Chapter 35 Warning

The state affairs on the second day still started. Aziz also came to the hotel to accompany Joseph on the trip. Everything was as normal. Neither Aziz nor Joseph showed any interest in yesterday's incident.

  Mosques are landmark buildings in Arab countries. There is no reason not to take a look when you come to Morocco. However, Joseph is actually not very interested in them. He believes that religion can bring spiritual satisfaction to people, but it should not be built. So luxurious and magnificent.

  Of course, these words are inappropriate to say in an Arab country. Even if Aziz doesn't care, who is willing to hurt the feelings of the two countries for nothing?

  Although he doesn't like the magnificent mosques built, the older monk Joseph still respects them very much. After all, people live long, and even ordinary words and deeds will bring rich philosophy and science to people.

  The monks in the mosque also noticed that Joseph was dissatisfied with the cathedral, but his respect won the favor of the monks. When they left, they gave Joseph a Koran and expressed their gratitude before leaving with Aziz.

  "Sheikh Al-Alam is ninety-eight years old this year and is very respected in Morocco."

  For some reason, Aziz suddenly said such a sentence. After thinking about it for a moment, Joseph figured out the key. Aziz obviously misunderstood him. Meaning, Aziz's subtext means that although Alam has a high status, he is already old, and no matter how much energy Joseph spends on him, it will be in vain.

  The second stop was horse riding on the outskirts of Rabat. There is a small desert not far from the capital of Morocco. It is undoubtedly a pleasure to ride horses in the desert. At the same time, Joseph also saw Aziz's pet, a female West African. lion.

  Because it was a game, Joanna was also with her. She had been abiding by her duties as a maid since the mosque and remained silent. But when he saw the lioness, Joseph felt his eardrums were shaking slightly, and a petite figure appeared. He hid behind himself and held on to his clothes tightly.

  "Assi, this is His Highness Joseph, say hello!"

  Aziz seemed not to notice Joanna's gaffe, and chuckled and let his pet say hello to Joseph. Joseph was not a god, so he was inevitably a little panicked when he suddenly saw a lion. But compared to Joanna, he was much better, but his face was a little pale.

  In fact, he was not very scared. There were his own guards around him. Joseph still trusted the abilities of the guards. Not to mention a lioness, even a pride of lions could protect Joseph's safety.

  Joseph's face was a little pale, but why wasn't Aziz shocked at this moment? He was just a nine-year-old child, but his face turned a little pale when faced with such a ferocious beast. He clearly remembered how embarrassed and crying he was when he came into close contact with a lion for the first time.

  Sure enough, it is extraordinary for a ruler to be able to take charge of a country at the age of eight. Only at this time did Aziz truly admire Joseph and regard him as his friend.

  Two Moroccan guards quickly brought in two horses. It was their arrival that broke up the awkwardness between Joseph and the others. However, a new problem arose at this time. Joseph said yesterday that although he had ridden a horse, the French There is still a difference between horses and Arabians. Even the pony Joseph is not easy to control.

  He had no choice but to learn to ride at the same time. What Joseph didn't expect was that Joanna was actually a good teacher. After questioning, he learned that Joanna started learning to ride horses when she was seven years old. Although she had never been exposed to Arabian horses, she had been riding for many years. Her riding experience makes her very comfortable.

  After an afternoon of hard work, Joseph's inner thighs were red, but Joseph was very happy. After all, riding a horse is always a pleasant thing. After a few hours of contact, the lioness and Joseph also established a little relationship. Apart from other things, at least they no longer bared their teeth, and Joanna was not as panicked as she had been at first.

  Seeing that Joseph was a little tired, Aziz suggested going back to eat. Naturally, Joseph had no objection to this. He changed his clothes and returned to Rabat, where Prince Aziz chose a hotel.

  "Although this hotel is not of high quality, the food is very delicious. You can try it later, Joseph."

  Joseph had no doubts about Aziz's words. The most delicious food is always among the people. China is the best in this regard. It proves that things in snack streets are always more popular than hotels.

  Although they were in the capital of Morocco, Joseph and Aziz had not ignored the security issue. A large number of guards came in and out of the hotel. If Joseph hadn't wanted to be too public, the entire hotel would have been cleared of guests by Aziz.

  A few people chose the lobby instead of entering the private room, perhaps because they felt it was a little obstructive to eating. With Aziz's consent, the security guards from both sides gradually avoided their sight, leaving only a few people around to monitor everything secretly.

  When they were idle and bored, the two talked about the red wine culture they understood. In fact, Joseph was just talking nonsense. After all, he didn't know anything about red wine. He had only heard of things like 82-year-old Lafite and Remy Martin in his previous life.

  "Compared with red wine, I prefer white wine. Do you know Maotai?"

  Aziz nodded: "I've heard of it. It seems to be a kind of Chinese wine, but the one I drink the most is brandy. Although vodka is also good, But..."

  Shaking his head, Aziz did not explain, but Joseph knew what he meant. Vodka belongs to Eastern Europe. Morocco has a very good relationship with the United States, which is naturally worse than the Soviet Union. If it is rumored that the Moroccan prince likes to drink vodka, even if It won't be a big deal, but it's still a nuisance.

  The two were chatting and drinking, when Joanna suddenly tugged at the corner of Joseph's clothes, frowned and looked over, only to find that Joanna was looking intently at the door. Only then did Joseph notice that two people had entered the door, and several guards had already approached.


  No one expected that the other party would kill in such a big way. As soon as he got close to the guard, he quickly pulled out a dagger and cut his throat to kill. Seeing this, the other guards hurriedly opened fire. With the sound of gunshots, the killer lay on the ground and died without warning.


  Only then did Joseph react. The word "killer" came to mind, but he was a little confused. What did the other party mean? Was he using this method to warn him to leave Morocco?

  Aziz's face was ugly, very ugly. What on earth did the guards outside do? The killer was able to enter the hotel. Fortunately, the killer had a dagger in his hand instead of a gun. Otherwise... Aziz's face became even more ugly when he thought about the consequences.

  "Check, check it out for me!"

  Joseph was not as angry as Aziz, because he knew that the other party had no killing intention, otherwise it wouldn't be a dagger. What he was curious about now was why the other party didn't kill him. Did he die? Isn't it in the best interest of the other party?

  Last night, Joseph actually investigated the reason why Hassan II left the family dinner in a hurry. Hassan II had a distant brother who also had the opportunity to compete for the crown prince. Unfortunately, the result was obvious... but he also had considerable influence in the country

  . Unwilling to do anything, he finally started his own plan last night to seize the king's position. Three members of the cabinet have already defected to him, and there are even two generals.

  Of course, the other party did not show any intention of rebellion, it was just a tit-for-tat confrontation on the surface, but this was the biggest headache for Hassan II. After all, if the other party did not rebel, he could not use the army to eliminate the other party.


  "I'm leaving Morocco tonight. The business negotiations have almost been completed, and there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in Nord."

  Joseph made it clear that he did not want to get involved. Although Aziz was a little disappointed, he was also a little satisfied. After all, if something happened to Joseph in Morocco, he would be the happiest. Although he didn't want to take the initiative to provoke Joseph, if Joseph himself died, he couldn't blame others. The other party had already shown his strength, and retreating when faced with difficulties was the wisest choice.

  It's true that the guards of the Nord Guard Bureau are very powerful, but if they can't stand up to the opponent, they will risk their lives, like just now. Fortunately, there is only one. If there were a hundred, and they had bombs strapped to them, no matter how powerful the Guard Bureau was, Joseph would not be able to escape death.