Chapter 24 The Miracle of Christmas Sales

Christmas, December 25, 1980

  "This is the Principality of Nord? What a beautiful beach!"

  In the port of Nord, the laughter of the little girl resounded on a Spanish passenger ship, but there will be different voices mixed in at any time , such as at this time...

  "It's just a pile of broken sand, what's so beautiful."

  "Agata, shut up!"

  "Salma, you are not allowed to talk to your uncle like this!"

  "He is not my uncle Huh!"

  This group of people is naturally Joseph's cousin, Earl Singola's family, and of course there is one more wife and brother of his, Mr. Agata, the fallen baron from Spain.

  "Welcome to Nord, respected Earl Singerra!"

  There were three black Audis parked on the port. The beautiful models successfully attracted the attention of tourists on the port, but the men in black around the vehicles blocked their approach, so they could only Not far away, he pointed and showed envy.

  Joseph did not come, which made Singla a little disappointed, but seeing the beautiful Audi, Singlar completely forgot the disappointment in his heart, and warmly embraced the housekeeper Abner, but his eyes completely fell on Audi not far away.

  This time, he came to Nord because of Audi. Originally, he thought that the general agent in Europe was just a reason for Joseph to dismiss him at will, but who would have thought...

  Earl Singla still can't forget when Audi company mailed several new Audi models. The comfortable assembly line body, beautiful silver white, bright red and black made him sleepless all night.

  As a businessman, Earl Singella understood what the European general agent meant. Not to mention, each car has a profit of $100, so the whole of Europe can absorb at least 100,000 cars. How much is 100,000 cars? That's a full ten million dollars!

  Of course, it will take at least a year or even more than a year for the ten million dollars to arrive, but so what? You must know that all the assets of Earl Singara before added up to only tens of thousands of dollars, and most of them were fixed assets.

  From that moment on, Singella understood one thing, that is to hold Joseph's thigh tightly, because this will bring him a thousand times, ten thousand times the benefits. Of course, he still needs to pay attention to one thing, that is, he must not make Joseph feel that he is threatening, even in the slightest.

  Perhaps it was the black-clothed guards who frightened Agata and Salma. Since they disembarked, the two did not continue to quarrel, and quietly followed Singora and his wife into the car and headed for the palace.

  Along the way, Salma blinked her curious eyes and looked out of the window. The red roads of unknown materials, neat and beautiful apartments, casual pedestrians, fruit trees on both sides of road benches, cleaning workers, taxis, and buses flashed from time to time. Let Salma like it here for the first time.

  Although the first batch of college students have not yet graduated, the works of the fashion design department have begun to be displayed on the streets. Fashion is the endorsement of Beicheng District at this time. At least Salma has never seen such beautiful clothes. She's an ugly duckling compared to her fellow citizens, even though she's pretty.

  Clothes can bring people confidence, and this is the case for Nord citizens at this time. Even the workers who have just arrived and have not yet become a member of the Principality of Nord, they will unconsciously show pride and arrogance when facing tourists. Because compared with them who are glamorous, tourists from all over the world are soil turtles.

  According to the new data in November, 30% of the economy of the Principality of Nord comes from clothing, and this figure is rising rapidly. A large number of designers and clothing manufacturers from various countries have come to Nord, and Nord has replaced Paris for a while. Signs of becoming a fashion capital.

  The Duke clock, seeing the signboard not far away, Salma even couldn't help shouting softly, not for anything else, because there was a Duke's daughter in their school wearing a watch of this brand. It is said that the purchase cost a full $30,000 at that time. That's a lot of money at this point, especially in Europe.

  With the take-off of Nord's economy, various luxury goods began to appear in Nord's commercial street, but now they are only showing signs, such as Duke clocks and watches, and only a small part of various clothing has been spread outside. Joseph plans to After that, a Nord Royal Avenue will be built in the central area, which is the paradise of real luxury.

