Harmless little small fry

"Mhm..so you got married what's so bad about that.."

Yang Xinran slurped the noodles totally unfazed by what Liu Duoduo said.

"It wasn't how I envisioned we would get married, he said he knew about Nuonuo yet he decided not to show up.."

Liu Duoduo slowly spilled out her grievances that was what hurt her the most the fact that he choose not to show up in their son's life.

"Duoduo..Mu Yichen may have his reasons for not showing up, he doesn't look like they type of man that would abandoned the woman he knocked up, besides didn't he marry you. So what's all the fuss about, isn't that what you wanted?.."

"Yes but only because I forced him to.."

Yang Xinran slurped a mouth full of noddles and dropped her chopsticks it was obvious she would not enjoy her breakfast this morning .

"Forced? Duoduo do you think a harmless little small fry like you can force the powerful Mu Yichen into marriage. It's obvious he wanted to marry you and that's why you were able to marry him so easily. If not just your threats won't work.."

Liu Duoduo pursed her lips and fell into deep thought, what Yang Xinran said made a lot of sense did Mu Yichen really want to marry her.

Seeing Liu Duoduo in a daze Yang Xinran quickly eat her food she didn't want to be bombarded with questions again at least not on an empty stomach.

"Duoduo just let nature take its course, if it doesn't work out with Mu Yichen you can divorce him and marry that Yuan Mo that has always been wooing you.."

Liu Duoduo gave Yang Xinran a nasty look as she got up from the chair.

"What's with you and Nuonuo yapping about this Yuan Mo.."

Yang Xinran chuckled he was handsome, rich and funny what was there not to like.

"Isn't he your suitor..he sent quite a lot of foreign chocolates it was simply paradise for me and Nuonuo since you never touched them.."

Liu Duoduo lips twitched as she shook her head she didn't know what to say to this friend of her.

"Get some rest we'll resume tomorrow.."

Liu Duoduo nodded she almost forgot she had a job.

"Mhm then I'll draw some designs today but before that let's go out to town and familiarize ourselves with the local trends.."

Yang Xinran nodded it was best they familiarize themselves with the local trends so they could be able to come up with market worthy designs.

"Take it easy old lady..why are you in such an hurry..."

Liu Xian said as he tried to catch his breath, Nalan Shi'er had woken him up early and got him to follow her shopping mall to buy gifts for Duoduo and Nuonuo.

They had been here for three hours and had gotten so many things yet the old lady still wasn't satisfied.

"One more thing and I'll be done.."

Nalan Shi'er said with a smile and walked into a jewelry store, with the old man following beside her.

"Good day Auntie what would you like to buy.."

The salesgirl said with a smile.

"Young lady my granddaughter just arrived in China and I wanted to give her a little welcome gift. Can you show me your latest arrivals of necklaces.."

The salesgirl nodded and went to the back to bring their new arrivals, while she was gone Nalan Shi'er sat beside Liu Xian as they waited.

"You've put so much effort into this what if she refused.."

Nalan Shi'er expression fell as she sighed it would really hurt her feelings if Duoduo rejected them.

"She won't I know it.."

Nalan Shi'er reassured Liu Xian and herself as well.


The salesgirl rushed to her side along with three boxes in her hands.

"Auntie here are our new arrivals.."

The salesgirl said with a smile she opened all the boxes so Nalan Shi'er could see them for herself.

"Xian what did you think of this.."

Nalan Shi'er picked a pearl necklace and showed it to her husband, she really like the style and color of the necklace.

"It's okay..show me the others.."

Since they had gotten one for Duoduo he also felt he should get one for Nalan Shi'er as well for all the effort she had put into it.

Liu Xian picked up a similar pear necklace he really like the style and felt it would suit his wife the most.

"We'll take these two..how much are they.."

"Five hundred thousand yuan sir.."

The salesgirl replied excitedly this was her first sale of the day and she had already made a sale of five hundred thousand.

"Here..use this!"

The salesgirl blinked seeing the gold and black card in front of her she didn't know which to choose.

"I'm the man here just use mine.."

Liu Xian took the gold card from Nalan Shi'er hand and passed his card to the salesgirl.

She nodded and went to package the necklaces, Nalan Shi'er smiled she quite liked the girl, she was very humble compared to the previous store that were basically fawning on them.

"Why didn't you use my card..I think I have more that five hundred thousand yuan in my account.."

Nalan Shi'er finally remembered she still had to complain.

"You'll see why.."

The salesgirl returned with the packaged necklaces and passed them along with the black card and receipt back to Nalan Shi'er.

"Thank you Auntie and Uncle for shopping with us today.."

Nalan Shi'er nodded and smiled she really liked this young lady.

"Let's go.."

Liu Xian held the bags and they walked back to the parking lot, they calmly walked back to the low key Rolls Royce parked at the right had side of the parking lot.

"Old master, old madam let me help you with that.."

The driver immediately reached out for the bags but Nalan Shi'er shook her head, this was for her grand and great children she didn't want anyone but her husband to touch them.

"No need for that..please drive us to peach valley estate.."Nalan Shi'er said with a smile as she passed the bags in her hands to Liu Xian and got into to the car.

"No need to say please old madam, it's my job.."

The driver said as he helped Liu Xian into the car and with that they were on their way to peach valley estate.

During the car ride the driver asked a question"..Old madam pardon my question but I don't remember the Liu family having any granddaughter abroad.."

Nalan Shi'er sighed and shook her head, after sending Duoduo abroad, the bitch's children immediately took her place and soon enough people had forgotten about the first granddaughter.

"She's special.."