Plagueclaw Vermin

[Quest Received: Eradicate the Nest of Plagueclaw Vermin.]

[Quest Description: The people of Veridia have been pestered by the scavenging and thievery of a type of weak beast called Plagueclaw Vermin, a rat-like beast that preys on weak farm animals and children. These beasts are omnivorous and will eat whatever they can get their hands on, hence why the residents of Veridia are so adamant to exterminate their nest and be rid of them for good.

These vermin are led by a D tier queen so caution is advised, at least 1 D tier member of the team is recommended before accepting this mission.]

[Quest objective: Explore the nearby cave systems in search of the nest of these Plagueclaw Vermin, and clear out every last Plagueclaw you come across before none are left standing.]

[Quest Rewards: Reputation within Veridia, 50 gold, experience]