Volume 2 Teaser- ‘Lapis’ Moonfall

The World Burned.

In the perception of the incoming imminent doom, the whole of Anadus Prime shook violently.

Mountains quaked, storms stirred, and the very earth itself groaned under the weight of an unspeakable power that threatened to tear it asunder.

Sentient humanoids, caught in the grip of an otherworldly terror, found themselves paralyzed, unable to move or even cry out.

Animals and monsters worldwide trembled in panic, their instincts screaming warnings of the cataclysm to come.

Perhaps it was an instinct possessed by those in the wild, a primal sense that transcended reason, they could subconsciously sense what was going to happen.

Right now, in this time and space. A power that was more than enough to obliterate the entirety of Anadus Prime was created.

Wanete Vespera, the raven-black-haired teenage vampire, dropped to her knees with blood dripping from her left ear, the eardrum ruptured by a powerful sonic blast.