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  Chapter 42 Nord's Land Area

  " Are you sure it is a call from the Huaxia government?"

  " Not the Huaxia government, but Mr. Li. He is willing to provide 600 million US dollars to help us through the difficulties, in his own name. "

  The assistant's words let Joseph take a step, and then Joseph even had a thought to kill the assistant, that doesn't mean that?It's a joke to get so much money with the old man named Li!

  " There is also a call from Hong Kong. Shao's Group and more than ten families in Hong Kong are willing to loan us, and they can provide payment at any time under 500 million US dollars. "

  At this time, Joseph did not expect that the first person to help himself was the Warsaw government, but it was not too surprising to think about China's long-term foreign policy. Especially now that China lacks allies, especially Europe's Allies, even if the land of Norway is small, the population is small, and the influence is not large.

  " You go back to them!This favor was written by Lagner III, Joseph, and the Principality of Nord. "


  On June 3, 1981, the fluctuations of the Nordic stocks in the Principality of Nord won the victory of the Royal Nord Group B. The International Financial Consortium was frustrated and left Nord. The Odi stocks returned steadily to $26.8 when they closed.

  The impact of Nord's stock market turmoil is huge. First, the financial resources of the Principality of Nord are recognized by many wealthy Europeans. Some investors who had hesitated began to formally choose to invest in Nord. At this time, Europe is in reconstruction. In the middle of the work, Nord's economy has been ranked first in terms of individual cities.

  Audi's successful listing has brought Nord's greatest benefit to the first heavy industry group with a billion-dollar asset to sit in the town, while also laying a firm foundation for the next Nord Royal Heavy Industry Group.

  The Nord Royal Heavy Industry Group was born out of the Nord Royal Group, and 40% of Audi's shares have been successfully transferred to the Nord Royal Heavy Industry Group. This group, which has just been established for less than a few days, is now listed in 1981. Forbes Europe's top 500 candidates for the August list.

  Similarly, according to some commentators outside the list, Odi's successful listing, Joseph will occupy the top ten positions in the Forbes European Rich List in 1981, and even advance to the top fifty in the world.

  Just as the outside world talked about where the nine-year-old Nord ruler was about to occupy the leaderboard of the Fobs, Nord's new round of action had already begun.

  The Royal Node was reborn from the Royal Nord Group, and at this time, the Royal Node Heavy Worker is not just the Audi Company. Ports, ship repair shops, and shipyards all belong to the Nord Heavy Industries.

  Audi has successfully been listed, but this is not the most perfect answer for the Principality of Nord. While investors in all countries pay attention to Nord, it is true to put the other companies that are heavily engaged in royal work on the market. The plan at the beginning.

  Thinking about the heavy work of the Royal Nord is indeed doing this. Thirty percent of the shares seem to be the iconic share of companies in Nordic countries. 4:3:3 corresponds to the government, royal family, and casual households.

  On the day of listing, the value of the Nord Royal Rework has more than doubled, and the total value has increased to 18 billion US dollars, but the net assets have only fluctuated around 12 billion US dollars, which means that even the Royal Rework has doubled its listing value, and Joseph's net wealth has not increased much.

  In fact, the beneficiaries of Audi's listing are those of German and Warsaw workers, mainly German engineers, because most of them have become Nod citizens because of Audi's listing.

  At this time, the population of citizens of the Principality of Nord has just reached 10,000, of which about 30% are Chinese, 35% are Nod's original citizens, about 28% of Germans and 100% Seven Eastern Europeans.

  At this time, Nord counted Chinese workers, German and Eastern European countries that have not yet emigrated, and other state-owned migrant workers, and temporary residents have exceeded 70,000. It is no longer a problem to complete the 100,000 population in the era of Lagana I in the Principality of Nord.

  However, an important issue is before Joseph. The increase in population has led to a serious shortage of land. Although the Royal Island of Nord is already forty square kilometers at this time, it is mainly an agricultural area, and not many people live.

  In fact, the situation at this time is not as serious as imagined. After all, it is a new era. The highest building in Nord is already 100 meters high, and the high altitude makes the living space of human beings wider.

  Joseph has prepared a new round of upgrades to the apartment. The modern luxury apartment is a new residential building in the Principality of Nord. Each of the 23rd floors can accommodate 300 residents (70 family ).

  Once completed according to such a plan, only the North City area can accommodate 20,000 people, while the newly constructed Central District can accommodate 100,000 people, but the crowded city is not what Joseph wants, with money in his hand A new plan was formed in Joseph's mind.

  Now Nord's land area is 60 square kilometers, but most of it is on the island, and the local area is not as good as overseas territories. This situation is really inappropriate, and it is natural to face the need to increase the local area...

  Before the implementation of the plan to increase territory, Joseph had one more thing to do, that is to promote the influence of the Royal Television Station, which is now classified as the Royal Media Group of Nord, and the subordinates of the Media Group include the Nord Daily News, Nord Evening News, Nord Broad Broadcasting Station.

  Since the last time Nord TV left, the construction of the TV tower has been opened and is expected to be completed by the end of June. By then, Nord TV and Nord Broadcasting can theoretically cover the entire France and even southern England, but only if these areas Citizens need to buy a signal receiver.

  In fact, Nord TV station already has considerable influence at this time. The millionaire program is only a hot basis. Subsequent draft shows, funny clips, and high-quality TV series have given Nord TV station a large number of loyal viewers.

  Wonder Wonders, Snow in the Boundary City, Detective Adventures, etc. are the results of the Nord Royal TV crew. If it is not too short, Nod TV even qualifies for the TV series award.

  According to statistics, the number of household users who chose Nord TV has reached 30,000, of which 70% belong to the Principality of Nord, and the rest are residents of some cities in western France. It is conceivable that after the signal receiver was sold, To what extent will Nord Royal Television be hot.

  Because there are a large number of Chinese people in Europe at this time, the Nord Evening News ( Entertainment ) added a martial arts board. Some Chinese students at school often submit their own novels to the Nord Evening News. Although the pass rate is very low, The number of Chinese students cannot be maintained. Of course, not only Chinese students submit the manuscript, native and German,Students of Eastern European origin also submitted science fiction manuscripts.

  The radio station now has a popular rating, which is of course not just martial arts novels, but science fiction is also said, but the audience is relatively small.