Chapter 16: The Power of Culture

"Lord Zhou, there's no need to be polite," Gu Xu said casually. "As a cultivator of the Exorcism Bureau, it's my duty."

But Lord Zhou seemed to not have heard his words at all and continued in a courteous tone, "Mr. Gu, if there's anything you need help with in the future, please don't hesitate to ask. I am willing to go through fire and water for you."

Gu Xu smiled. "Then I'll have to rely on you, Lord Zhou."

As he spoke, Gu Xu casually glanced around and caught sight of the Western City Gate standing tall in the moonlight, the faint silhouette of the Yishui Granary, and the bare Xuanwu Hill.

The knowledge recorded in books flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, he realized a crucial question.

"Lord Zhou, do you know why the County School in Yishui is haunted?"

"Why...why is that?" Zhou asked.

"Because the feng shui here is bad."

"Bad feng shui?" Lord Zhou was surprised. "Mr. Gu, you understand the art of feng shui?"

"I know a little." Gu Xu smiled in reply.

Then he pointed at the surrounding scenery and explained, "Lord Zhou, you see, there's a city gate standing on the west side of the Yishui County School, while the east side is empty, creating an imbalance. Behind the County School, there's the pressure of the granary, making the rear area cramped.

"And the main gate of the school directly faces 'Xuanwu Hill'—you must know that the position, direction, and the object directly facing the main gate are closely related to the fortune and misfortune of the inhabitants.

"The top of Xuanwu Hill is flat and barren, a sign of 'darkness and gloom.'

"It's precisely these factors that have led to the strong yin energy in the County School, transforming the regrets of the scholars into terrifying ghosts."

Lord Zhou stood still, dumbfounded, and it took him several minutes to digest the information Gu Xu had shared.

"Mr. Gu, then...what should I do?"

"To solve this problem, you need to do three things," Gu Xu raised three fingers. "First, propose to the County Magistrate to relocate the granary to the north. Second, build an 'Enterprising Tower' on the east side of the County School, facing the Western City Gate, to achieve balance. Third, construct a nine-story 'Cultural Peak Tower' on Xuanwu Hill to suppress evil spirits and prevent the gathering of malevolent energy.

"These tasks may seem troublesome, but they will permanently solve the haunting problem in the County School.

"Moreover, they can improve the cultural heritage of this place, providing Yishui County with the opportunity to produce more talented scholars and honor-listed literati."

Lord Zhou nodded seriously, memorizing Gu Xu's suggestions word for word.

Especially the last sentence spoken by Gu Xu deeply touched Lord Zhou.

You see, Yishui County hadn't produced a successful candidate in the imperial examination for many years.

Although Yishui was just a remote small county and couldn't compare to big cities in terms of talent...

But to have no successful candidates for three consecutive Imperial Examinations was quite exaggerated.

Lord Zhou had always been worried and restless about this.

After all, he was the official in charge of teaching and guiding the students.

All the students he taught had failed the exams. Wouldn't that prove that his teaching ability was inadequate?

That was why Lord Zhou had spent most of his life working for the Great Qi Dynasty and was still a low-ranking ninth-grade official, without any chance of promotion. Occasionally, he even had his salary deducted.

Today, his confusion finally found an answer.

"So, it's not a problem with my teaching ability, but rather an issue with the feng shui of this place!" Lord Zhou silently reflected.

Tonight, Gu Xu had saved his life.

If Gu Xu could help improve the cultural development of this place and solve the scarcity of talented individuals, granting him the opportunity for promotion and wealth, then Gu Xu would be like his second parents.

Lord Zhou would even be willing to establish an ancestral tablet for Gu Xu in the ancestral hall, offering incense every year and praying for his blessings.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu, for showing me the way!" Lord Zhou bowed deeply, sincerely expressing his gratitude. "You are truly the benefactor of the scholars and officials of Yishui County!"

At the same time, Lord Zhou suggested that they pick a day to hold a banquet at the Fragrant Pavilion to formally express his gratitude to Gu Xu.

Gu Xu simply refused.

He was still busy with his cultivation! He couldn't waste time on such boring socializing.

Gu Xu waved his hand casually and said, "Those who enjoy the benefits of the world must bear the world's troubles; those who revel in the pleasures of the world must share the world's worries"

"As an official of the Exorcism Bureau, receiving the country's salary and the people's respect, I naturally have to consider the safety and well-being of the people.

