chapter 41

On June 3, 1981, the Nord Exchange was busy, and it was said that it was overcrowded outside the exchange. There is no doubt that they all came for the listing of Audi.

  At 9:6 am, Audi officially appeared on the trading board. At that moment, the entire exchange was clamored, which was very different from the previous calm of the breath.

  In the palace conference room, Joseph also walked around with some tension. Although he knew there were not too many problems, Odi was at the core of Nord's heavy industry at this time. Its listing was related to the direction of the entire Nordic economy and had to be nervous.

  Cabinet Prime Minister James wanted to say something, but he was equally nervous and pale. At this time, he could say what comforted Joseph. For this reason, only the footsteps and breath were quiet.


  The door of the conference room was suddenly opened, and then an assistant from the Ministry of Commerce hurried in: " Your Highness, adults, Odi's trading stocks have appeared on the panel, 100 million shares, each $10. "

  This time the Audi Group's shares were 30%. At this time, Audi's shares were distributed by the Nord Royal Group as 40%, Joseph's 30%, and the stock market 30.

  If the stock price can be maintained at this level, Joseph's assets will be more than ten times, and he will become one of the billionaire in Europe. It is important to know that the 30% stake in Odi is one billion US dollars.

  The assistant's words did not make Joseph easy, because it was all set before, and they were nervous about how or not the stock price increase would even fall, although the possibility was so low.

  nine ten

  " Your Highness, now Audi has sold 30 million shares. "

  In just four minutes, 30 million shares were sold. This situation finally made Joseph and cabinet members relaxed. This shows the trust of the shareholders in Audi and the recognition of the current stock price.


  " Your Highness, a large amount of foreign capital has arrived, estimated at about 200 million US dollars. "

  According to news from Royal Bank of Nord, this situation made Joseph, who had sat down, stand up again. Fortunately, it was only $200 million. Even if the other party was malicious, it would not have much influence.

  " Pay attention to monitoring the direction of funds, and at the same time find a way to mobilize all the funds that can be mobilized. I don't want this accident, nor do I allow it. "

  Joseph's words left bank governor and minister of commerce Smith in a hurry. At this time, it was difficult for the funds of the Principality of Nord to fight against those financial crocodiles. Demolition and temporary loans are their only options.

  In fact, the cabinet has been prepared before, and the Royal Bank of Nord has had about 3 billion US dollars of capital flow at the bottom. Audi is making money fast, but they also have a lot of money, if not, the cabinet is preparing funds far more than that.


  " Your Highness, the source of foreign capital has been investigated. Although they use a large number of households to cover up, it is true that the root cause comes from New York, USA. We suspect that the source of funds comes from Goldman Sachs Group. "

  " How are they moving now? "

  It was not Joseph who spoke, but Smith, the most nervous minister of business. Audi's listing was almost entirely facilitated by him. He was not under Joseph in terms of tension.

  " has snapped 10 million shares, and no maliciousness has been revealed for the time being. "

  " These international financial consortia will not be so kind, pay attention to their movements! "

  No one understands this truth, but there is no good way now, so Joseph can only use the standing strain to treat rabbits and soldiers to cover up the water.


  " Your Highness, three more foreign capitals have arrived, the largest of which is about 1.3 billion US dollars. They have not snapped up stocks and they have been in constant contact. "

  They refer to everyone in the conference room who understands that it is undoubtedly the three financial consortia that have also come in. It is obvious that they are prepared to block Audi's stock price.

  " Stare at them! "

  Some headaches are still that sentence. There is no good way now. They are the only ones who can do it. After all, they cannot be expelled from the Principality of Nord!

  Nine nineteen

  " The stock price is now $12, and they have not moved yet. "

  " Keep staring! "


  " Your Highness, Your Highness, they have moved, and now they are buying in large quantities, with a list of 20 million shares at a price of $15. "

  Ruthless enough!This is the only sentence that has emerged in the minds of cabinet members, throwing 300 million US dollars at once. Although the price has not reached the fixed point in accordance with Audi's profit this year, it can suddenly increase so much, which will inevitably cause turmoil in the stock market.

  But now that the other party has not exposed the terrible fangs, it is a good thing to raise the price. Joseph has no reason to start parity now, and so on, Joseph's answer.

  Stock prices continue to increase


  " Your Highness, the stock price has now stabilized at $23. "

  In less than half an hour from the beginning to the present, Joseph's net worth has doubled again. At this time, the stock price is actually close to the normal level, and the maximum per share of $25, otherwise Joseph will need to use capital parity, and war is coming.


  " Stock price $25. "

  It was reported by Smith, who had been on the phone instead of an assistant since $23. At this time he was obviously somewhat silent, which is normal because the war has already arrived.

  " Let's do it! "


  " Just keep it at $25. "

  As Joseph began to enter with a large amount of funds in one sentence, the group of financial crocodiles instantly discovered the actions of the Principality of Nord, but they did not have the slightest fear. This was a conspiracy. From the beginning, they were ready to crush with funds. In fact, the news that Joseph got was not very accurate. This time it was a small union of Wall Street financiers. It cannot be denied that it was also mixed with the backs of several major American automobile companies.


  The impact of the huge fluctuations in Audi's stocks is undoubtedly huge. Anyone can see that there are two forces struggles at this time. One of them does not need to say that it is the Principality of Nord, while the other is in an unknown state.

  The huge fluctuations in stock prices have prevented diasporas from entering and leaving easily. It can be predicted that once the delay is delayed, the damage to Odi's interests is huge.

  The Nord side has slowly lost its home because of its Nord problem. The rising stock price is not a good thing, because it means that once the other party leaves, Audi's stock price may even plummet.

  If the other party takes advantage of that opportunity to enter the field, it can purchase a large amount of Audi's stock at a low price. At that time, the Principality of Nord had suffered heavy losses and was unable to compete. This is the plan of this group of financial consortia.

  The plan is simple, but there is no good way to crack it. After all, the Principality of Nord adds up to only about 3 billion US dollars.

  " Your Highness, do you want..."

  Andy didn't know when it appeared in the conference room. He was the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was the root of their existence to inquire about where the group lived and to do something inconvenient for Joseph.

  Hesitating that Joseph still shook his head. Although this group of people provokes a lot of enemies in international finance, if it is only the Principality of Nord that can suffer losses, Joseph cannot do things that damage international reputation.

  At this moment, an assistant to the royal palace came in and said a word in Joseph's ear. Joseph first stayed, and then looked at the assistant somewhat incredibly, and then left in a hurry after being confirmed…