Chapter 29 An Invitation from the Moroccan Royal Family

Genetic farm (rice)*50: 5,000 kilograms per acre (three seasons); need farmers 20, existing farmers 20; agricultural machinery: harvester*1, sprayer*10, transport truck*2, separator*5...

  gene Farm (vineyard)*20: per acre: 20,000 kilograms (two seasons); need farmers 20, existing farmers 20; agricultural machinery: automatic picking machine*10, spraying machine*10, transport truck*2, drying machine*20 ...

  Gene farm (vegetable garden)*20: 120,000 kilograms per acre (five seasons); 20 farmers needed, 20 existing farmers; farm machinery: transport truck*2, sprayer*10...Gene farm (corn)*

  10 : 10,000 kilograms per acre (three seasons); need 20 farmers, 20 existing farmers; agricultural machinery: harvester*1, sprayer*10, transport truck*2, separator*5...Automated ranch (cow)*30

  : 300 dairy cows, 30,000 kg of milk per day; 30 farmers are required, 30 existing farmers; supporting facilities: lactating cow house*1, milking parlor*3, feed room*1...Automated pasture (meat pig)*10


  Automation Pasture (sheep)*10...


  a large number of genetic farms and pastures allow the Principality of Nord to be completely self-sufficient and even able to be sold. Joseph specially set up an agricultural company, and the bank is generally incorporated into the Nord Royal Group.

  Because of the large number of pastures, Nord's slaughterhouses are also getting busy day by day. Milk is one of the benefits of Nord citizens, but Van Nord citizens can receive two kilograms of milk every day, and non-citizens can receive one kilogram if they have a labor contract. .

  Such benefits have raised Joseph's reputation to another level. Even labor workers can hear respect for Joseph from time to time. Nord's economy is still relatively weak, but in terms of public approval, it is undoubtedly the first in Europe.

  The purpose of the vineyard is to build a winery. As an aristocrat in Europe, you can have no money or a castle, but you must have a winery, and the status of a winery director is often much higher than that of a rich man in other industries. Because in the eyes of Europeans, the winery itself is the endorsement of nobility and elegance.

  Like other companies, the winery is also named Royal Nord, but unfortunately the formula is still under study, and the grapes in the first season have not yet come down, and the reputation of Royal Nord Red Wine has not yet been established.

  The Audi company and the 10-million-ton oil field are things that the Principality of Nord can produce. What Joseph did not expect was that the European Coal and Steel Community issued an invitation to Joseph based on these two things. thought of things.

  In fact, although Joseph was a little surprised, he was not too surprised. After all, the Principality of Nord has begun to become a country that no country can ignore at this time, so the invitation is also reasonable.

  Naturally, Joseph could not refuse such an invitation. Therefore, on February 13, 1981, James became a member of the European Coal and Steel Community Committee as the Prime Minister of the Principality of Nord, and the name of Nord was great.

  Not long after Nord joined the European Coal and Steel Community Committee, an invitation letter from the Moroccan royal family was placed in front of Joseph. The sudden invitation made Joseph a little puzzled, so he couldn't help calling the cabinet to discuss the reason.

  Chamber of Nord Palace:

  "So, the Moroccan royal family is planning to marry me?"

  Joseph, sitting on the first seat, was a little incredulous. The surprise did not come from his own age, but that he never thought that one day Morocco would be willing to marry him. marriage.

  "That's right, but I don't suggest His Highness agree."

  James nodded to show that Joseph's words were correct, but at the same time he objected to Joseph's agreement. In fact, he didn't need to explain the reason, and Joseph understood what he meant.

  What the Ragnar family lacks now are contacts, which are European contacts. Morocco is indeed not a small country, and the Moroccan royal family has a lot of influence, but this is not the best choice for the Ragnar family. The Danish royal family and the British royal family are Joseph's. The best choice, if not suitable, even the Swedish royal family is better than the Moroccan royal family.

  After all, Morocco's territory is in Africa, and the benefits it can bring to the Principality of Nord are far less than that of the native European countries. It is obvious which is more important.

  "You mean to refuse?"

  "I can't refuse, but I can't visit in this way. It's better to do it in an official form rather than a private form of the Ragnar family." It was

  originally a simple matter, but now it is analyzed by James It was very complicated, and Joseph, who was a little irritable, waved his hand and said, "I will leave this matter to you! How is the matter at the airport? Has the budget been calculated yet?" Joseph didn't want to continue talking about

  this matter, and it happened that most of the cabinet members They are all here, and by the way, I would like to ask about the airport. As the Principality of Nord is improving its international status day by day, it is really inappropriate not to have an airport.

  "The main problem is the land. The actual airport doesn't need to spend too much..." "

  I will settle the land. This matter should be dealt with as soon as possible. In addition, you should also discuss the separation of the royal family's finances from the national treasury as soon as possible. I hope to see it in June at the latest. As a result."

  Minister Smith of the Ministry of Commerce was interrupted by Joseph before he finished speaking, and at the same time he also told James about the treasury and royal finances, James did not dare to delay, and hurriedly nodded and agreed.

  "Your Highness, the oil well has been built, and the current daily oil production is 800 tons. Representatives from the royal families of the United States and the United Kingdom have come. Look, Your Highness..."

  As soon as James agreed, Smith on the side couldn't help but talk about the sale of crude oil. Nord's demand for oil is not very large, so exporting is its only option.

  "In terms of price?"

  "The price given by the American businessman is $30 per barrel higher, and the price of the British royal family is $29.3, but compared to selling to the United States, if it can be exchanged for British support..."

  800 tons is 5000 barrels, that is It is self-evident that the profit from selling it to the United States is $150.000 for just one day.

  If the European Union has been formed at this time and the Principality of Nord is one of them, then Joseph will sell the oil to the UK even if he pays some, because they are one, because it is in the best interest of the Principality of Nord to be friendly with the UK. But now the European Union has not yet been formed, and the Principality of Nord also needs to rely on the United States. After repeated hesitation, Joseph can only choose the United States. This is not just a transaction, but also a test of the Principality of Nord by the United States.

  James and the others also understood Joseph's hesitation. Seeing that Joseph had made a decision, they didn't say much. Smith remembered Joseph's words and began to think about how to negotiate with the American businessman.

  The meeting had basically ended by this time. Except for James, who was left behind by Joseph, all other cabinet members had left, and the conference hall fell silent for a while.

  "I'm sorry, James!"

  The inexplicable apology did not confuse James, because he knew it was an apology for his son, after all, the road was not as beautiful and easy as it looked.

  "This is my home, Your Highness!"

  James' words made the meeting room fall into silence again. After a long time, Joseph said, "Ten years, and Andy will go to the cabinet in ten years."

  This is a promise as well as compensation. James, who understood this sentence, smiled gratefully at Joseph, because he understood that even if Joseph did not explain the matter, he would continue, and the explanation was just a kind of respect for him.

  The matter has been settled, and James will naturally leave, but James suddenly stopped at the door: "Your Highness, it is not a good move for the Ragnar family to marry Spain." Isn't it a good move

  ? Joseph understood what James meant. It was not about the Spanish royal family, but that Agata should not be allowed to marry, because everyone could see that this young guy had ambitions, and he would not always be under Joseph's control. Inside.

  "The members of the Ragnar family leave me with no choice, James."

  Whispering in a low voice, he didn't know whether to explain to James or explain his own behavior. He was still soft-hearted, otherwise Salma would be the best choose.

  age? Does age matter in politics?