Chapter 28 Tens of millions of tons of oil fields

The Principality of Nord is busy with state affairs, especially at this time, so the Earl Singella family did not stay in Nord for too long, and returned to Spain by boat on the third day after Christmas.

  During the period when Earl Singla stayed in the Principality of Nord, Joseph did not talk too much to Salma and Agata, mainly because the three of them had different psychological ages, and there was a generation gap in communication.

  What Joseph couldn't imagine was that it was because of his attitude of being uninterested and uninterested that Salma was very bored with him. At the same time, she also felt a little curious in her heart, wondering why this boy who was about her age didn't Willing to play with her, curious about what he is busy with every day.

  Of course, there is another point that she heard some words from Earl Singla. Those Duke watches and beautiful clothes she envied belonged to Joseph. Her Christmas gift was a Duke ladies watch, which left Joseph in her heart. deep impression. Although she never called her uncle, in Salma's heart, she undoubtedly recognized this uncle.

  After Christmas marks the end of 1980. Summarizing the achievements of the past six months, Joseph himself is very satisfied. At least the current Nord citizens don't have to worry about food, drink, housing and transportation. They even have spare money to invest and buy entertainment.

  Huaxia's advance payment has already arrived, 60 million US dollars counting the previous financial prosperity, the treasury of the Principality of Nord is so full for the first time, 76 million US dollars is enough for Joseph's agricultural plan.

  The territory of the Principality of Nord on the virtual map includes more than 20 square kilometers of the mainland and a small island of two square kilometers along the coast. The small island was purchased from France, and the future nuclear power plant will be placed there.

  If you want to fill an island, you can't create it out of thin air. It is best to rely on that small island, but in this way, won't the nuclear power plant irradiate the farmers on the island in the future?

  After much hesitation, Joseph decided to expand the island. The nuclear power plant plan is impossible within a few years. Perhaps at that time, the Nord Work Research Center had already made new achievements, so there is no need to be so hesitant now.

  It is Joseph's habit to do as soon as he thinks of it. After locking the area, Joseph directly decides to transform the land, but at this moment, a surprise is in front of him. Because the surprise is too big, Joseph can't help but stunned.

  "Hint: Whether the host improves the land, the options for land improvement are: resource land, agricultural land, earthquake-resistant industrial land, forest land..." Other

  Joseph didn't care, what really shocked him was the improvement of resource land, what does this mean? It means that even if Joseph only has a land area of ​​more than 20 square kilometers, it can still be built into a rich country like Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.

  Of course, this idea just flashed through Joseph's mind. Joseph knew very well what the treatment of the countries in the Middle East was. Although the United States did not dare to treat the Principality of Nord like this, such a situation had to be guarded against.

  Although the land cannot be improved on a large scale, there is no problem adding two oil wells to the island. The price of oil is getting higher and higher, which is a wealth that no one can ignore.

  Naturally, the cost of improving resource land is not small, but compared with the benefits they brought to Joseph, these can be ignored, even if its improvement price is millions of dollars per square kilometer.

  At this time, the Principality of Nord was rich in finances, so Joseph was naturally happy to spend. He directly threw ten million dollars to increase the island to eleven square kilometers. It was not that Joseph did not want to increase the size of the island. Continue to increase Joseph for fear of causing trouble.

  In fact, Joseph was prepared for similar things before, so when he bought the island, he deliberately chose a remote place, but Joseph was still too worried. If he increased the area of ​​​​the mainland, it would be easy to be found, but islands are especially deserted islands. No one will notice even if it increases a little more.

  At this time, the island's 11 square kilometers is equivalent to more than 2,700 acres. Joseph's plan for this place is mainly agricultural, and naturally he will not build an urban area. A few apartments and a supermarket are all their buildings, and the rest is excluding two oil wells. area, and the rest are turned into agricultural and pastoral areas.

  Farming and pastoral land occupies about 2,000 acres, of which 500 acres are cattle and sheep pastures, and the rest is all planted with grain. According to the current rice production, one acre is at least 1,500 kilograms (1.5 tons) of rice, and 1,500 acres are enough. The Duchy of Nord has a population of more than 10,000 at this time, and there is even a surplus.

  This is just ordinary grain farming. Compared with ordinary planting, Joseph's genetic farm tastes more delicious and yields more. This will allow Joseph to have enough free space to grow some vegetables and fruit trees.

  The land can be completed in an instant, but genetic farms and pastures take time. Each farm covers an area of ​​about ten acres. The workers of the construction company were ordered to rush to the Nord Royal Island by boat.

  Nord Royal Island is the name Joseph named it. Although it is a bit vulgar, Joseph, who is too lazy to name it, doesn't care about it. He doesn't care about other people and even thinks the name is very good.

  The royal island of Nord is not very far from the mainland, and it only takes ten minutes by boat, so James came to the door...

  "Your Highness, there are many fishermen in Nord, who make a living by fishing all year round, and the newly arrived Eastern European and Chinese workers They seem to be proficient in fishing, shall we establish an aquatic product company?" "

  That's a matter for the Ministry of Commerce, you can do it as you see."


  Of course James knew that there was no need to bother Joseph with such trivial matters, But the Ministry of Commerce has no way to come up with extraordinary things like Joseph! The Audi assembly workshop and the pharmaceutical group workshop, the equipment there are more than ten years ahead of the times, and James' purpose of looking for Joseph is here.

  "Just contact the construction company for such things in the future, and someone will deliver the equipment."

  Joseph is busy with the oil well and has no time to pay attention to James. Besides, Joseph is telling the truth. He has already authorized the construction company. As long as the construction of the workshop is completed, there will naturally be cargo ships loaded with equipment docking at the port.

  Originally, James still had some guesses in his heart, but what Joseph said today made James even more confused. Could it be that Ragnar I still has a research center overseas, and these things are all products there? The theory of aliens is purely nonsense, everything is because I think too much?

  James is not the only one who guessed this way, even the United States thinks the same way, and they even think more. They doubt whether there are traces of the Germans behind them. After all, there were so many top scientists in Germany during World War II, and most of them have disappeared now. No, no trace at all.

  Originally they thought that those scientific research centers were buried underground and died in the war, but now that the Principality of Nord was born, they couldn't help but have some associations. No one knows that some Germans who left early have come to the Principality of Nord and are preparing to contact Joseph quietly. Obviously, they are also suspicious of this.

  There is no definition of whether this matter is good or bad. If it is good, everything is normal. If it is bad, Joseph is being targeted by many people, including some ancient European families and forces.

  Still the same sentence, Joseph has no intention of paying attention to these things. The oil storage land he improved has produced results. Although it is not a large oil field of 100 million tons, it is still a large oil field of 10 million tons. Because of the Middle East, the price of oil at this time Has grown from $16 to $35. The reserves of the two oil wells add up to about 30 million tons, worth tens of billions of dollars.

  As soon as the results came out, Joseph quickly handed over the results to the Ministry of Commerce. The Minister of Commerce, Smith, hurriedly summoned his subordinates to prepare for the mining. The French also knew about it. For this reason, the French president severely reprimanded the person in charge of the island that was sold to the Principality of Nord. A meal, and dismissed from office.

  Under such circumstances, January 1981 has passed quietly, and the Royal Island of Nord began its era of large-scale construction. At the same time, the faces of the citizens of Nord are full of smiles.