  Of course, Joseph does not deny that this is an imitation of Avenue de Champs-Elysees in Paris, but what is imitation? If the reputation of the luxury avenue of the Nord Royal Road is higher than that of the Champs Elysees, then the word imitation may not be convenient for Joseph.

  Salma told her relatives what she knew, and it really aroused Countess Singara's little surprise, but Agata, who has always been very proud, couldn't help flashing a look of surprise in his eyes, maybe he couldn't imagine a Why did a small country that was not well-known a few years ago have such a big change at this time.

  Earl Singola was also surprised, but after being surprised, he became more determined in his inner decision. He must hug Joseph's thigh tightly, and he even saw the scene of Joseph standing on the pinnacle of Europe in a trance.

  Not long after, the vehicle drove into the palace, had seen the Nord street outside, and saw the ordinary palace at this time, such a strong contrast obviously made Singlar and his party a little unaccustomed.

  "Lord Earl, His Highness is still in Nancheng District. You have had lunch with Madam first, and someone will accompany you to watch it. His Highness will come back to have dinner with you in the evening."

  Butler Abner explained Joseph's whereabouts in detail, but even so, the Countess still felt that Joseph was a little rude. After all, she said that Singla was Joseph's cousin, so there was no reason to leave the guests aside and ignore them.

  Earl Singola also found his wife's displeasure, but he unexpectedly waited for her instead of fooling around with her. The Countess is also a smart person, thinking of everything she saw on the road, her mind gradually calmed down.

  Salma didn't feel anything, and was very happy to see the flowers and plants around the palace. In comparison, Agata, who was more mature, had completely different thoughts from others. He envied Joseph's power and could be himself as he wanted. Not only that, but other people have to adapt to him. This kind of power undoubtedly fascinated Agata.

  What is Joseph doing now? In the office building of Audi company, Joseph sat on the president's office chair and waited for the sales situation in major cities in Europe and America. At this time, Audi company can be regarded as the only heavy industry core of Nord, and Joseph could not ignore it.

  Times Square neighborhood in Manhattan, New York:

  "What kind of car is this, so beautiful!"

  "Audi A1, $13.000, the price is so expensive!"

  "Audi, the Nord Principality, is the country where the eight-year-old boy is the ruler?

  " Signed with the United States to lease many streets in the United States as temporary exhibition venues, this unique exhibition has not been destroyed by the police, but if it is not for the beautiful new vehicles, I believe this crowded street will attract quite a lot of complaints .

  It is not easy for Audi to go to the United States for sale. Where is the United States? It is a country controlled by consortiums. The arrival of Audi is equivalent to infringing on the interests of some local consortiums. It is strange that they do not secretly sabotage.

  In fact, this is also Joseph's luck. Behind the current president are chemical businessmen. They have a certain competitive relationship with consortiums such as General Motors and Ford. In particular, Joseph's profit sharing has been recognized by a group of grassroots sellers, which is why Audi entered the United States. Opportunity.

  Of course, the most important thing is that giants like Ford and General Motors ignored it. They didn't expect Audi to be so popular, directly squeezing out more than 30% of their market share.

  In just a few hours, the 60,000 Audi A1 stocks in more than 100 cities in the United States were sold out, which can indicate that a new era of transportation is coming, and a new era in appearance.

  40,000 vehicles in European countries and 60,000 vehicles in the United States. In just over half a day, 100,000 vehicles have been sold out. Audi's collection rate has reached 800 (million U.S. dollars), excluding 60% of labor and materials. Fees, net profit reached 320 (millions of dollars).

  There is a lot of money, but Joseph can only watch and can't move. Heavy industry is undoubtedly the industry that has the most funds. Next, Audi will increase its annual production in an all-round way. These profits are only enough for labor and half of the cost of materials, and the rest is not on credit. It is a loan from various countries, but I believe that with the sales volume this time, no bank will foolishly refuse.