Scheming bitch

"This time I will do better this I have the power to protect you and your mother.."

"Does that mean bastard daddy is a bad guy..."

"Of course not..your daddy is a good man... they just don't like your daddy's handsomeness."

Nuonuo nodded believing what Mu Yichen said his father was really very handsome it wouldn't be a surprise if someone wanted to kill him because his face.

"But Daddy's rich and powerful now right?"

"Yes he one in China and the world can hurt you as long daddy's your life and even if he's dead his name will still protect you.."

Mu Yichen placed Nuonuo on the ground, he had long noticed Liu Duoduo's presence beside the door but he didn't say anything.

"Alright go look for your Mummy.. it's already late you can go to the apartment tomorrow.."

Nuonuo nodded and ran out of the study only to see his mummy leaning beside the door he opened his mouth to call out to her but she placed a finger on her lip signaling him to keep quiet.

She shifted away for the door and squatted beside Nuonuo"..You like your daddy a lot don't you.."

"You also like daddy a lot.."

Nuonuo countered back making Liu Duoduo speechless such guts it could only come from Mu Yichen.

"You must be tired let's go to bed.."

The mother and son found a room to sleep for the night it was Liu Duoduo's room while Nuonuo's was next to hers but they didn't know.

The door slowly creaked open as Mu Yichen quietly walked into the room, he smiled seeing the mother and son sleeping position. Now he was sure Nuonuo was Liu Duoduo's son, he remembered she used to sleep this exact same way whenever she was tired back in luminescence mansion. Seemed like Nuonuo also got that traits they were both cute and funny.

Mu Yichen clenched his fist soon he would be entitled to sleep with this mother and son.

~Central District~

~Liu Mansion~


"Madam we received word that the young madam has returned to China and with a child.."

The old lady who was calmly drinking her tea was startled, she had a child how was she supposed to marry her off, what kind of useless grandchild was she.

"Damn that useless thing...well then it's for the best, I wasn't too comfortable handing her to such a man.."

The old lady sighed she didn't hate Liu Duoduo that much when she was still with them in Liu Mansion, she used to follow her around and pester asking her a million question in one minute.

Ever since she left, her life had been so quiet.

"Let's go and see her tomorrow, don't let the patriarch know if not he's going to forcefully bring back her and the child.."

The butler nodded and left with the tea set after the old o lady had waved him off.

"Duoduo it's been such a long time, you even have a child now, you're such an intelligent child, life must have been treating you right.."

The old lady smiled towards Duoduo's outcome she was very optimistic about it, she believed her granddaughter would lead a good life.

The old lady left her seat close to midnight and crawled to her bed, she sneered when she saw her husband snoring him self away.

"Are you done with your midnight tea.."

The old lady was startled then again she wasn't surprised, her husband had been in the military for fifty years, she knew he could detect when she left or entered the bed.

"Old man..Duoduo has returned.."

The old man was startled as the sleep in his eyes vanished, Liu Duoduo had returned then why didn't she come to the mansion.

"Why didn't she come here then..this is her home.."

"But we chased her away, weren't we the ones who sent her abroad.."the old lady replied as she sighed.

"It wasn't entirely our fault, your son seems to like the company of evil women, didn't you see Duoduo's mother and now look at the scheming bitch he married..its best if her upbringing if she stayed abroad.."

The old lady sighed and nodded but was Duoduo's mother truly as evil as they thought or was everything just a setup.

"Let's go see Duoduo tomorrow..Nalan Shi'er we're already old let's try to do the best we can.."

Nalan Shi'er nodded and closed her eyes to rest tomorrow was going to be a long day, she would need her energy.

Liu Xian sighed as he placed a hand on his head, thinking about the children the scheming bitch had produced he was really tired.

The next day at around 8 the mother and son arrived at the apartment, it was in a Estate not too far from the company.

Peach Valley Estate.

Nuonuo ran into the house wanting to see and explore the place, while Liu Duoduo went to see Yang Xinran.

She was in the kitchen prepping up a bowl of beef noodles, Liu Duoduo smiled when she saw the usual pack of coke on the counter.

Coke and Cola chicken were still hers and Yang Xinran favourites, but over the years they had reduced their intake of coke now they managed to drink one or two cans a day.

"Has her majesty and young prince arrived.."

"Yes we have humble Empress.."

She replied with a laugh, whenever her and Nuonuo went out for the day this was how Yang Xinran usually welcomed them.

"Xinran let's talk..."

Yang Xinran nodded coincidentally she had just finished cooking and was ready to eat.

"What do you want to talk about.."

"We got married Xinran.."