
When he spotted the Crystalline Stag, Lumen immediately entered attack mode as he closed in on the beast instantly with his superior speed and agility.

With his spear already in hand, his hands gripped the handle as he channelled his mana into it, activating his Mana Reinforcement skill. The spear was now thoroughly soaked in the blue hue as his full attention was then placed on the deer lying leisurely ahead of him in the same clearing he had fallen into the dungeon.

Shaking his head as he muttered a few incomprehensible words, he darted towards the beast from above, jumping down on the beast from a height of 10 metres from a branch above it. 

The fight, or slaughter rather, lasted only a few seconds as the beast was unable to put up any struggle against the sudden onslaught of Lumen's attack from above.

The beast was pretty much dead instantly, with what little amount of health it had being snuffed out in no time with one stab clean through the heart.