"As long as I can dispel the yin energy and prevent ghosts from causing harm, I will be satisfied.

"As for rewards, they don't matter."

Lord Zhou's respect for Gu Xu deepened.

He couldn't help but silently reflect: Mr. Gu is truly virtuous and cares for the people! Compared to him, I still have a long way to go in terms of my outlook.


When Gu Xu returned to the Exorcism Bureau, the midnight bell had already tolled.

The bureau was quiet.

Only the sound of Chen Jisheng flipping through the documents echoed.

In Gu Xu's eyes, his superior was a true workaholic—sitting at the bureau as soon as it was light and not returning until deep into the night. It was enough to put his slacking subordinates to shame.

Due to long-term intense work, Chen Jisheng, who was not yet forty, looked almost fifty.

As usual, Gu Xu approached Chen Jisheng, removed his jade pendant, and reported his tasks.

Then, he received a reward of forty merits.

"Gu Xu, that talisman of conjuring lanterns out of thin air is quite interesting. Where did you learn it?" Chen Jisheng asked.

"Um...I accidentally comprehended it myself," Gu Xu replied.

"I thought you would say that," Chen Jisheng chuckled. "If every cultivator in the Great Qi Dynasty could have insights like you, comprehending every three days and advancing every five days, then the ghosts and monsters in this world would have long been extinct."

"Governor Chen flatters me too much." Gu Xu showed a modest and humble smile.

"How is your recent cultivation progress? I saw you exchange for a 'Spirit Gathering Pill' today. Are you planning to advance to the Second Realm soon?" Chen Jisheng asked.

Gu Xu pondered for a moment, then shook his head. "My foundation is not solid enough yet. I still need to spend some time consolidating."

Advancing from the First Realm, Ghost Gate Pass, to the Second Realm, Yellow Springs Road, was an extremely risky hurdle. In this process, one small mistake could lead to death and annihilation.

If he didn't have enough confidence, Gu Xu would never attempt to promote himself lightly.

"What's your current level of confidence?" Chen Jisheng inquired.

"Not much...probably around ninety percent!" After a moment of contemplation, Gu Xu offered a relatively conservative estimate.

Upon hearing this, Chen Jisheng couldn't help but silently reflect: This kid's character is as stable as ever.

If it were someone else, with seventy or eighty percent confidence, they might have rushed into it, tempted by even greater power.

"Promoting realms is indeed something that should be approached cautiously." Chen Jisheng nodded, expressing his agreement with Gu Xu's choice.

Then, Gu Xu left the Bureau and returned home. He swallowed a Tranquil Heart Pill and once again began his night of cultivating.


Close to dawn, Chen Jisheng finally finished his day's work.

He yawned, drank a cup of hot tea, and felt his tense nerves slowly relax.

Unconsciously, he couldn't help but recall the two tasks Gu Xu had performed during the day.

Chen Jisheng had to admit that whenever Gu Xu went on a mission, no matter how strong the ghosts and monsters were, they always left a deep impression on him.

It wasn't just because Gu Xu's methods of dealing with opponents were always dazzling and varied.

It was also because Gu Xu's way of thinking was different from others. He often found solutions when everything seemed hopeless.

But today, among all of Gu Xu's performances, what touched Chen Jisheng the most was the phrase "Those who enjoy the benefits of the world must bear the world's troubles."

He felt that this was the spirit that every cultivator of the Exorcism Department should adhere to.

"The fact that this kid, who always locks himself up in cultivation, can say something so insightful is really surprising!" Chen Jisheng sighed inwardly.

While he was thinking, Chen Jisheng took out a piece of white paper from a drawer, dipped his brush in ink, and quickly wrote down the phrase "Those who enjoy the benefits of the world must bear the world's troubles; those who revel in the pleasures of the world must share the world's worries." on the paper.

Chen Jisheng's regular script had light horizontals and heavy verticals, showing strong bones and vigor, resembling himself—dignified, rigorous, and a bit old-fashioned.

After writing, he lightly waved his sleeve, and the ink on the paper immediately floated into the air, forming a beautifully inscribed piece that hung on the wall of the main hall.

He hoped it would serve as a reminder for him not to forget the well-being of the world.


(1) "Those who enjoy the benefits of the world must bear the world's troubles; those who revel in the pleasures of the world must share the world's worries." - Su Shi, "A Letter to Wang Cun on Rejecting the Appointment as Deputy Right Minister of the Ministry of Personnel."