Did you find him under the bed!

After seeing them off they finally noticed Nuonuo was gone.

"Where's Nuonuo..."

Liu Duoduo asked there was no trace of him being downstairs, as her eyes roamed the place. They had been so caught up in the moment they didn't noticed their son had left the table.

"Nuonuo! Nuonuo.."

"Let's check his room.."

Mu Yichen comforted Liu Duoduo, after seeing her worried expression he could leave the house the guards wouldn't let him so he must be somewhere in the house.

Getting to the room there was no trace o Nuonuo in his room, they both looked at each other.

Where could he have gone to.

"Yichen..where has Nuonuo run off to, I didn't notice him leaving the table.."

Mu Yichen nodded he also didn't notice Nuonuo was gone as well, he wasn't always vigilant at home and that was why Nuonuo was able to slip away.

"Let's check out the rooms..I'm sure he'll be in one of them.."