Chapter 22 Cabinet Reorganization

 "The communication industry is the mainstream in the future. I wonder if Mr. Li agrees with this?"

  "His Royal Highness Joseph means to adopt a joint venture?"

  Mr. Li couldn't help frowning while speaking. Joseph understood the reason for his frown, and the importance of the communication industry goes without saying. And Yu, Joseph is an outsider anyway, how can such an important industry allow outsiders to hold shares?

  "Perhaps Mr. Li misunderstood me. The joint venture is correct, but I am not prepared to participate in the operation. I only reserve the rights of dividends and supervision for Huaxia." "Only the rights of dividends and supervision?" "Yes, as


  as Dividend rights and supervision rights."

  "If this is the case, then there is still talk." Li Laoru thought, but he didn't show it on the surface, but he was still frowning and thinking, but at this time he was pretending, the purpose was to Take the initiative in the next negotiation.

  "A complete set of communication equipment, 60% dividend shares."

  "No, absolutely not."

  As soon as Joseph finished speaking, Mr. Li's face changed drastically. If his body didn't allow it, Joseph even suspected that he would jump up. Of course, only Mr. Li knows whether these are pretentious. After all, the purpose of both parties is to improve their own interests.

  Elder Li knows how to act, and Joseph also knows how to act. He frowned: "Huaxia only provides the land and workers, and the technology and equipment are all borne by Nord. Sixty percent is not a lot..."

  Joseph's words made Mr. Li helplessly smile, but he forgot Joseph's age, he can act and play tricks! If it goes on like this, it is estimated that we will not be able to talk for a month. It would be better to have a good time than to procrastinate like that.

  "His Royal Highness Joseph, I believe you are aware of China's national conditions. Our government holding shares is out of the question. Let me say a sincere opinion. You retain 30% of the shares, including the next industry. We will follow this How about the distribution plan?"

  "No problem!"

  Mr. Li was ready for Joseph to continue pestering him, but who knew that Joseph would agree without hesitation, probably Mr. Li himself didn't know that, twenty years later It is this telecommunications industry that has brought hundreds of times of income to Joseph.

  With Mr. Li's words, the next step is much simpler, Novartis Joint Venture Automobile Co., Ltd., Novartis Joint Venture Steel Co., Ltd., and Huaxia Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Due to special reasons in the petrochemical industry, Joseph only holds 7.8% of the shares, and it is a shareholding rather than a joint venture. After all, it is an industry related to resources, and Joseph does not dare to go too far.

  In addition to the shares in these companies, Nord will also receive $130 million in cash and a 2.4 percent stake in China Construction Bank.

  In terms of money alone, Joseph would not be able to buy these shares even if he had twice as much cash. However, in terms of value, Huaxia did not suffer a loss. After all, they got the precision machinery that they urgently needed now, which no amount of money could buy.

  Without the prospects of these companies, Nord would even be at a disadvantage. After all, he has taken considerable risks in these matters. If he is not careful...Touch! Everything was reduced to ashes.

  Under the propaganda of the United States, Huaxia is already very scary, which makes no one dare to set foot in the East easily. Although everything cannot be announced now, Joseph's behavior is obviously a manifestation of his recognition of the Huaxia market, and he will reveal it a little later. The potential value brought by the transaction will be beyond imagination.

  Taking all aspects into consideration, this is the result of Mr. Li's willingness to agree. After drinking tea, having a meal, and things settled down, Mr. Li quietly left the Principality of Nord and prepared to go to France to take a plane back to China.

  The cooperation with Huaxia has come to an end for the time being. Now Joseph is mainly concerned about the global sales of Audi and the reshuffle of the cabinet. In addition, the first batch of Huaxia workers is coming, and Joseph must be prepared.

  At this time, the population of the Principality of Nord has exceeded 10,000, and the rapid growth of the population has caused the security of Nord to drop by at least ten percentage points. For this reason, Joseph severely reprimanded the head of the Nord Police Headquarters, and passed the request for additional police officers in the police station. .

