Seeing sunlight again

'It should be happening right about..... now!'

As he thought so, the Shadow wolf immediately halted it's charge with a confused and concerned look on it's huge face. A sharp pang of pain had suddenly assaulted it's back where Lumen had struck deep with his spear less than a minute prior.

The wolf felt like it was suddenly submerged in acid as suddenly it's whole body started twitching and jolting like crazy as it tried and failed to deal with the increasing pain coming from it's back.

Suddenly, as if it was doused in gasoline, the huge wolf suddenly became ablaze with it's whole pitch black body being surrounded by the burning flames left from Lumen.

'It worked! I can't believe my idea worked!'

Lumen revelled in his success as his risky and quite frankly unreliable plan had actually worked in his favour.