Might of the Arcane Spear

'It's time to test this bad boy out!' He laughed out loud as he immediately performed a throwing motion with his spear. 

These level 12 wolves proved themselves anything but intelligent as they ran straight at Lumen with their teeth baring, drool hanging from their mouths.

They truly lived up to their name of 'Rabid' wolves as they acted like the mindless beasts they were, acting off of pure aggression and instinct.

Having his spear prepared he performed a powerful throw that produced a loud whirring sound as the glowing blue spear was loosed with great speed and power as it pierced through the air and hit a wolf right in the neck.

Only the wolf wasn't struck by Lumen's spear, it was struck by a pure spear made up of mana thanks to the ability of his Arcane spear to produce a spear made of magic which can be thrown in it's stead. 

Lumen stood there, spear still in his hand as he assessed the power of the attack he had just delivered.