Chapter 17: Gu Xu's Diary

September 17th, in the 23rd year of Tianxing:

Today marks precisely my 100th day since crossing over to the Great Qi Dynasty. Approximately 4,525 days remain until the end of my lifespan.

I, Gu Xu, am a serious individual who, by all means, shouldn't be writing a diary.

However, time is pressing.

Through this diary, I hope to engage in self-reflection at the end of each day, avoiding the onset of procrastination that could hinder my progress in cultivation.

In doing so, when I look back on the past, I won't regret wasting my time nor feel ashamed of my lack of accomplishments.

Yesterday evening, I used up the remaining Tranquil Heart Pills.

Today, despite completing four consecutive tasks, I only accumulated 290 merits, which is not enough to exchange for new elixirs.

As a result, I didn't cultivate at all today.

I am guilty.

September 18th, in the 23rd year of Tianxing:

Today marks 4,524 days until my death. I have finally accumulated enough merits to exchange for a bottle of Tranquil Heart Pills.

Shi Xiaohan noticed that I exhaust myself with tasks day in and day out, so she brought me fifteen bottles of Tranquil Heart Pills.

But I declined.

This gift is too precious.

Although I, Gu Xu, am poor, I am a person with dignity and cannot easily accept a girl's charity.

Furthermore, due to the lingering psychological trauma from the Ghost Binding Curse, I am worried that in future tasks, a moment of carelessness might leave me under the control of malevolent spirits with no means of escape.

Therefore, I inscribed thirty 'Purification Talismans' in my sea of consciousness.

September 19th, in the 23rd year of Tianxing:

Damn it! This morning, I got carried away with cultivation and accidentally used up all the Tranquil Heart Pills again.

But my merit balance is far from enough to exchange for new elixirs.

Hence... I can only bend my pride and accept Shi Xiaohan's goodwill.

Sigh, in this life, there are always too many things beyond our control.

No matter what, I have already noted this favor in my little book. I must find a way to repay it in the future.

September 20th, in the 23rd year of Tianxing:


September 21st:


September 22nd:


September 23rd:

I am truly diligent. Tomorrow, I will reward myself with a day of rest! Governor Chen once said, "Excess leads to a backlash." It's important to balance work and rest; one should not exhaust themselves.

September 24th:


September 25th:


Today, I accidentally had an epiphany, causing a surge of True Qi in my body. I was on the verge of breaking through, but luckily, I restrained myself.

I only brushed against the edge of the second realm, without fully entering it.

Governor Chen said that a solid foundation allows one to go further on the path of cultivation.

My True Qi is not yet pure enough, still containing cold impurities. I need to continue refining and tempering it.

Because my goal is the seventh realm, I don't want to leave any hidden dangers that might impede my future cultivation, causing a bottleneck or stagnation.

September 26th:

Today, Governor Chen Jisheng gave us some knowledge about ghosts and monsters.

He said in our Jiaodong Province, there are three 'Fierce Gods' of formidable power.

One of them is the 'Nine Infant Snake Demon,' with nine heads that can spew fire and water. It can also mimic the crying of infants.

Eight years ago, this snake monster ravaged the Qingzhou Prefecture, devouring the original host's parents and destroying the Yishui County School.

Even many powerful cultivators working together were unable to subdue it.

In the end, it took the Grand Qi Imperial Tutor, a seventh realm cultivator and a master of talismans—his combat strength ranked second in the Great Qi Empire, just below the Emperor—to seal it underground, ending that terrible catastrophe.

He is my goal in this lifetime.

The second of the three Fierce Gods is called Mount Yi's Snow Maiden. It is said that she is incredibly beautiful, appearing as a gentle and graceful young girl.

But one can't judge a ghost by its appearance. The terror of the 'Snow Maiden' is on par with the Nine Infant Snake Demon.

Every June, she unleashes massive snowstorms within the Qingzhou Prefecture, taking the opportunity to prey on humans.

Governor Chen also mentioned that if the 'Snow Maiden' encounters a man she fancies, she will freeze him forever, turning him into a statue displayed in her icy cave.

It truly sends shivers down one's spine!

As a 'spirit-summoning physique' individual, I am currently in a panic. I hope I can successfully live through next June.

As for the third 'Fierce God' level monster... Governor Chen said he forgot its name and will have to look up the information when he returns to give us an explanation next time.

Ah, long-term lack of rest does lead to memory decline. It's truly tough for someone like Governor Chen, who works tirelessly day after day. Perhaps next month, when I receive my salary, I can consider gifting him a box of walnuts.

September 27th:


September 28th:

Eat, cultivate, and perform tasks.

