Chapter 20 Five-Star Hotel

 At the beginning of October, Earl Singla had left the Principality of Nord. Although he left with regret, he didn't know that he had won the biggest golden job.

  The reports of various departments in September have been condensed on Joseph's desk. Looking at the suggestions, requests for approval, and gaps in workers, Joseph couldn't help but have a headache.

  Looking at the cabinet members below in the palace conference room, Joseph rubbed his head and asked: "The fruit trees have been planted, but the damage rate is very high. Do you have any good suggestions for this matter?

  " It is related to Nord's morality at this time. In Joseph's eyes, the economy is second, and the morality of a country is the most important. Making money and being a man is undoubtedly the latter choice for Joseph.

  "Increase the amount of compensation?"

  Since the French left, the Principality of Nord has cut a lot of parts, so all departments are very busy now. For example, the matter of planting trees was finally assigned to the police department.

  The one who spoke was the chief of the Nord North District Police Department. The police station is an important department in Nord. It is not only responsible for public security and fire, but also supervises urban management, tree planting and other things. This middle-aged chief is really hardworking.

  "You, the police station, can handle this matter on your own. I just want the result. I only hope that when I go out next time, I will see the ethical and orderly picking in the Principality of Nord, instead of the random destruction like this now." Wipe

  it There was no sweat on his forehead, and the chief of the North District Police Department hurriedly replied: "Understood, I understand!"

  Seeing that the matter came to an end, James said: "Your Highness, we have a lot of guests in Nord recently, you Do you want to build a better hotel?"

  The guests are not tourists. Here I want to talk about Joseph's shamelessness. Since the last time the media from various countries came, Joseph saw the importance of this group of foreigners to the Nord economy. Therefore, taking advantage of the announcement of the European recovery plan, he arranged for people to release the trail. According to the news, Nord is preparing for a major construction project.

  Such news attracted builders from all over the world. The hotel that Joseph built was overcrowded every day. James saw all this, so he proposed.

  "Well, I will arrange for people to do this, and it would be good to have more entertainment industries."

  Nord can't help gambling. In fact, this is normal. The gambling industry is quite profitable, and the most important thing is that it will not occupy too much A large amount of land is really a must for a small country.

  "Your Highness, as of now, the total savings of Nord Royal Bank is three million U.S. dollars, most of which are loans of thirty-eight million U.S. dollars, but most of the assets are in good condition now." September Nord

  Principality The country's GDP is 9 million U.S. dollars, which is nearly double that of the Nord Principality's economy in July. This result makes Joseph very satisfied.

  "I remember that when the North District was just under construction, I warned Prime Minister Kress and told him that if the economy of the North District did not improve by the end of the year, I would never spare him. Now the economy of the North District is good, but it is a pity that our Prime Minister Kress But I can't see these anymore."

  No one responded to Joseph's ridicule. In the Principality of Nord, the word Kress is actually a taboo. Although Joseph won this war, the victory is only temporary. After all, Kress Sri Lanka is not the real enemy, the real enemy is France.

  In fact, the Principality of Nord has no territorial disputes with France, but the Principality of Nord is too small and France is too powerful. It feels awkward if you don't step on a small ant next to it. If one day the ant grows up, then the two may be separated. able to live in peace.

  Seeing that no one spoke, Joseph had no choice but to change the subject to resolve his embarrassment. He happened to see the Paris Daily on the desktop talking about China, and began to ask James about the result of arranging people to go to France.

  "The preliminary intention has been negotiated, but Huaxia said that they can't come up with so much money for the time being. If they can, they are willing to exchange resources or other things." "


  " The first batch was 8,000 people, the second batch was 6,000 people, and the third batch was 9,000 people. We signed 23,000 people, most of whom are male youths."

  Joseph nodded his head on the matter . Obviously very satisfied, he didn't ask about the education level of this group of people, it must be inferior to German workers, but I believe it is still much better than Eastern Europe.

  "In terms of nationality, what does Huaxia say?"

  "Ambassador Zhang Jianjun's answer is that Huaxia is a free country, and how to choose is a citizen's own right, and they don't care too much." This is

  actually the default, and Joseph is more and more satisfied.

  "Now that the population of Nord is close to 10,000, the housing in the northern city is starting to be a little tight. The apartments in the central district can stop for a while, and build a living park in the industrial area as soon as possible. The coming Huaxia workers can be arranged there first."

  Nord The president of the Royal Group understood that this sentence was meant for himself, so he nodded and said that there is no problem. Although it is difficult to build a large living area for 10,000 people in three months, he believes in the speed of his construction company.

  "If you have nothing else to do, let's end the meeting! James, tell Huaxia that you can exchange it with other things, but we don't need resources, and the part that can't be used can be filled with shares."

  James obviously didn't agree with what Joseph said, and wanted to persuade him, but seeing Joseph's firm eyes and the worried eyes of the cabinet members around him, he couldn't help but shut up and nod. Since the last incident in the House of Representatives, Joseph has obviously had a great influence on him. Opinion.

  Leaving the meeting room with the black-clothed guards, the cabinet members who stayed in the meeting room became silent. After a long time... "Do   what your Highness ordered as

  soon as possible!"

The situation in the East is not clear, if it is as it is in the legend..."

  "I believe in His Highness's vision."

  "Okay! I will follow your opinion."


  After a while, the content about him leaving the meeting room was transmitted to Joseph To this, Joseph just smiled and did not answer, but the maid Joanna and the housekeeper Abner could tell that Joseph was very happy today.

  An order, a five-star hotel was included in the construction list of the construction company, the location is not far from the beach, and it is the only place where Joseph will not reclaim the sea in the future.

  Joseph has always been very hesitant, because the reclamation has prevented many projects from being carried out, and he is afraid that the buildings built at that time will lose their original environment due to reclamation.

  For example, a five-star hotel is close to the beach and a small forest is built. In this environment, a five-star hotel is a five-star hotel, but after reclamation, it is surrounded by various buildings. What else does it have? Are you qualified to have a name like a five-star hotel?

  Don't worry now, Joseph has already figured out that there will be no all-round reclamation in the future, at least the mainland will not increase in size, Joseph will build a large island not far from the mainland, and some heavy industries and agriculture will be placed there. The native land is still mainly based on life.

  Only building a five-star hotel naturally cannot meet the needs of the Principality of Nord. Casinos, golf courses, yacht clubs, and luxury stores are all the focus of the future of Nord. However, due to the lack of funds, what Joseph can now provide is only enough for the construction of a casino.

  A five-star hotel is not a building like an apartment, plus a series of supporting facilities, the construction cost of 2 million dollars can be said to be the most expensive construction cost that Joseph paid out, and the casino is not cheap, the construction cost of 800,000 dollars It also made Joseph heartbroken.

  Fortunately, Joseph thought about the rewards they brought back, and the pain in his heart eased a little. There is a good saying, he is reluctant to let the child not be caught by the wolf, and now Joseph has such a mentality.