Chapter 37 Nord’s Education System

The trip to Morocco was still fruitful for the Principality of Nord. Foreign Minister Schumann signed a US$20 million export deal, including clothing, watches, Audis, and food. Of course, some materials for the Audi A1 were also imported from France moved to Morocco, and the friendship between the two countries officially began from the moment the agreement was signed.

  Hassan II's family affairs also brought benefits to Joseph. At least the marriage he was most worried about at the beginning did not happen. Aziz tried it a little bit, but Joseph's ignorance of words like wife made Aziz troubled. With a trace of doubt, although it is normal for a nine-year-old child to not know what the princess represents, Joseph has always behaved very maturely, making people wonder if he really does not understand the meaning.

  After returning to the Principality of Nord, all life returned to normal, and power had been assigned to the cabinet. Generally speaking, Joseph was relaxed, because unless it was some major matter, the cabinet would handle it on its own, and with parliamentary supervision, Joseph had nothing to worry about.

  In early April 1981, Prime Minister James James of the Principality of Nord went to Paris and attended the meeting as a member of the European Coal and Steel Community. This behavior obviously brought great benefits to the Principality of Nord.

  What is the core of the European Coal and Steel Community? The circulation of coal and steel among member states will be immediately exempted from all tariffs, and all coal and steel production in France and Germany will be placed under the control of a high-level joint venture that other European countries can participate in. The Principality of Nord has no coal resources, which is destined to make Nord a major coal importer. The tariff exemption brought by the European Coal and Steel Community will greatly ease the finances of the Principality of Nord.

  James was busy in Paris and Joseph was not idle, but unlike James who worked wholeheartedly for James, Joseph was busy to improve his quality of life.

  The Nord Palace was built before World War II. When the principality was just established, it did not have much money to invest in luxurious life. Therefore, the palace was built very low-end from the beginning. After the end of World War II, although Ragnar renovated it, the Nord palace was not built at that time. Germany's economy is not even as good as it was before World War II, and all he can do is make small improvements.

  It's different now. Joseph's personal account already has tens of millions of dollars. Although the butler Abner spent a lot of money to buy a large number of oil paintings and antiques, there are still millions of dollars left. With this money, it is enough to rebuild the palace.

  The cabinet had no objections to this proposal, even if they wanted Joseph to save this part of the money and invest it in national construction. They were in favor of the separation of the treasury and Joseph's personal accounts at the beginning, but naturally they cannot say such a thing now, otherwise wouldn't it be against their original wishes?

  Secondly, Joseph is the well-deserved ruler of the Principality of Nord. Who dares to reject his idea? No matter how much power the cabinet holds, it is illusory. First, the military is not in their hands. Second, Joseph has the ultimate power to dissolve the cabinet and dissolve the parliament. In the words of later generations, all interpretation rights belong to Joseph.

  If the cabinet does not veto, Abner naturally hopes to rebuild the palace. He and the cabinet have different ideas. The purpose of the cabinet is how to make the country strong, and as a steward, Abner's responsibility is how to make their master's life better. For some, cultivating the palace is naturally the basis for a better life.

  Joseph's original intention was to use the construction system to build a palace for himself, but after over and over again, he found that the palaces in the construction system were very rigid and had a very poor artistic sense. After hesitation, he finally gave up and chose to let Abner take charge of the construction of the palace.

  The new palace is still on the mountain, but the other end is close to the industrial area. Abner has obtained rough drawings. The construction company said it will be completed by June next year at the latest, and during this period Joseph will continue to live in the old palace.

  After the Moroccan delegation came back, there were also great changes in Nord. First, the number of Chinese workers reached 30,000. The total population of Nord was more than 50,000. Among them, due to the arrival of a large number of German intellectuals, the number of citizens of the Principality of Nord was close to 10,000. The Minister of Finance said There is some pressure on the treasury. After all, the welfare of the Principality of Nord is too high.

  For Joseph, anything that could be solved with money was no problem. The Nord Royal Island unknowingly grew to thirty square kilometers, with rows of new genetic farms and pastures built, and three additional oil fields. However, this The oil will no longer be provided to the United States but to the United Kingdom. After all, Joseph's main future marriage partner will still be the United Kingdom. Now it is necessary to please the Queen of England.

  The slow growth of the Nord Royal Island began to be discovered by various countries, but some of them only envied Joseph's good luck and had no other ideas, because in their understanding, this was the movement of the earth's crust at work, and the Nord Royal Island was not the first For example, it's just growing a little too fast.

  As the number of residents on the island gradually increased, new apartments were built, and plans to build bridges to connect the islands were also proposed. At first, Joseph intended for the island to grow toward the mainland, so as the island grew, The distance between it and the mainland is gradually shrinking, and the bridge plan is not unfeasible.

  However, he still hesitated and rejected the cabinet's proposal. Although he had no plan to annex the island to the mainland, it would inevitably get closer in the future. It was too early to judge the location of the bridge at this time. He did not believe the words of those geography experts. Because this is not caused by crustal movement.

  Citizens have begun to live in Chuo District, but because the supporting facilities have not yet been completed, only a small number of people have been relocated. Fortunately, the tram has been built, making it easier for residents of Chuo District to commute.

  Due to the arrival of a large number of German intellectuals, the coverage of citizen education in the Principality of Nord has reached 100% at this time. All children over the age of six are attending school, and there are no young people under the age of sixteen on the streets, including in the workshops, because Nord teenagers The Education Law and Protection Law have been announced. No one in the Nordic Principality, which has strict laws, dares to provoke the government or the law.

  The Nordic Education Law stipulates that young people aged six to 18 must attend school. Middle school students are encouraged to start their own businesses but are not allowed to work outside. Holidays are an exception... Nordic has canceled high schools this year, and some only have

  primary schools, middle schools, Universities, primary schools and middle schools are compulsory education, while universities are up to the students' choice.

  The education in Nord is relatively relaxed, and the primary school is mainly for cultural foundation, so they are not allowed to go out to work even during holidays. Of course, if you are engaged in a light job such as stocks, design, or literature, the Nord police will not come to visit you.

  After middle school, the main learning direction of students is practical operations, such as machine tools, drawing, sports, etc. The college entrance examination in the Principality of Nord is also a professional college entrance examination and a non-basic college entrance examination. It can be said that if you apply for a sports college, you will not be tested on anything other than sports. , because there is no need for a physical education student to learn other cultural courses, just literacy and arithmetic.

  The education in the Principality of Nord has only one sentence: how to be a person, how to do things! To be a human being is to be a moral, responsible person for the country and a responsible person for the family, and to do things is to give you the means of survival. Such an education system can cultivate a series of talents as quickly as possible, although their skills will be single.

  Comprehensive development of morality, intelligence and physical fitness is an important indicator for Joseph's education. The body is very important, both for scientific researchers and professional sports personnel. For this reason, there will be a one-week military training in the school every semester starting from elementary school. The purpose is to improve the students' bodies.

  In addition to special military training, the school also has a series of fitness equipment, yoga, Tai Chi, and Sanda courses. Although the teachers are not very professional, they are enough to lay the foundation for the students.

  These are easy to say but actually require money. Nord's education support of US$2 million in March 1981 is one example. Fortunately, such expenditures do not occur every month, otherwise the Minister of Finance would probably be worried. die.

  Education is the focus of the Principality of Nord, and medical care is naturally not bad. A comprehensive general inspection has been completed. Joseph is very satisfied with the results reported by the Ministry of Health. The national health value is 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​is more than 20%. They were brought by smuggled immigrants from Eastern Europe and Germany, and they were not seriously ill.