Flight back to China

"But the young master is very filial to his dear mother, so he goes anyway. He has been sick twice with a fever and has had a growth spurt once this month."

Mu Yichen nodded and tapped his fingers on the table, a little smile gracing his face. His little nuonuo was growing up just fine in the hands of his mother.

"What about my wife..."

"The madam seems to be holding up. She drops the young master at school and then goes to work. Afterward, she either picks the young master up from school or Miss Yang takes care of it. She rarely goes shopping, except for the young master's clothes. Sometimes, she would gaze at a picture of the master and herself and cry herself to sleep."

Mu Yichen waved his hand, signaling his assistant to stop. His heart ached at the thought. How many years had it been since he last touched and kissed his beloved? He had only kissed her once, and he yearned to hold her in his arms for all these years.

"Bai Yuhan, find a way to send money to my family. Perhaps buy an expensive piece of jewelry from their company."

Bai Juhan nodded, closed the file, flashed a smile at Mu Yichen, and left the office, gently closing the door behind him.

Mu Yichen gazed at the picture on his desk, identical to the one Liu Duoduo would look at every night. It held so many emotions, soothing their wounded hearts.

"Little thing, just give me some time... I'll definitely bring you and my son home.."

Liu Duoduo parked her car in the company's garage and went to her office using the glass elevator. With age comes gracefulness, and Liu Duoduo appeared even more beautiful and elegant compared to her youth. Her captivating presence drew the eyes of people wherever she went.

"Miss Liu! Miss Liu... There's a board meeting, and the CEO requests your presence along with Miss Yang, Miss Yang is already there.."exclaimed her assistant.

Liu Duoduo nodded and smiled at her assistant, passing her bag over before heading towards the meeting room. As she entered, the room was filled with middle-aged men, some of whom were rather overweight, while others were even more so. However, the CEO stood out as slightly younger than the rest.

Liu Duoduo walked in calmly and noticed Yang Xinran sitting in a chair, her hand resting on her chin as she played with a fountain pen.

She despised being in a room filled with lecherous old men who ogled her with dirty gazes.

"Miss Liu, you're here. Please take a seat."

Liu Duoduo nodded and took a seat beside Yang Xinran. Though she could already feel the weight of eyes on her, she chose to ignore them and focused on the reason behind the CEO summoning them.

"Throughout the years, both of you have contributed significantly to our revenue growth and reputation in France and worldwide. It is with a mix of honor and regret that I announce your promotion to higher positions in our new branch in China."

"Rest assured, you will retain your company benefits, including cars and housing. We simply require you to oversee the training of new recruits and help us improve our revenue in China as well.."

The CEO's gaze remained fixed on Liu Duoduo throughout the meeting, causing her immense discomfort as she battled the urge to sneer in disgust. As she mustered her composure, she inquired, "And what will be our pay?"

'Five hundred thousand Yuan,' the CEO replied.

Yang Xinran's eyes darkened, and she shot a cold, disdainful look at the CEO. Letting out a low, dark chuckle, her laughter reverberated through the room, momentarily freezing the CEO in his tracks.

"Mr. CEO, do you take us for fools? We have been receiving a monthly salary of three hundred thousand Euros. Why would we come to China for a mere five hundred thousand? If you are sending us to China, you'll have to provide the equivalent of three hundred thousand Euros in Chinese Yuan, which amounts to approximately 2.3 million." Yang Xinran asserted confidently.

In their Duo, Yang Xinran was the assertive one, always ready to challenge any form of intimidation. While Liu Duoduo had a brilliant mind, she tended to remain less outspoken within their duo.

The CEO frowned and glanced at the other board members. Although their salaries were inconsequential to him, it seemed odd for his employees, who held relatively lower positions within the company, to receive such a high sum of 2.3 million as their salary when they were not high ranked employees.

"Mr Frances you simply can't be bias.. if you can't pay us the 2.3 million yuan in full then don't bother thinking of this duo as your employees."

Frances paled as he fell into deep thought although he felt paying the duo such high salary wasn't worth it what they were saying wasn't baseless as well.

"How about this.. 1.5 million yuan plus the company benefits what do you say.."

Yang Xinran smiled and nodded this was the perfect salary she knew the CEO would never give them 2.3 million yuan so she changed her strategy.

"You've got a deal then mr CEO..."

The meeting quickly ended and as everyone began to leave Frances called Liu Duoduo to stay behind.

"Liu Duoduo please stay behind.."

Liu Duoduo frowned making Yang Xinran chuckled as she whispered into Liu Duoduo ears"Do make our CEO heartbreak less painful okay.. I still need my 1.5 million.."

Liu Duoduo chuckled coldy as she nodded she would make it quick and painful if he so desired.

Soon everyone had left the meeting room and it was just Liu Duoduo and Frances in the room.

"Duoduo can we..is there still any hope for us..."

Liu Duoduo shook her head and brought out the old "it's not you it's me saying.." besides she even had a son.

"I can take care of you and your son Nuonuo is very cute I like him as well.."

"Too bad I only love his father.."

"Don't pretend Duoduo I know how he slept with you and left you with the pregnancy he doesn't want you nor the child just come to me.."

Liu Duoduo shook her head even if Mu Yichen didn't want her she would never come to him, a man who changed woman like his suits.

"I'm sorry there's just not love between us.."

With that Liu Duoduo turned on her heels and left the room she had Frances distinctive voice saying"You're leaving today..pick your child, arrange your luggage and head to the hanger before five pm.."

Liu Duoduo didn't answer and just kept walking outside the meeting room she saw Yang Xinran waiting for her, she smiled and when to meet her dearest friend.

"Duoduo how did did go?" She asked as she placed a dessert in her mouth, seeing Liu Duoduo's expression their conversation was not that terrible.

"He said we should get to the hanger before 5pm.."

5pm? Yang checked her watched it was already 3:30, they didn't have any much time left.

"Okay I'll go pick up Nuonuo and you'll head home to arrange our things.."

Liu Duoduo nodded and with that the duo separated one heading to Nuonuo's school and the other to their house.

Yang Xinran drove fast and arrived in Nuonuo's school in less than ten minutes, she was the little guy sitting in the bench as he waited for either his mummy or Yang Xinran to come pick him up.

"Nuonuo...Auntie Ran is here to pick you up.."

Nuonuo sighed as he searched for his mother he sighed when he didn't see his mother anywhere.

"Little thing your mummy is at home preparing our luggages quickly get into the car.."

Luggages? Where they going on a trip.

"Where are we going to.."


Nuonuo eyes widened that means he would finally get to see Bastard father.