An impromptu Event

Liu Duoduo smiled today might have been her happiest day, she was glad she had met Mu Yichen, five years ago she thought he was just a passerby in her life but now he was really her husband.

"Yichen tomorrow let's go on a date..let's do all the things we were supposed to do as couples.."

Mu Yichen nodded all she had to do was say the word and he would there.

"I'm sure to serve you my wife..this husband is at your beck and call.."

Liu Duoduo chuckled and nodded, she realized her love for him hadn't changed instead it grew, he was one of the most important people in her life.

"Yichen..thank you for coming back, I thought I had lost you forever.."

Liu Duoduo wrapped her hands around his waist pulling herself into his embrace.