This is the life of a member of the Exorcism Bureau—simple, dull, and monotonous.

September 29th:

I discovered that divination and fortune-telling techniques in this world are astonishingly accurate.

Every time I go out on a task, I use the Six Coins Divination Method, and the predictions have never been wrong in the past three months.

It's simply unbelievable!

Today, I came across some information about astrology in a book. Out of curiosity, I decided to give it a try.

The basic method of astrology is to determine a person's birth chart using their birthdate and time, and then deduce their position, character, wealth, and fortune based on the primary star in their chart.

I... or rather, the original host of this body, was born in the year Xinchou, the month Xinmao, the day Jiayin, and the hour Renshen.

It was a moment when the five elements lacked fire.

Therefore, when the original host's parents named him, they deliberately chose a name with a 'fire' attribute.

After some calculations, I deduced that the primary star in my birth chart is the 'Heavenly Machine Star.'

Those with the Heavenly Machine Star in their chart are often intelligent and diligent, possessing strategic and tactical abilities. They are observant, quick-witted, multi-talented, have excellent eloquence, enjoy seeking novelty and change, and do not play by the rules...

Astrology seems to be quite accurate!

However, according to the book, the Heavenly Machine Star is the star of an advisor—the person with the Heavenly Machine Star is suitable to be an assistant, providing counsel and support to their master, helping them achieve great ambitions.

Heh, as a transmigrator, how can I lower myself to be someone's subordinate and settle for being a mere assistant? You see, among the group of transgressors who challenge heaven, earth, and even the sky, it would be embarrassing not to obtain a title like 'Emperor,' 'Immortal Sovereign,' or 'Warrior Emperor.'

This displeases me.

So, I recalculated based on my previous Earth birthdate.

This time, I'm satisfied with the result—a Purple Microstar sits in my birth chart, signifying the appearance of an emperor, destined to control the winds and rain, and possess wealth and status.

But then, the book also mentioned that the noble Purple Microstar destiny is too overwhelming, and most people cannot bear it. Those who have this destiny tend to suffer from illnesses and misfortunes, often dying young...

Damn, feudal superstition! I choose to believe in science!

September 30th:

Today, County School's Zhou Jiaoyu invited me to his home as a guest. He said that I have reached the age for marriage and wanted to introduce me to a good match.

I declined. Women would only hinder my cultivation speed.

October 1st:

Today, while I was out on a mission, Shi Xiaohan casually mentioned the current situation in the royal court of the Great Qi Dynasty.

She said that the current emperor is immersed in cultivation and neglects state affairs. The main control of the court is currently in the hands of the Cabinet and Princess Zhao Ning, who is favored by the emperor.

When I inquired for more details, Shi Xiaohan claimed to know nothing because her father didn't tell her.

She repeatedly emphasized to me, however, that Princess Zhao Ning is called the 'First Beauty of Luojing.' Many young talents desire to marry her. From Shi Xiaohan's peculiar tone, it seems she doesn't like Princess Zhao Ning very much.

Is this the comparison mentality among beautiful girls?

To please Shi Xiaohan's wealthy father, I jokingly told her, "Good-looking appearances are common, but finding an interesting soul is like finding a needle in a haystack."

Shi Xiaohan asked, "What is an interesting soul?"

I made up something on the spot, "Kind, gentle, sincere, confident, and helpful"—if I remember correctly, these are the characteristics of the silly and sweet female protagonists in novels from my previous life.

Upon hearing that, Shi Xiaohan burst into laughter.

It seems she identified with those characteristics... Truly a self-deluded fool!

October 2nd:

The improved version of my 'Supreme Northern Pole Demon-Slaying Ghost-Killing Talisman' is officially available in the Exorcism Department's storeroom. According to Governor Chen, whenever a colleague exchanges one 'Ghost-Killing Talisman' I will receive a reward of fifteen merits.

This 'Ghost-Killing Talisman' should be the most cost-effective item in the entire Exorcism Bureau. Although it's currently unappreciated, I believe it will become popular in the future.

I can already envision a life where I earn merits without leaving home, beckoning me with its beauty.

October 3rd:

Governor Chen Jisheng informed me that the examiner in charge of my promotion assessment has set off from the capital, Luojing, and is expected to arrive in Yishui County in three days.

He mentioned that during the practical assessment stage, both my competitors and I will enter a marvelous illusion, reliving a certain ghost incident from the history of the Exorcism Bureau. He hopes I will prepare in advance.

I'm starting to feel nervous. It's mainly because of the competitor named Ma Qin—he seems formidable, and I think I might not be his match.

October 4th:


October 5th:
