Chapter 36 Oliver Dodge

Because things in the hotel were very bad and the situation was urgent, Joseph went straight to the airport without wasting time or even meeting Hassan II. But at this moment an accident happened...realizing that the situation was

  bad Joseph is not the only one who is aware of this situation. Ambassadors from other countries are also aware of this situation. Ordinary ambassadors naturally do not need to leave, but an American businessman has to leave because his identity is sensitive and he has what the prince of Morocco wants. thing.

  Once a person is unlucky, everything can be involved, just like Joseph at this time. They had already entered the airport and happened to see dozens of bodyguards in black having a gunfight with the guards staying on the plane. Joseph naturally couldn't do it in such a situation. Tolerate and shoot were the only orders he gave to the guards.

  Although the opponent has a larger number of people, the combat effectiveness of the Nord Guard Bureau's guards is extraordinary. Even if there are only a few people left behind, the opponent has no chance to seize the plane. At this time, there was an attack from behind, and within a few minutes, dozens of bodyguards in black fell to the ground amidst the gunfire, and a fat middle-aged man was brought to Joseph.

  The other party obviously recognized Joseph's identity, and was not afraid at all. Looking at the absence of the police for a long time and the unusually armed security personnel not far away, Joseph knew that he was trapped in a political struggle.

  "I believe you know my identity, please introduce yourself!"

  Now that the matter has been discovered, it is naturally impossible for Joseph to leave Morocco at this time. Of course, even if he wants to leave the group of security personnel who are not far away, he cannot Will give them a chance to go.

  "Oliver Dodge, from the United States."

  Oliver did not introduce his identity in detail, but Joseph obviously knew something from his name alone. He frowned slightly and asked: "The Dodge family?"

  "Your Highness Joseph, if I were you, I would definitely solve the current trouble before asking." "

  Perhaps if I hand you over, the trouble will no longer be a trouble." "

  But you will lose the friendship of the Dodge family, Your Highness, You should know the influence of our family in the United States. Now the Principality of Nord needs such an ally from the United States." Oliver said it right. From the

  beginning, Joseph was not prepared to hand him over. Joseph even suspected that he would actually attack him. The guard staying at the airport was deliberately done by the other party to seek his protection.

  Joseph is different from Oliver. No matter how influential the Dodge family is in the United States, he only came to Morocco as an individual at this time. The United States cannot condemn him even if he is killed. After all, he is not a national official and does not have diplomatic immunity. But Joseph was different, it was a state visit. Therefore, no matter who is in power in Morocco, nothing can happen to Joseph here, unless the person in power is a lunatic and completely disregards Morocco's international reputation.

  After a long silence, Joseph finally spoke again: "What can the Dodge family give me?"

  "As long as it is within my ability, I will never refuse three things."

  Oliver's words made Joseph laugh out loud, but he was smiling. The disdain made Oliver look ugly, but he also understood that he was indeed very insincere, but this was the greatest benefit he could offer.   "I'm sorry Mr. Oliver, maybe what I say next will hurt your heart, but... I don't believe in anyone's oaths. I only believe in the interests that can be seen with the eyes." "What do you want, but I don't

  want what you want?"

I will definitely give it to you."

  "Mr. Oliver, I need to correct you. It's not what I want, but what you can give me. I hope you think about it carefully. I don't have much time, and they won't give us much. time."

  "Five million dollars plus 3.2% of General Motors' shares. At the same time, we will try our best to get congressmen who are biased towards the Dodge family on Nord issues..." "Mr. Oliver, I am not very short of money now,

  and I don't want to hear the word try my best, because it means that it can't be done at all. What I want to see is the benefit in front of me." "Okay

  ! I will go to Nord as soon as possible... within three months, And bring an investment of one billion U.S. dollars."

  "I don't need too much investment. I hope that American banks can lend the Nord government 200 million U.S. dollars in cash and guarantee an annual import of no less than 50 million U.S. dollars in grain trade. Order."

  Joseph is planning to increase his genetic farms on a large scale. Exporting grain will also be an important income for Nord in the future. Although the profit of grain is not high, its importance is self-evident. If a country can become dependent on it, Then it undoubtedly means that this country has been controlled by Nord.

  Naturally, the target of the grain trade cannot be the United States, because the United States has a lot of land. No matter how much food Nord exports, it is impossible for the United States to rely on it. Joseph's target is South America or other areas where the United States has influence. The Dodge family is undoubtedly Be able to speak in these countries.

  "I agree."

  This was much easier to accept than the bottom line in his heart, so Oliver agreed without much hesitation. Of course, part of the reason was that he had already seen a large number of troops approaching this way. If he didn't leave, he might be Can't leave.

  "Your Highness Joseph, we need to search your team. We suspect that there are criminals wanted by Morocco in your team." "I'm sorry, General, I refuse your request." Standing in front of Joseph was a Moroccan general, because


  them Because the military rank was not very clear, Joseph did not know the details of the opponent's military rank, so he could only call him a general general.

  The opponent's target, Hao Ran, was Oliver, and now Oliver was by Joseph's side. Even if he wanted to arrest him, he still needed to find an excuse. The most important thing was that he didn't have an arrest warrant in his hand.

  Originally, they just sat back and watched the two tigers fight, but who would have thought that the two tigers would actually sit together in the end, which caused some commotion among those who were preparing for the oriole behind. Asking the army to come forward was also to test Joseph's reaction, and at the same time, he made plans in case Joseph gave in. , but the result was what he expected but least expected.

  Joseph's toughness left the Moroccan general wondering what to do. A tough arrest? There is no order from above, and it would be too easy to damage Morocco's reputation, so it must not be done. No arrest? Now the person they want is right in front of them. As long as he can take him back with just a word, their chances will be more than half completed. It is really unacceptable to let him go like this!

  Fortunately, fate did not keep him entangled for too long. During the confrontation, another group of soldiers came here and took the Moroccan general away. Joseph clearly saw that the Moroccan general who was taken away breathed a sigh of relief when he left.

  Not all the soldiers who arrived in the second batch left. Looking at the somewhat familiar soldier Joseph, he suddenly remembered that he was the guard next to Aziz, which made everything make sense.

  "Tell your prince, he owes me a favor."

  This is actually the Moroccan royal family. To be precise, it is just a trick played by Aziz and Hassan II. It is estimated that Oliver came here after discussing with them. The purpose is very Simple, use Joseph's identity to get Oliver out of danger and take the opportunity to kill the minions of the distant relative.

  Aziz's guard obviously knew what Joseph meant. He smiled apologetically at Joseph, then handed Oliver something and turned away.

  Joseph didn't ask what the thing was. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him. He was interested in what Hassan II's distant relative was doing now. The last sigh of relief of the general who had just been taken away showed that the prince had no Danger.

  Although the crisis had been resolved, Oliver finally returned to Nord with Joseph, and then took a flight from Nord to the United States. Before leaving, Oliver said that he would complete the request he agreed to that day in the near future.

  Joseph had no doubts about Oliver's words. He had already had a contract with Oliver before, which Oliver could not break. Of course, these things were put aside by Joseph, because he saw Aziz and Bella given gifts by several Moroccan royal families. His gift.

  A young male lion was a gift given to him by Aziz. Although the other gifts were also very special, they were much inferior to the male lions. Joseph did not expect that one day he would become the group he often saw in his previous life. The wealthy Arabs keep ferocious beasts in captivity.