Chapter 23 Nord Law

"Nord Law: Robbery, theft, gang fights, harassment of women... Kill without mercy!" "Nord Law : Official corruption, illegal embezzlement of funds... Kill without   forgiveness !"

German law: All Nord citizens can enjoy a full-body examination every year!"

  "Nord law: Nord citizens must go to school when they reach the age of seven, and parents who disobey will be detained for ten days and fined $3.000." "

  Nord law: Nord citizens can receive $500 for each child they have."

  "Nord law: families with an annual income of less than $1,000 and a population of more than 4 can receive government subsidies every year, and the amount of subsidies depends on the actual situation." …


  reshuffle After that, a series of laws were promulgated, especially the judiciary. It can be said that after the promulgation, the Principality of Nord will only have two types of public security detention and the death penalty.

  What should we do if there is an unjust case under such a strict law? If the population of Nord exceeds 100,000 at this time, Joseph will naturally not dare to do so, but now the overall population of Nord is only more than 10,000. Under such circumstances, if there are still unjust cases, Joseph can remove the entire cabinet members.

  Joseph's purpose is not to make Nord no crime, his real purpose is to cultivate Nord's moral system, and he dare not say anything at night, but it can also be considered as a good moral foundation for future immigrants, so that Nord's crime rate can reach the lowest in the world .

  As for the following laws and regulations, it is still the old rules. Repression belongs to suppression, but the candies also need to be given enough, otherwise the Nord citizens will really gather to march against Joseph's tyranny.

  For these upcoming laws, especially the first two, Joseph allowed the Nord Police Department to recruit a squadron of 60 special police members, with the purpose of strengthening the law and order of the Principality of Nord and responding to possible riots.

  In fact, Joseph was a little worried. The loyalty of the old Nord citizens was beyond Joseph's imagination, especially he also gave enough benefits, medical insurance and living allowances, so that the Nord citizens not only did not reduce their support for the Ragnar family because of strict laws. , and even added a point, full of praise for Joseph.

  migrant? German workers dare to speak, now they are a bunch of bereaved dogs; Eastern European workers? Compared with the Great Cleansing of the Soviet Union, the Principality of Nord is already a paradise; Chinese workers? If there is a nation in the world that is most adaptable to the environment and most resistant to stress, then it is undoubtedly the Chinese... Of course, the most important thing is that Joseph enforced

  such a strict law after giving them a good life. Wish you lived in a safe country? Therefore, these workers who are not Nord citizens not only have no intention of leaving, but even prefer to stay here.

  Such a situation was obviously unexpected to Joseph. When Joanna whispered what she heard on the street, Joseph even felt a little demented. During this period of getting along, Joanna was not too afraid of Joseph, so she dared not tell jokes, and the housekeeper Abner did not allow her to be so presumptuous.

  Compared with Joanna's other maid, the fate is much worse. Although she is now the first maid of the palace, compared with Joanna's personal maid, it is conceivable that she is more important than Joanna.

  "So, the streets are full of praises for me now?"

  "Yes! There are praises for Your Highness everywhere!"

  After all, Joanna was still a little girl, and she looked at Joseph with admiration while speaking, and her gaze unexpectedly Joseph, who was indifferent to the presidents of all countries, was a little embarrassed.

  God obviously did not give Joseph a chance to increase his relationship with the maid. Just as he was about to talk about some things in life, a guard hurried in and reported: "Your Highness, Prime Minister James wants to see you." The anxiety of the guards made Joseph uneasy

  . Daring to be negligent, he nodded his head to let James come in, glanced at Joanna, and Shi Yili turned and left with great interest.

  "Your Highness, the aid from the United States has arrived at the port. What should we do next?"

  I thought it was a bad thing, but James, who hurried in, brought such news. The excited Joseph almost stood up. Get up and applaud.

  "Proceed according to the previous plan! Let Smith come over."

  Smith: The current member of the Nord cabinet and Minister of Commerce, Smith's father was once the personal guard of Ragnar I, and an absolute loyalist of the Ragnar family. .

  While talking to James, Joseph also pressed the button on the side of the table. A bell rang and two guards walked in. After ordering them to call Smith, he waved at James to signal him to do something.

  "TV station: $50.000, signal range 100 kilometers, time 15 days."

  After James left, Joseph looked at the details of the TV station and couldn't help but nodded. Fifteen days is acceptable, and Abner glanced at the door and said: " Call the construction company and tell the construction company that the TV station project has started."

  Abner hurriedly left without saying a word, looking at the somewhat aged back Joseph couldn't help but sigh, there are still too few people available at home! In the emotion of Joseph, Smith came to the palace soon, after all, Joseph summoned him and dared not slack off in the slightest.

  "The TV station's affairs should be put into operation as soon as possible. In addition, the national call must be completed as soon as possible. The Propaganda Department has been cancelled, and your Commerce Department has to take responsibility." Minister of Commerce Smith did not dare to complain, so he could only keep nodding and repeat Joseph's words

  . Keep all the sentences firmly in my heart, and at the same time, I am planning for the TV station and the national call.

  The Propaganda Department was originally one of the eight cabinet ministries, but James suggested over and over again that the Propaganda Department should be merged into the Commerce Department. After all, it is far more convenient for the media and communication industry to operate in the form of a company than a national unit. Joseph agreed with James. Proposal, that's why Smith's arrival today.

  Among the first batch of equipment that the United States arrived, there were communication-related things, so Joseph seized the time to start the TV station project, the purpose of which was to show the United States that we have used your aid, and that China's affairs have nothing to do with us.

  "Your Highness, Audi will hold a press conference in seven days. You..."

  It was already December, and the launch of Audi's new models was imminent. Smith said this at this time to ask Joseph if he would like to go there, The second is to show that I am not idle and that I really have a lot of things in my hands.

  Joseph also understood Smith's meaning, and he also felt that he was indeed a little too much, so many things were on Smith's head. However, it is impossible for him to take back his decision after realizing it. After all, he is the ruler of Nord, and there is absolutely no reason to take back what he said. Smith is also aware of this, the purpose of his opening is actually to let Joseph see his hard work, nothing more.

  "I have a guest on Christmas day. You, the commercial department, can handle it yourself at the press conference!"

  It's not an evasion and there is no need to evade it. Joseph really has something to do that day, and his cousin, Earl Singara, will He brought his wife, daughter and brother-in-law to Nord to spend Christmas with Joseph.

  Smith didn't ask too much, and left after getting the result. Joseph himself was actually a little strange. Singla hadn't contacted him for so many years, but now he ran so hard at this moment, and even wanted to spend Christmas with him. Shaking his head, Joseph was really a little puzzled.

  When Joseph was puzzled, Singola, who was far away in Spain, was also explaining the reason for her daughter to go to Nord. The little guy's twittering made Count Singola a little annoyed.

  "Father, are we really going to the Principality of Nord?"

  "Yes, baby!"

  "Then Father, Joseph is really my uncle? I heard he is one year younger than me!"

  "Salma, you should know that in many cases, age cannot be used to describe seniority. For example, your Uncle Agata is only a few years older than you." "Hmph, is he my
