Chapter 27 Royal Ministry of Internal Affairs

"Lefeble Family?

  " The current patriarch of the Buller family was also very good before the conflict..." "

  Wait, Abner, you mean that the patriarch of the Leifeble family is still alive?"

  Abner nodded instead of answering directly, from It has been nearly fifty years since the eve of World War II, isn't that guy already in his nineties?

  "Your Highness, the patriarch of the Leifeble family is younger than the Grand Duke. He is about 86 years old now. His Majesty the Grand Duke founded the Principality of Nord, and the Leifeble family moved to Frankfurt." "Aren't they natives of Frankfurt

  ? "

  The wife of the patriarch of the Leifebleb family is the daughter of a Junker nobleman in Frankfurt. That family is very powerful in Frankfurt, and the Leifebreb family relied on that family to slowly rise." "It has been so many years

  , Do they still remember what happened back then?"

  "The old princess is a member of the Lefeleb family, Your Highness!"

  It's okay if Abner didn't explain, but Joseph became more and more confused when he explained, so there shouldn't be such a big conflict, could it be Because of interests?

  "During World War II, the heir of the Lefeleb family was a member of the German government. At that time, His Majesty the Grand Duke was a commander of the French army. The heir of the Lefeleb family died under the gun of the Grand Duke. Lefeleb There is only one heir to the family, Your Highness."

  If Joseph still had doubts at the beginning, it is completely clear now that it was Ragnar I, the sin of his grandfather who accidentally killed his nephew, the most The main thing is that there is only this one heir in the family, which can be described as extermination of the family!

  Europe is not very important for inheritance, but if it is possible, who would like to let someone who is not familiar with distant relatives inherit their property? It is not an exaggeration to talk about the Ragnar family and Laifeleb endlessly, this is clearly the idea of ​​old Laifeleb.

  "Then what should we do now? Do we want to take the initiative?"

  Germany is a defeated country. Although Nord is small, it is also the victor. Especially now that Nord is on the rise, intimidating the German government to suppress the Leifeleb family is not a problem.

  As if knowing what Joseph was thinking, Abner hurriedly reminded: "Although Germany is a defeated country, the Leifeleb family did not stand on the side of Germany. Good relationship."

  Joseph couldn't help but sigh, the old guy was really cunning, he was able to see that Germany was on the verge of defeat, and of course it was more likely that the old guy put the fruit in multiple baskets.

  Without the support of Britain and France, Germany would naturally ignore the Principality of Nord. If assassination was used, not to mention the Western European countries, even Joseph himself would look down on him. In the future, who among the major European families would want to associate with the Ragnar family?

  Force will always be used by the weaker side. If it is not economically and politically incapable of suppressing the Principality of Nord, I believe that Leifeleb will not use such indiscriminate means.

  "What kind of business does the Leifeleb family have in Europe? Notify the Ministry of Commerce and try our best to suppress the Laifeleb family's business. We will not do any indiscriminate methods, but we cannot allow others to be slaughtered." Letting others be slaughtered is

  undoubtedly To put it bluntly, no one would dare to say that they can bully Joseph now. Although Nord's economy does not have an important position in Europe, its potential cannot be ignored by anyone.

  There is actually another reason for Joseph to compromise so quickly. The formation of the European Union is about to begin, and Joseph is determined to occupy some of the seats. Coal and steel are important components for making weapons. Their importance is self-evident. Joseph is not prepared to intervene in this matter. The main reason is that Nord has no coal resources at all. Even if he inserts it forcefully, he may not get it. Too many benefits.

  In such a general environment, Joseph must maintain the honor of Nord and the royal family, and must not affect the EU's grand plan because of a small Leifeleb family.

  Joseph's compromise was beyond Abner's expectation, but the only thing Abner did was look at Joseph in surprise, nodded and left with relief in his eyes. In Abner's eyes, this is clearly a sign of growth and maturity.

  Andy has become the director of the Nord Security Bureau at this time, but Joseph intends to establish the Nord Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is an organization similar to the US FBI.

  Christmas is about to pass, and Joseph suddenly invited him here in the middle of the night, and Andy had too many doubts in his heart. He also heard about the fire, but he didn't know about the Leifeleb family, although his father, Jay Mus was once the chief steward of the royal family of Nord.

  "Your Highness, are you looking for me?"

  Joseph, who was reading a book, did not answer Andy's question. After a long time, when Andy was a little nervous and sweating, a word reached his ears.

  "Andy, what do you think is the most important thing for a country?"

  "Nation, domestic peace and stability."

  "Depend on it?"

  One sentence made Andy wake up, and looked at Joseph with a face full of surprise: "His Royal Highness wants to form a secret society." police..."

  "Secret Police is what the Germans call it. I prefer to call him the Ministry of Internal Affairs. How about it? Are you interested in managing this department?" Joseph's words made

  Andy smile bitterly. Is there any choice?

  "Your Highness, the population of Nord is only over 10,000. It is necessary..." "

  No matter how small the population is, there will be people who disagree. I need a Duchy of Nord under absolute control, and now someone is looking for me. If I don't fight back, wouldn't I be punished?" Do you think my Ragnar family is weak and can be bullied?"

  Or Joseph would not do those stupid things, but he didn't mind giving the other party a small warning, for example, the old patriarch of the Ragnarb family woke up and found the bed There is a letter at the top, a letter he, Joseph, wrote to the other party.

  Before Andy could speak again, Joseph had already said: "The personnel are selected from the Imperial Guard and the Security Bureau, and the funds are allocated from my personal account, but there is one thing, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is different from the Security Bureau, you understand me You mean it!"


  What else could Andy say at this time? The goal of the Security Bureau is to protect Joseph's safety, while the Security Department is a steel knife and a dog. Its purpose is to help Joseph do some shady things. It is destined to be a road full of blood.

  "Go to work!"

  Waved Andy back, Joseph realized one thing at this time, it is time to separate the Nord treasury from his private account, although Nord is a dual monarchy country, public and private have always been Not being clear is not a good thing after all.

  The Ministry of Finance has already reported the GDP in 1980, which may be negligible in the first half of the year, but since July, the GDP of the Principality of Nord has risen to more than 40 million US dollars and close to 50 million in half a year. Things that the Principality of Germany can't even imagine. Of course, the prices at that time were different from those at this time.

  The funds from Huaxia have not yet arrived, but there is already a surplus of tens of millions of dollars in the treasury, which will lay a good foundation for Joseph's agricultural reform next year.

  Another good thing is that Nord TV has officially started broadcasting. However, due to the relatively small number of TVs in the Principality of Nord, only a small part of them can be used now. The royal palace is naturally a small part of it, and at this time Salma is watching a French children's entertainment program.

  Why not watch Nord TV? It has only just been established now, even if it is watched, it is just broadcasting some French programs, and it will take at least a few months to start broadcasting its own programs. But I believe it will bring a surprise to European countries at that time, because the program of Nord TV has Joseph's creative participation.