Your father is too muddled to listen (1)

Seeing the welcome sign Nalan Shi'er began to doubt there coming here, what if Liu Duoduo refused to even acknowledge them as her grandparents.

"Why don't we drop the gifts at the door and leave.."

Nalan Shi'er suggested making Liu Xian send her an incredulous look, he had left the comfort of his house, climbed so many stairs and lifts only to drop the gifts at the door.

"Weren't you so optimistic about the visit..why did sudden change of mind.."

"Because we were the ones that pushed her away.."

"Shi'er.." Liu Xian sighed and held his wife hands she was the most courageous women he knew and yet she chickened out when it came to a small reunion with their granddaughter.

"Shi'er..Duoduo is our granddaughter even if she hates us, she wouldn't send us old folks away just like that, she would at least spare us a glance..."

Nalan Shi'er sighed and nodded, muttering quietly"..I hope so."

The driver parked beside the pavement and helped them out of the car, once again Nalan Shi'er refuted his help to help them

carry the bags.

"No thank can wait for us in the car.."

Nalan Shi'er passed some bags to Liu Xian and helped some in her hands with that they walked towards the door.

Since Nalan Shi'er still had a free hand she was left with the task of ringing the door bell.

She raised her finger but paused, she felt if she rang the door bell the door wouldn't even be opened for them.

"Shi'er..never be afraid to take the first step , even a broken porcelain jar can be fixed with time and the right brand of glue.."

Hearing Liu Xian's comforting words she nodded, took a deep breath and pressed the door bell.

A sonorous tone was heard afterwards.

The people inside the house were a bit startled, they just moved in how could they be having guests.

"Mummy there's someone at the door..let your son check who it is.."

Liu Duoduo blinked and shook her head.."Nuonuo're too short to look through the peephole..."

Liu Duoduo's warning was a bit late as Nuonuo had already opened the door, he looked at the two elders inquisitively, why would a pair of elderlies appear in their house and they were holding a lot of bags too.

"Who are you and what are you looking for.."

Nuonuo's cold voice did not match his babyish face and childish voice, it made Nalan Shi'er smiled and reached out to touch his cheeks but was stopped by Nuonuo.

"Auntie do refrain from touching me I don't look cute when I bite.."Nuonuo pushed Nalan Shi'er hand away, he didn't like just anyone touching and they were even unfamiliar elderlies.

"Little one where's your mother.."

Nalan Shi'er asked with a smile on her face she wasn't a bit bothered by Nuonuo rudeness.

"My mummy? She's currently unavailable I have good memory you can say whatever you want to tell my mummy to me.."

Nuonuo frowned as he had guessed these elderlies where really here for his mother but he wouldn't let them get any closer to her.

Liu Duoduo sighed as she stood up when she first saw who was at the door she frowned, weren't they the one who chased her away why were they at her doorstep now.

"Nuonuo go play with Auntie Ran I have something to discuss with auntie and uncle here.."

Hearing Liu Duoduo words Yang Xinran understood the assignment and carried Nuonuo into his room. She was guessing the elderlies who showed up were Liu Duoduo's grandparents.

Nalan Shi'er looked at Liu Duoduo with joy and sadness what a beautiful lady she had grown up to be, she was even more beautiful than her mother.

"Come on.." Liu Duoduo said coldly as she collected the bags from them and lead them in after that she locked the door and sat down on the chair least closest to them.

Nalan Shi'er smiled bitterly she was even unwilling to acknowledge them as her grandparents, she could only smile to hiding the sadness in her heart after all they were the ones who pushed her away.

"What do you want with me?"

Liu Duoduo asked coldly she refused to believe they left their mansion which they loved so much and come to pay her, this abandoned daughter a visit.

"'ve grown up to be an outstanding woman.."

"Thank you you can achieve so many things when you're alone but I still wasn't alone I have a friend that supports me and a son who loves me apart from them I practically have to family.."

"Duoduo we sent you abroad for your own good, at that time the Liu family was a mess sending you abroad was the best away to protect you.."

"Protect me? You left me alone to die how can that be protecting.." Liu Duoduo retorted coldly she was getting more annoyed as the conversation continued.

"We did everything we could do to protect you, you don't know the kind of woman your father remarried, she was practically out to kill you.."

Seeing Nalan Shi'er expression Liu Xian decided to do the talking for his wife.

Liu Duoduo pursed her lips and lowered her eyes she had witness how cruel her stepmother could be and how muddled her father had become.

"You are also our granddaughter we would never abandon you, your father has become too muddled to listen to anyone apart from that woman our words are like wind in his ears.."