  Nord Palace Conference Room:

  "After the reorganization, the cabinet of the Principality of Nord will have eight ministerial units, the Ministry of Health responsible for medical care, epidemic prevention, and environment; the Ministry of Education for schools and culture; the Ministry of Finance for tariffs and statistics; the Ministry of Commerce for construction and investment. the Ministry of Civil Affairs for people's livelihood, agriculture, and human resettlement; the Ministry of Justice for public security, fire protection, and riots; the Ministry of Communications and Media for Propaganda; and the only Ministry of Foreign

  Affairs ." Appointment, but the personnel must be decided by the list submitted by the House of Commons, and the House of Lords has the right to supervise and veto the appointment." "

  Officials below the ministerial level are approved by the House of Commons, and the House of Lords has the right to veto the appointment." "

  The prime minister's term of office is five years, except Obtained by the Grand Duke, otherwise they cannot be re-elected. In addition, the Grand Duke has the right to remove the Prime Minister of the Cabinet and dissolve the Cabinet and the Upper and Lower Houses at will." "The members of the Nord Royal House of Commons are elected by the citizens, and the number is 108; the members of the Upper House are appointed by the Grand Duke, and the number is

  36 ;The House of Commons has the power of freedom of public opinion, personnel, and supervision of administrative officials; the House of Lords has the legislative power and has the right to veto all bills passed by the House of Commons." When James read out a sentence, the current cabinet members could not

  help Looking at Joseph, they all understand that the era that truly belongs to Joseph is coming.

  "The level of incorruptibility of a country represents its future direction. I propose to increase the salaries of current public servants, especially the police, at least three times." At this time, the annual salary of Nord citizens is about $700, compared to

  China It is more than double, but compared with the United States, it is far inferior. Fortunately, Nord has a small population and it is easier to increase per capita income.

  The salary of civil servants is about $100 higher than that of ordinary Nord citizens. Now Joseph wants to increase their salaries, especially the three times the salary of the police. It can be said that the salary of the Nord police under the high salary policy must be close to the per capita income of the United States. In Europe, it is Can be ranked in the top three.

  The meeting room is full of officials, and they will naturally not refuse such a good thing, especially the chief of the Police Headquarters, who is about to serve as the Minister of Justice, and he is naturally overjoyed to bring such good news to his subordinates before taking office.

  "I don't know if you have heard of the Qin State?"

  "The Western Roman Empire?"

  "No, it is the Qin State in the east."

  "The Warring States Period in China?"

  The minister of the Ministry of Education spoke. He had already given the answer while the other ministers were confused, and Joseph nodded to him to indicate that he was right.

  "Qin Shihuang's strict laws make him a tyrant, and Nord is not effective just by maintaining integrity. Prime Minister James, I hope that in the next few years, the Penal Code of the Principality of Nord will be doubled, especially against officials. Incorruptible, the penalty is at least five times."

  After all, the West claims to be a civilized country, and Joseph can't commit public outrage and murder. The only thing he can do is to increase the chance of the death penalty. Only when the gain is not proportional to the effort can he strangle domestic officials bad thoughts.

  One sweet date and one big stick, such a simple and effective policy made the officials of the Principality of Nord tremble inwardly, and their eyes on Joseph became complicated.

  The meeting was dispersed under such circumstances. When they left, the cabinet members were no longer as relaxed as before. They could see that Joseph was not joking, and the murderous intent in his eyes was not even concealed in the slightest.

  James is the one with the most complicated heart at this time. He is very happy to see Joseph grow up slowly, but he doesn't quite agree with Joseph's policies, because he knows what the end of Tyranny is, and the harsh The law itself is unpopular behavior.

  However, he did not dissuade him and did not dare to dissuade him. Years of experience made James see that Joseph understood the consequences of doing so, but since he knew and still did it, it can only be said that Joseph had already prepared for the worst.