Chapter 25 Marriage Planning

When all countries in the world were disturbed by the sale of the Audi A1, Joseph had already returned to the palace. After all, today was Christmas, the most important festival in Europe and America. There was no reason for Joseph to stay outside. Of course, Joseph would never admit that Earl Singella was also responsible for it, even if it would be very rude if he didn't go back.

  On Joseph's return journey, Singla was already extremely excited, because the person he had arranged to inquire about the sales of the Audi A1 had already spoken to him on the phone, and the 8,000 Audi A1s in Spain were sold out within three hours.

  This is just a trial operation, and its purpose is to give confidence to the dealers who are still hesitating. Earl Singer is not very clear about the mood of other dealers at this time, but he understands his mentality at this time as the general agent in Europe. Apart from excitement, maybe there is no other word to describe his mood at this time.

  "Your Majesty, Madam, Your Highness is on his way back, maybe you should prepare."

  At this moment, the butler Abner stepped forward to stop Earl Singella's agitation. It is obviously not suitable to meet Joseph in this state, and he also understands At this point, Singla suppressed the excitement in his heart and nodded to Abner to express his gratitude.

  Salma didn't know that the preparation Abner said was to calm Earl Singla's inner excitement, so she said very dissatisfied: "We are not guests? Why do you need us to make preparations." What Salma didn't expect was that

  , As soon as these words were spoken, Earl Singla, who used to love him so much, reprimanded him: "Salma, you should remember that His Royal Highness Joseph is not only your uncle, but also the Grand Duke of the Principality of Nord. You should give him some respect." respect."

  Salma had never seen the stern-faced Earl Singola. Although she was very unconvinced, her inner cowardice prevented her from speaking casually. The grievance made her eye circles a little red, and at the same time she kept cursing Joseph in her heart. .

  The relationship between Agata and Salma has obviously been bad, but it's not good. In Agata's heart, he can quarrel with Salma, but others can't. For this reason, he also hates Joseph.

  Earl Singola didn't know what the two little guys were thinking. After finishing his clothes, he walked out of the guest room with the Countess who also understood the importance of this matter and went to the door to welcome Joseph.

  There are three Audi A1s at the front and back, and a silver Rolls-Royce Phantom series touring car in the middle. This kind of fleet makes Salma and Agata, who are not very knowledgeable, look sideways. , my cousin's travel lineup is really more and more in line with his identity.

  More than a dozen Eastern European guards in black and sunglasses quickly stood up and looked around. Their big arms and round waists indicated their extraordinary strength. The look in Agata's eyes became more and more serious. He longed for himself to be like this in the future...

  Sha Erma had a different idea from Agata's. She wanted to embarrass Joseph on the way to the door, but she hadn't seen anyone yet. The lineup alone made Salma a little scared, and she didn't dare to act recklessly. .

  "Haha, cousin, I didn't expect you to come so early."

  "Your Highness Joseph, this is my wife Elena, this is Salma, and this is Agata."

  "Your Highness, good afternoon."

  At this time, Salma didn't look naughty in the slightest. She followed her mother and saluted Joseph obediently. Although Agata on the side didn't speak, she also saluted.

  "They're all on our own, there's no need to be so polite, cousin, how do you feel at this moment?"

  With a laugh, Joseph and Singlar joked and walked towards the palace. Singlar deliberately lagged behind and followed behind. Seeing this, Joseph nodded in secret satisfaction.

  "I didn't expect you, Joseph, to give you such a big gift. The general agent of Audi A1 in Europe has an annual profit of at least tens of millions of dollars. I..." "

  Cousin, I actually have something to ask for."

  Joseph interrupted Singla couldn't help being taken aback. Although Nord is still a small country, Joseph already has great prestige in Europe. I believe there should be few things that can stump him, especially how can he do what Joseph can't do?

  "Although grandpa founded the Principality of Nord, our Ragnar family's connections in Europe are not very strong. If possible, I hope cousin you can deepen your contact with the King of Spain. A family cannot gain a foothold with money alone. Connections are everything."

  This is what Joseph thought of the princess mentioned by James a few days ago, why can the European nobles always stand at the top? Wealth is the foundation but not the core. Networks are the real reason for their current status. For example, the Napoleon family, although they have lost the throne, their descendants still live well.

  The meaning of Joseph's words was quickly understood by Earl Singella, but he also had his own difficulties. He only had one daughter, and he used his daughter to marry the Spanish royal family? It's not a question of not being worthy. With Joseph here, I believe the King of Spain is also willing to facilitate this marriage.


  the current king of Spain is over 60 years old, and his son is also over 30 years old, and his descendants have no male heirs. Singra is not so thick-skinned as to let Salma marry someone who is over 20 years older than her. of young and middle-aged people. Even if the Crown Prince of Spain is single at this time.

  Singlar's hesitation was completely noticed by Joseph, but he didn't speak. The countess also heard the meaning of Joseph's words, so she couldn't help but look at her daughter worriedly.

  When he came to the living room, Joseph asked about Agata's situation. Agata had a bad feeling for Joseph, especially when he heard that Joseph wanted Salma to marry the Spanish crown prince, he was almost angry with Joseph. hostile. But Agata is not a fool. He understands whose territory this is, but suppresses his inner anger to the bottom of his heart.

  In a trance, Earl Singola seemed to understand something. Could Joseph know the situation of the Spanish royal family? Maybe they are not prepared to let their daughter marry the Spanish crown prince at all, and his goal is his wife and brother Agata.

  Thinking of Earl Singra's spirit, yes, it must be Agata and not Salma. At this time, the situation in Spain is a bit complicated, and there are signs of being rejected by Western Europe. Naturally, Joseph cannot go too far with the Spanish royal family at this time. Recently, as the first in line heir of the Ragnar family, it would be inappropriate for him to marry Salma. In comparison, Agata has nothing to do with it.

  Winking at his wife, regardless of whether his wife understood it or not, Singola hurriedly intervened in Joseph's inquiry and said, "Agata, I heard you said last time that Princess Belén has a good relationship with you?"

  Have a good relationship with Princess Belén? Earl Singola's words made Agata stunned. When did I have a good relationship with Princess Belén? Well, it was Salma. I just went out to play with them once.

  Agata's face was full of doubts, but Joseph smiled with satisfaction. He knew that Singola had understood what he meant, and this was enough for other unimportant things.

  "Agata, you are still in middle school right now! If you have time, I will contact Princess Belén, and I will contact King Alfonso for the rest."

  If there were some guesses just now, then everything will follow what Joseph said. It was clearly displayed in front of him, and Agata was shocked and angry about it, with complex expressions flashing on his face.

  Salma didn't know what Earl Singola and the others were talking about, but when Joseph asked Agata to contact Princess Belén, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, as if her good toy was about to be snatched away.

  Agata was very conflicted in his heart at this time. He didn't like the princess of Beren with pockmarks on her face. Compared with the pure and beautiful Sharma, that princess was much worse, but... the family's honor is more important than everything else

  . , he inherited the title of the family, so he should make contributions to the family. This is the reason why Agata was shocked and angry. Surprise is surprise. Seeing the hope of the family's rise, anger is anger. He planned his destiny when he had an opinion, and that superior attitude made him very dissatisfied.

  "Salma and Princess Beren are in the same class. You need to create more conditions for your uncle to get in touch."

  The countess also began to intervene. This is related to her family's affairs. The countess has no reason to be unhappy, not to mention her carefulness as a woman It is not allowed to find some ambiguity between her daughter and her younger brother. Now this kind of thing is undoubtedly the most satisfying result for her.