Adventurer's Guild (2)

As Lumen entered the Adventurer's Guild, he was met by the impressive interior that spoke of prestige and capability. The polished marble floors and ornate decorations told a tale of a guild with a rich history and extensive resources. His eyes widened in appreciation as he took in the grandeur of the surroundings.

However, his exploration was short-lived as a guild worker approached him with a friendly but inquisitive demeanour. The worker, dressed in the guild's colours, addressed Lumen politely, "Excuse me, sir. What brings you to the Adventurer's Guild today?"

Lumen showed the worker his recently acquired Adventurer's badge, holding it up for inspection. The emblem of the eagle glistened in the ambient light. "I've just received this badge and was curious to explore the facilities and services offered by the Adventurer's Guild."