A brief exchange with the wolf

The atmosphere in the forest was thick with tension, an eerie silence settling over the clearing as Lumen and the D tier Shadow Wolf confronted each other. The creature's eyes blazed with an unnatural, otherworldly light, casting an unsettling glow in the darkness. Lumen's grip on his spear tightened as he met the malevolent gaze of his adversary.

For a moment, they remained motionless, locked in a silent standoff. Lumen's instincts screamed at him to be cautious; the D tier Shadow Wolf was unlike anything he had faced before. This was the moment he had prepared for, the ultimate test of his abilities as a hunter.

The silence was broken by a low, guttural growl that emanated from the Shadow Wolf's throat. It was a menacing sound, filled with malice and intent. The wolf's body was partially obscured by the folds of Lumen's tent, but it's outline was unmistakably that of a powerful predator.