Chapter 34 Princess Bella

The Royal Palace of Morocco is very large. Magnificence is the first word that comes to Joseph's mind after entering architecture. Typical Arabic architecture is full of exotic style in Joseph's eyes.

  Every few steps, I saw Hassan II approaching with a group of princesses and princes. Because of preconceived ideas, Joseph inadvertently looked at several Moroccan princesses... How could Joseph's

small movements be concealed? Although Joseph immediately noticed that he was inappropriately shifting his gaze, Hassan II still saw everything in his eyes. With a meaningful smile, Hassan II held Joseph's hand and said, "Joseph, today is a family feast. I will call you directly." Your name! Back then, I had a relationship with your father, Ragnar II."

  People said that Joseph could refuse? He nodded and called Uncle Hassan, and then let Hassan II introduce the members of the Moroccan royal family to him.

  The two daughters and the three sons are all the heirs of Hassan II. Regardless of his age, he is already middle-aged, but his two daughters are more than ten years old, and the youngest is the same age as Joseph. The age is Hassan II. proposed, but this is not a good thing in Joseph's eyes.

  The two princesses are still very shy, but I don't know whether they know Hassan II's plan or they are just like that. All in all, Joseph's first impression of the two Moroccan princesses is still very good, beautiful, reserved, the big one is quiet, the little one Cute, if there is no concern of the family, Joseph is still willing to marry the two princesses... ahem, any of the little princesses.

  It can be seen that the tutors of the Moroccan royal family are very good. The oldest of the three princes is in his twenties. He is elegant and generous, and he is more enthusiastic. Although the other two are not as good as the eldest prince, they are easy to get along with.

  I don't know if it's because of blood, but in Joseph's eyes, Arabian men and women are very handsome, especially these princes, with their face like a knife, handsome facial features, and slightly sharp eyes, any one of them in Eurasia is enough to attract attention. The girl screamed.

  Joseph is also good-looking, although his mother's appearance is not very strong, but Ragnar II is a handsome man, and because of his mixed race, Joseph is also called a handsome guy in the crowd, but he is not the same as the three princes. It's far from it.

  When Joseph observed the princess and prince, their gazes were also on Joseph. In fact, the two princesses did not know Hassan II's plan. They just heard the name of Joseph and some deeds from their elder brother and father from time to time. That's why I'm curious about him.

  At the same age, how did Joseph build a country to Chengdu today? Curiosity mixed with some admiration, this is the attitude of the two little princesses at this time.

  Compared with the two little princesses, the three princes think more, and Nord's economy also makes them admire, after all, when they were eight years old, they only knew how to play.

  Hassan II didn't give the little guys too much time to look at them. He smiled and pulled Joseph lightly, and then took his hand and walked deep into the palace. Several guards wanted to follow, but Joseph waved their hands. Signal them to follow the palace steward.

  The dinner was very rich, but Joseph didn't like these dishes very much, and of course he didn't dislike them, so he just gave up after a few bites!

  Scanning the restaurant, Hassan II ate in silence. The two beautiful Moroccan princesses looked at him secretly from time to time. The eldest prince was very polite and did not pay attention secretly, but the youngest princess kept staring at Joseph boldly. Joseph's small appearance made Joseph unable to bear the urge to tease him.

  The Kingdom of Morocco is a polygamous country, which made Joseph very envious. He wondered if he should also change the Principality of Nord into a polygamous system? But thinking about those Christians in China, he couldn't help but hesitate. Fortunately, he didn't have time to believe in it, otherwise it would be troublesome.

  In fact, having too many wives is not a good thing. With only so much energy, having too many wives is troublesome. It is only in the legend that wives are harmonious with each other.

  "There are many interesting places in Morocco, Aziz, you can arrange Joseph's itinerary!"

  Although this is a state visit, the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce are in charge of the state affairs. He is the Grand Duke of Nord Just eat well and play well.

  "Your Highness Joseph, I wonder if you like riding horses?"

  "Aziz, you can just call me by my name, otherwise I will call you Prince Aziz." Aziz nodded as a tacit consent to Joseph's words.

  "French horses are shorter, and Arabian horses may be troublesome to ride."

  Although Joseph did not answer directly, he also indicated that he knew how to ride a horse. Aziz nodded when he heard these words, and he was satisfied with tomorrow's itinerary. arrange.

  "Joseph, there are many beautiful clothes in the Principality of Nord?"

  This time it was the little princess Bella who spoke this time. Although she was only nine years old, she already knew beauty and beauty at this time. The only thing that impressed her deeply in Nord was there. There are many beautiful clothes, and it is called the fashion capital of Europe.

  "Indeed there are many, among the gifts I brought, if you like, you can call me, and I will arrange for someone to bring it to you." "Really? Where are the gifts?" "



  Seeing Bella Bella stood up and wanted to clap her hands, and Hassan II reprimanded her, but Bella didn't seem to be very scared. Although she sat back obediently, her eyes were still fixed on the housekeeper. But Bella was destined to be disappointed. In the past, the housekeeper might spoil her, but not today.

  Next, Hassan II talked with Joseph about some economic and national development matters. The eldest prince accompanied him while the other princes and princesses left impatiently. After all, these things were not of interest to them at their age.

  "Now Nord's economic foundation is brought by the Audi A1. Are you planning to focus on the development of heavy industry, Joseph?" Nord

  's clothing and tourism industries are also very popular, but compared with the benefits brought by the Audi A1, those are almost negligible. This is why Hassan II asked this question.

  In fact, Joseph didn't know how to answer this question. Could it be that he wanted to develop in an all-round way? If you tell the truth, you will only get ridicule, after all, in the eyes of others, this is too overwhelming.

  Hassan II's inquiry did not get an answer in the end, because the Prime Minister of Morocco came in a hurry when the two were talking, and a word made Hassan II's face change a little, and he left in a hurry.


  "No, it's just a group of self-righteous idiots. I like that gift very much. When you leave, I will give you a gift too. I promise you like it." Seeing that Aziz didn't want to mention it,

  Joseph He didn't ask any more. Although he didn't value the gift very much, he still asked politely, but Aziz laughed and covered it up and refused to answer.

  Joseph knew that he had something on his mind, so he declined, saying that it was getting late and he had no rest during the day and wanted to go back to rest. Naturally, Aziz would not stop him, and turned and left until he reached the gate of the palace.

  At this time, Joseph's mood was not as calm as he showed. Aziz said it was relaxed just now, but Joseph could see the sadness in the corner of his eyes. It was definitely not a group of self-righteous idiots in Aziz's mouth.

  Back at the hotel, the first thing Joseph did was to arrange for William to investigate the situation in Morocco. After all, he was in Morocco at this time, and some things had to be clarified so as not to implicate himself.

  It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and Joanna had already had breakfast, and she was playing with the white cat she got in the room. She was used to TV every night, and she didn't like Morocco.

  "Your Highness, is the princess of Morocco pretty?"

  "It's about the same as you."

  Joseph just answered casually, but Joanna was so happy that she didn't fall asleep all night. The bunch of self-righteous idiots that Aziz said.