Getting married (2)

"What are we waiting for then hurry up let's go.."

Yang Xinran chuckled seeing Nuonuo excited expression the little thing did resemble his father a lot.

They arrived back in to the house in record timing as Liu Duoduo was already done with Nuonuo's suitcase and was currently arranging Yang Xinran's when they came in.

"Duoduo go arrange yours I'll continue from where your stopped.."

Liu Duoduo nodded and walked to her room Nuonuo tailing behind her.

"My dear son is there anything you want to ask mummy..."

Nuonuo hugged Liu Duoduo's leg as he raised his head to look at her with a smile.

"Darling mummy are we really going to see daddy.."

Liu Duoduo nodded it had already been five years it's time for this father and son pair to meet.


As she bent down to kiss her cute little thing's face such chubby cheeks she just wanted to nibble on them.

"Mummy you haven't packed your clothes.."

Nuonuo reminded her as he ran to the closet to bring Liu Duoduo's clothes.

One hour and ten minutes later they were on the road racing towards the city jet hanger. It was already 4:20 which meant they only had forty minutes to get to the hanger.

With Yang Xinran driving it took them less that twenty five minutes to get there.

Inside the plane Liu Duoduo looked at the city with a solemn expression how many years had she spent in the beautiful country.

With the total of nine hours and forty five minutes of doing nothing, they spent their time sleeping, eating, and sight viewing.

They arrived in China in the morning around 5am, Liu Duoduo carried the sleepy Nuonuo in her arms while Yang Xinran carried their suitcases as they walked out of the airport.

They attracted a lot of gazes two beautiful women and a handsome child who wouldn't want to look at them.

"Master! Master! The young madam, young master and Miss Yang all arrived in China this morning.."

Butler Chen voice startled the sleeping Mu Yichen who immediately frowned.


This was not the right time for them to come! Mu Yichen quickly got up from the bed. Yuan Mo was still in the shadows, roaming around.

"Arrange the cars don't let them leave before we get to the airport.."

Butler Chen nodded and ran to arrange the car while Mu Yichen took a quick shower he had already called the airport secure it to let them pass so they were not going anywhere till he got there.

"What! Why can't we pass.."

"I'm sorry but there has been a mistake some where and we need to do some clearance..Miss please wait on the lounge we won't take much of your time.."

Liu Duoduo nodded and went to meet Yang Xinran and the sleeping Nuonuo from where she stood she saw the line of black cars coming from the entrance of the airport.

"Mhm which bigshot is going abroad.."

Yang Xinran chuckled as she had also seen the black cars, she felt they were coming towards their direction instead.

"Why do I feel they're coming towards our direction.."

"That's because they are!.."

The cars stopped as Liu Duoduo eyes widened when she saw a man come out, that was Butler Chen she did not expect Mu Yichen to find out about their appearance so soon.

"Miss Liu our master would like to see you.."

Liu Duoduo blinked and slowly followed butler Chen, her mind was filled with thoughts about Mu Yichen, how handsome would the master be right now.

Butler Chen opened the car door letting Liu Duoduo see the outworldly beauty sitting in the car, it was like he had been moulded by the god of beauty himself.


"Shush and get into the car"

Liu Duoduo was startled as she stared at Mu Yichen, why was he so cold. They just met how could she have offended him.

She got into the car seeing Mu Yichen's cold expression she looked away and stayed as far away as possible.

"Master it's great to see that you're alright.."she smiled as she said so trying to communicate with the man but he remained cold and silent.

"We actually have a child together..."

Liu Duoduo decided to tell Mu Yichen from the get-go thinking he would show the expression of surprise or shock his face became even colder.

"I know that.."

He knew? And yet he decided not to appear in their child's life, why? He wasn't someone who would do that sort of thing.

"Why didn't you show up.."

"I'm sorry but it's best if you don't know that at least not now.."

Liu Duoduo bit her lips as anger, pain and regret surfaced in her heart.

"Oh! Master you think you can just walk out of your child's life for five years and you still won't tell me the reason, I don't care how bad it is, I just want to know the reason why you refused to show up if you knew.."

Mu Yichen was stunned by the coldness in her voice as he forced himself to look out the window.

"Driver please drive us to the bureau of civil affairs..we have register our marriage.."

"Register what? Are you serious.."

Liu Duoduo laughed lazily tears flowing out of eyes.

"You took my most precious moments at your drunken hours I didn't regret it because I loved you, I got pregnant, gave birth to our child because I loved but what about you, where were you in your son most precious moments, what kind of father are you, you don't deserve such a handsome and smart son like Nuonuo, and here he was so happy to see the father that wasn't in his life for five years but who would have thought he would be an asshole.."

"Driver! Why isn't the car still not moving I have a terrible patience.."

The driver looked at Mu Yichen who nodded, he turned back and turned on the car soon zooming off the entrance of the airport.

The car was in total silence as Liu Duoduo stared at the window deep in thoughts, she clenched her fists forcing herself not to cry. What was the using of crying when it couldn't stop the pain she was feeling.

It reminded her of when the Liu family had abandoned her and sent her France, the pain of your expectations being crushed by the person you loved.

For moment she regretted ever stepping into China.

"If I could turn back time...I would have stayed but who knew what could have happened back then..."

They would have died.