

In a quiet setting, Alex saw a person lying ahead. very perticullar person at that.

"Ouch... how dare you," groaned the person, now standing. This was Big Brother Yun, the one who had killed Grand Elder Zhang before.

"Who are you?" Alex asked, drawing his sword.

"You... die!!!" Big Brother Yun shouted, conjuring darkness that formed into a ball, hurtling at Alex. it was completely dark and extremely fast.

("(DANGER!!!)") Alex knew he was in trouble, dodging just in time. This wasn't the weak cultivator he had assumed. he dodged it instantly as Big Brother Yun got ready for anothet attack, he used the same black ball this time two black balls.

Unexpectedly, something happened.




An ice arrow came down from a broken door, crashing into Big Brother Yun. It was extremely fast and extremely cold.

("(HOLY SHIT!!! I COULD HARDLY SEE WHERE IT CAME FROM!!!)") Alex was shocked... this was the first time he saw something so fast, it was like teleportation, if not for his hogh realm he could not believe he would be able to see this arrow.

A resonant voice echoed from above.

There stood a beautiful girl with silver hair and eyes, wearing white robes. She had a cold expression as she looked down at Alex.

"Who are you?" She asked curiously.

Nervous, Alex replied, "I'm Zhi Lu, a rogue cultivator who escaped my sect's destruction." he also smiled, he knew he met extremely powerful cultivator.

The girl's face softened, and she descended. "Don't worry, I'm sorry about your sect," she said. after looking at Alex.

Alex was surprised by her sudden change. "Haha, don't worry about me, Senior Sister," he smiled.

The girl's expression grew stern again. "You're not worried even though your sect was destroyed?" she questioned, her gaze icy.

("(Oh no!)") Alex thought quickly, "It was a new sect, and I didn't have many attachments there. No friends either. So, I didn't really care. Thanks for your concern though." Alex was afraid, he also knew he met one of the most annoying types of people, people who put extremely big attention to detail, they were the hardest to deal with as they would catch you in every word.

"I see. I'm Yin Xiu from Celestial Heaven Sect in the Central Continent. Good luck to you," she said, about to leave.

"Wait, Sister Yin!" Alex called out, seizing the chance.

Yin Xiu turned. "Yes?" she inquired.

"I know it's a lot to ask, but I wanted to join a sect. The demonic cultivators are attacking, and no one here is conducting examinations. Does Celestial Heaven Sect hold examinations?" Alex inquired. he was not going to miss this chance when he gad it infront of him.

Yin Xiu thought for a moment, "What cultivation realm are you?" she asked as she didn't know if Alex could actually be able to join the sect.

Alex almost slipped up but corrected himself, "I'm at the Soul Awakening Realm, infant tier..."

Yin Xiu was amazed, "Wha—," she began, then examined Alex closely, she apleared infront of him and put her hand on Alex'es hand, Alex her do this. he was quite trusting towards the System's ability to hide realms, and while his natural talent was trash he knew system would hide it at least.

With a red face, she said, "Sorry for touching you without asking," and then smiled. "Your talent is quite high. Yes, Celestial Heaven Sect is struggling to find disciples for the war. With your talent, becoming a disciple won't be a problem."

She flew up into the sky, "I've placed an Energy Tracker on you. Wait here, and I'll take you to the sect." Her expression grew cold. "After I deal with this mess."


She soared away.

Alex looked up, pondering. "This is my chance to meet my Sect. She didn't seem like a Sect Leader. If she's this strong, the Sect must be powerful... Maybe the most powerful... and if anyone is smart in my sect they will target the most powerful sect in the central continent to keep them from not interfearing, fight might even happen, and i will easlh return to my sect." Alex thought about this and nodded.

He looked at the city. "I need to warn Chang Li. He should be safe here." Alex flew towards Chang Li.


After some time, he returned and waited for Yin Xiu.

He waited more. He looked around to see people going around, like the invasion never happened at all, Alex felt looking at this people was quite relaxing.


30 Hours Later.

Impatience gnawed at Alex. "Did she forget?" he looked in the sky.

Then, a voice broke the silence.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting. The demonic sects are serious about invading the Western Continent," Yin Xiu said, descending. Her clothes were unchanged, but her appearance showed signs of battle, bruises etching her skin.

Alex didn't mind. "No problem. You must have had a lot to do, Senior Sister Yin Xiu," he smiled warmly. he did not really give 5 shits about what happened to her, he knew Eastern Demonic Sects Would send stromg people to deal with such a strong Cultivator.

Yin Xiu placed her hand on Alex's. "May I?" she asked, her face flushing.

("(Is she a child?)") Alex thought, "Of course, Senior Sister Yin Xiu. It's my pleasure." He held her hand.

Yin Xiu nodded and took off.



High above, in the sky.

Alex was stunned by their speed. They were moving at least three times the speed of sound, yet he wasn't torn apart by the wind.

He realized Yin Xiu's energy was shielding him. Looking down, he saw devastation — fires, fighting, death — as they passed sects under attack.

"Demonic sects have always been like this," Yin Xiu said, her hand clenched. "My brother and family were killed by them."

A bolt of ice descended, obliterating the rogue demonic sect.

"Brutes," Yin Xiu muttered before flying onward.

Alex contemplated her words.

End Of Chapter.