Jamie’s Part-Time Job

Krovale Region

Gnocyl Prime

Ciurath Star System

Pinecone Galaxy

March 7th, Unknown Year.

899th Cosmic Cycle

A convoy of sleek, black luxury cars sped down a lonely road, their polished exteriors gleaming under the late afternoon sun.

The asphalt stretched ahead, flanked by small clearings that quickly gave way to dense forests on either side. The thick canopy of trees cast long shadows, adding a sense of enchantment to the tranquil landscape.

In one of the cars nestled in the middle of the convoy, a young man with silver hair and clear blue eyes with slit black pupils sat comfortably.

His handsome face wore a charming smile, and his attire— a short-sleeved collared shirt that revealed his toned arms, tucked neatly into black trousers with a slightly loose tie—added to his effortless appeal.

Seated on his lap was a vision of beauty with waist-length purple-silver hair, intricately braided and draped over her shoulder