Bloodfire Drakes

Lumen carefully examined the Razorclaw Wyvern's talon, marvelling at its size and deadly sharpness. It was a fearsome trophy, a testament to the battle he had just won. With great care, he sheathed it in a specially crafted leather pouch, securing it to his belt. The talon's dark, serrated edges gleamed menacingly in the moonlight.

Just previously when he first arrived in the tutorial he would have never expected he would be able to take down such a fearsome beast only 3 months later.

With the evidence of his victory secured, Lumen took a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure. The adrenaline rush from the battle was still coursing through his veins, but he knew he couldn't stay in the canyon for long. He had to return to Veridia and report his success to the Adventurer's Guild.