Chapter 33 Kingdom of Morocco

 Sleepy, Morocco was right in front of him. With the slight shaking of the body, the passenger plane stopped smoothly at Rabat International Airport. Through the window, Joseph could see the welcoming guard of honor and the middle-aged Arab man on the side of the guard of honor. Surprisingly, it was the King of Morocco.

  The guards got off the plane first. This is the capital of Morocco, but the guards have their own rules, and it is not appropriate for Joseph to get off the plane first.

  "Welcome to Morocco, His Majesty Joseph."

  "It is my honor to welcome you, Your Majesty the King."

  The first meeting between the two parties was undoubtedly very friendly. A lot of media wasted film, and the strong flashes made Joseph even bear it. I can't help closing my eyes slightly, after all, I'm not someone who has experienced such battles for a long time, it's really not used to it for the first time.

  Although the age gap between Joseph and the King of Morocco is relatively large, and the media felt a little uncomfortable during the filming process, Joseph's identity should not be faked. If other people came to greet him, there may be international disputes.

  Accompanying the King of Morocco to review the guard of honor in Morocco, a dozen bulletproof Audis stopped in front of Joseph. The Audis in front of him made Joseph look at the King of Morocco involuntarily, but in exchange for a meaningful smile.

  Shaking his head helplessly in his heart, Joseph got into the car. Although Joanna was the number one maid, she was really not suitable to be in a car with Joseph. The co-pilot was William Otto, chief of the Security Bureau, deputy regiment of the Imperial Guard. Long birth.

  In fact, not many people came to visit Morocco this time. Apart from William, the director of the Security Bureau and Smith, the Minister of Commerce, there is only the Minister of Foreign Affairs Schuman, and the rest are some small officials.

  Morocco is very face-saving this time. Not only the king, but also a series of high-ranking officials including the prime minister, minister of state, foreign minister, speaker of the House of Representatives, and military generals are here.

  It would be fine if it wasn't like this. Joseph could not help but hesitate a little because the other party received him with such a great country's courtesy. If someone brought up the issue of marriage, how could he refuse it? Although Europe also pays attention to the orders of parents, but now he is the one who controls the Principality of Nord. It seems that he needs to go back to discuss and tell his father, and it is not his turn to speak anyway.

  Worrying! Rubbing his head with some headaches, Joseph was full of reasons for refusing, but he couldn't think of a suitable one after thinking about it.

  Half an hour later, the convoy stopped outside a five-star hotel in Rabat. The sixth floor of the hotel had been emptied. From now until he left, the entire sixth floor was Joseph's domain.

  After entering the hotel, Joseph was not in the mood to look at the surrounding environment at all. He hurried into his presidential suite and asked the guards to call Smith and Schumann over. There was a banquet tonight, and Joseph had to think of a solution as soon as possible.

  It didn't take long for the two to come in a hurry. It was obvious that they also sensed the problems Joseph was about to face, but looking at their faces, Joseph knew that they also had no good solution.

  "Your Highness, His Royal Highness Hassan II should understand our situation, maybe, maybe he won't mention the marriage." Although the words were spoken by Schumann, but from the tone of his voice, it was clear that what he said was not too big Morocco is indeed not the best choice, but it is not impossible to choose. Although they do not belong to the same origin, the two sides are similar in terms of identity. Even the identity of the Moroccan princess is higher than that of the Nord Duke.

  "The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, let's talk about it tonight!"

  Joseph who waved his hand to let the two leave was a little annoyed. If he had known this, he might as well have brought James or Abner with him. After all, they belonged to the Ragnar family. A good housekeeper is more reliable than a group of politicians for this kind of thing.

  If you can't figure it out, don't think about it anymore. The worst plan is nothing more than the Nord Principality giving up the best marriage partner. Anyway, the core of the Nord Principality lies in technology rather than marriage. After thinking about it, Joseph's mood suddenly improved a lot.

  Open the curtains and look at the streets of Rabat outside the window. Joseph can't help but compare it with the Nord Principality. In terms of land, even the capital of Morocco, Rabat, is much larger than the Nord Principality, and the population is now Nord. It is a hundred times that of the Principality of Germany, but in terms of per capita income and citizen welfare, Morocco is much worse.

  Joseph can confidently say that if he votes to keep the Ragnar royal family, he can get 100% of the votes. This is something that no royal family in any country in the world dare to say at this time. Of course, no royal family would really do such a thing stupidly, unless forced to do so.

  You can see some homeless people on the streets of Rabat. Of course, they may be ascetics. Such people are not lacking in Europe or the Middle East. Faith gives everything.

  The streets are not very prosperous, well, far worse than Nord North City, most of the citizens' faces are yellow and muscular, and their living conditions are not very good. Seeing this, a sense of pride suddenly arises spontaneously, everything that Nuo De has achieved today is his own achievement!

  "Your Highness, do you want lunch?"

  Joanna came in at some point and looked back at her. Joseph didn't say anything, but his behavior when he returned to the sofa showed that Joanna, who saw this scene, hurriedly tidied up the half-lying water table. Joseph on the sofa wiped his face.



  "Don't you think it's wrong for Morocco to treat a nine-year-old boy like this?"

  "You are the Grand Duke of Nord, Your Highness."

  "Yes! I am the Grand Duke of Nord, a country the controller!"

  It's a pity that Joseph's age is a bit young, and Nord is flourishing, which doesn't reflect Joseph's sense of the end of the hero at this time.

  After the nap, it was past 6:00 pm, and the servants of the royal palace were already waiting outside the hotel. Today was the family banquet prepared by King Hassan II for Joseph, so no official personnel appeared.

  Whether it's a blessing or a curse, you have to face it sooner or later, tidy up your little suit, Joseph took the chief of the security bureau, William Otto, and walked outside. Schumann and the others are all members of the Nord cabinet, and such a banquet is not suitable for them to attend.

  The hotel is not very far from the palace. The vehicle stopped at the gate of the palace in a few minutes. After opening the gate, two Moroccan soldiers saluted until the vehicle was gone.

  Looking at the inner courtyard of the palace through the car window, Joseph praised: "Morocco's army is very powerful, and the guards of the palace are even more extraordinary." Hassan II's steward heard this sentence and hurriedly responded: "Morocco's

  army Although the army is good, it is still far behind your highness's guards."

  The butler was not flattering, he was telling the truth, when the guards of the Security Bureau got off the plane, several military generals slapped Nord's guards They are very interested, because no matter from which aspect, this group of guards can be called masters.

  One or two of such masters is not enough to attract attention, but as soon as they appear, there are more than a dozen or twenty. How can this not surprise the Moroccan generals?

  Of course, these are just appearances, and no one knows how to fight in real life. After all, this is not the world of martial arts, and it is impossible to know the opponent's level at a glance. The previous conclusions are just speculations drawn from the aspects of movements, eyes, and figure.

  Joseph smiled slightly at the words of the butler. This is the default. If the members of the previous security bureau were only elite special forces teams comparable to the US Navy Seals, then each of the current guards can fight against the king of soldiers from all over the world without losing, whether it is fists or firearms. .