptation. If the answer he answers does not match Joseph's ideas, will the other party adopt some extreme behavior?

  Singlar's hesitation was completely seen by Joseph. Although he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, he could probably guess it, and he smiled very satisfied.

  It doesn't matter how to answer next, because hesitation itself represents some things. If Singla answers directly, then whether he says he is willing to stay or not, Joseph will use some extreme methods. The direct answer has two results: either Singella is a real honest person, and the second shows that he acts decisively and unusually.

  It doesn't matter if it's the former one, but if it's the second one, it will inevitably pose a threat to Joseph in the future. Who is Joseph? He has always liked to nip all threats in the bud, and has a personality that would rather kill a mistake than let it go.

  "Cousin, do you have some business in Spain?"

  Changing the subject made Singra no longer have to worry about how to answer the previous words, and said with a sigh of relief: "If some small businesses can promote the grain trade between Nord and Spain, I will It can also make a little profit."

  At this time, Singola's smile was very simple and honest, making people feel that he was not a high-ranking count but an honest businessman. Joseph had always liked such people, so he smiled lightly. Many times, the charm of a smile is endless, and Joseph's smile made the restaurant environment much easier in an instant.

  "Cousin, it is impossible to send food orders to Spain. Don't worry, since you are here, I will not treat you badly. If you have no objections, you will be the general agent of Audi in Europe in the future. How about it?" Audi's general agent in Europe

  ? Singhra naturally knows what Audi is, but he doesn't think a car brand that is beginning to decline will bring him any benefits, and he has never heard that Nord has experience in producing cars.

  Joseph could see Singla's appearance, but he didn't explain. He stood up with a meaningful smile and walked towards the study. Seeing this appearance, Singla also hurriedly let go of the doubts in his heart and followed.

  What followed was some chatting, through which Joseph also knew Singlar's state at this time, he was nearly thirty years old and had been married for ten years. The target is also an aristocrat, but he is generally a member of the declining aristocracy, and he is not even slightly similar to the other party. In any case, Singlar also has more than a hundred thousand dollars in assets left to him by the old earl and some connections from his grandfather's family.

  Singra has a daughter who is about the same age as Joseph and two years older. She is studying at the Women's College in Madrid, Spain. She is a beautiful little girl of English-Spanish blood.

  It didn't take long, and Singella left around 9:00 in the morning. James came to the study shortly after Singora left and reported that diplomatic personnel had been arranged to go to France to contact Ambassador Zhang Jianjun. Singhra.

  "That's Earl Singerla?"

  "Why, James knows him too?" "I met him

  a few years ago. At that time, the old Earl had not passed away. At that time, he sent Nord a hundred thousand dollars."

  All of a sudden . When James talked

  about this matter, Joseph looked at James with a complicated expression. James looked at Joseph with dark blue eyes without flinching. Is it a kind of compensation for you to hand over the European agency rights to him?"

  James is not Singella, he has seen a test product of a new Audi car, and the assembly line-like body and beautiful model made James the first He couldn't forget it at a glance, and he could see the popularity of Audi in the future.

  "Your Highness, you are already eight years old, it's time to think about the princess..."

  What James said made Joseph stunned. Even if he was only nine years old after the new year, at this age, let him think about the princess? James's brain is not confused!

  When Joseph came back to his senses, James had retreated, leaving only Joseph looking at the books in the study room and not knowing what to think.