early warning

The departure of their father did not allow the two to herd sheep, because they still had a lot of homework and military to learn.

In terms of homework, Carlo is not worried at all. The learning intensity of later generations can make him handle it with ease, but in terms of military, he can only insist on gritting his teeth, especially in riding, it is a torture for Carlo.

That's right, Carlo, as a prince, has to learn to ride horses. In fact, it's not just him. Now, there are no male nobles in Europe who don't learn riding skills. This is also an important part of military skills.

"His Royal Highness Carlo, take it easy, don't be afraid. Sarah is a very docile mare, it won't move around."

On a small horse farm in the palace, Captain Conti, the royal riding instructor, was teaching Carlo equestrian training. Because he was wearing a riding suit, his body was tense, and his hands were holding the reins tightly, as if he was afraid of falling.

And his embarrassment naturally attracted the ridicule of his younger brother Vittorio, but when there was no language to ridicule him, he trotted past him on a horse with a high-spirited look, and even raised his chin at him intentionally.

His brother's performance made Carlo feel a little sad. This is really retribution, and it came so quickly.

Who let him not even touch the hair of a horse in his previous life, how could he be able to handle a horse proficiently? Even a docile mare is the same, to see if the horse is about to bite when it opens its mouth.

"His Royal Highness Carlo, don't hold on to the reins, Sarah feels very uncomfortable."

Captain Conte, who was an instructor, quickly pointed out his mistake.

Hearing the riding instructor's words made Carlo feel even more nervous.

who I am?

where am I?

What am I doing?

Now he has no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to hone his riding skills. The instructor Conti, who trained his riding skills, also taught very patiently.

Speaking of this Captain Conti is not simple at all. He protected his father Umberto I's safe evacuation in the Battle of Custoza, so he was valued by him. It's just that this Captain Conti is loyal but not very capable. He can only do some protection work. In addition, the task of teaching the two princes to ride is also assigned to him.

Compared with his own terrible equestrianism, his younger brother Vittorio's equestrianism is very good, and even got praise from Captain Conte.

"His Royal Highness Vittorio, you ride very well, and you will definitely be an excellent jockey in the future."

The praise from Captain Conti made him like a proud peacock, frequently showing off all kinds of flowers to Carlo. Carlo didn't care too much about his younger brother's childish behavior. When Victor has pocket money next month, let him know how good his brother is.

Carlo and Vittorio, who had been exhausted from training, did not return to the Quirinale Palace until after the afternoon of practicing riding.

After they returned to the palace, as soon as the two entered the door, they saw a tall, handsome man talking to their mother. This was the visit of their uncle Amedeo.

The two greeted in unison. "Hello, uncle."

"Hello, two little princes."

Facing the greetings from Carlo and Vittorio, Amedeo responded enthusiastically.

Speaking of which, this uncle has a very rich experience. Uncle Amedeo became king early on, before his father Umberto.

At that time, there was a coup in Spain. General Juan Prim, who led the coup, planned to choose a king for Spain. At that time, Prince Leopold of the Hohenzollern family was selected. This proposal was strongly opposed by France and became The fuse of the Franco-Prussian War. Then he chose his uncle, Amedio, Duke of Aosta, as king.

Faced with the title of king that fell from the sky, Amedio naturally would not give up, so he ran to become the king of Spain. It's just that he was unlucky. Juan Prim, who was still pushing him to become king, was assassinated. As a result, the first thing he did in Spain was the funeral of Prim who was assassinated.

Therefore, his status in Spain was extremely embarrassing, his supporters disappeared, and he became a nominal king. After three years as a boring king, the Spanish parliament abolished his king and overwhelmingly passed the proclamation of a republic. And a year later, Alfonso XII, the son of Isabella, was welcomed back, and the Bourbon dynasty was restored.

And after Amedio stepped down from the embarrassing Spanish throne, he returned to Italy with ease and became the Duke of Aosta again.

However, as the Duke of Aosta, Amedeo lives in Turin all year round and usually does not come to Rome. This time he came to Rome for some reason. Of course, this is out of Carlo's control at the moment.

"Uncle Amedeo, what did you bring us this time?"

Vittorio, the younger brother, was not polite at all, and asked about gifts.

Facing Victor's words, Uncle Amedeo smiled and patted his head and replied. "Victor, uncle has nothing for you this time. You must know that Turin is not rich."

Hearing his uncle's words, Victor couldn't help but hold back his mouth, but the words from his mother made him change his attitude immediately.

"Vittorio, how did you talk to your uncle, didn't I teach you manners?"

With the dissatisfaction of his mother, Queen Margherita, Victor's expression changed immediately, from a look of disgust to a very enthusiastic one.

"I'm glad my uncle came to visit."

Carlo was naturally not as idiot as Victor, and said welcome words politely.

"Carlo, I haven't seen you for a year, but I didn't expect you to be more polite now."

Uncle said that he came up with a slap in the head, causing a black line to appear at the corner of Carlo's eyes.

"Haha, our Carlo is actually shy."

It's not shy, okay...

Facing his uncle with thick lines, Carlo's expressionless expression made his uncle and mother laugh.

"Hurry up and change your clothes, I can smell the smell of sweat from afar."

Mother said in a clear-cut way, and took advantage of the situation to fan her hand in front of her nose and mouth, as if there was an odor. This move naturally drove the two back to the room quickly.

And after seeing the two children leave, Margherita, the queen, said. "Now your brother is still inspecting Sicily, and he won't be back until two days later. If you have an emergency, you can go directly to Sicily to find him."

"It's okay, I can wait for my brother to come back."

My brother-in-law's words made Margarita, who is the queen, relieved. It seems that this visit is really not a big deal. If anything is urgent, just send a telegram.

Amedio really has nothing to do, UU reading www. uukanshu.com just got a news that there are extreme anarchists who will be bad for his brother, which makes him uneasy, so he intends to inform his brother.

It needs to be explained here that in Europe in this era, all kinds of ideas are simply dancing in a frenzy. The fierce collision between the new democratic demands and the social reality has produced many political ideas, among which there are anarchists.

The core of anarchists is to promote individual freedom and abolish government authorities and all government management agencies. And in this day and age, anarchists like to encourage political violence, such as bomb attacks and assassinations of heads of state.

This type of action is often referred to as "propaganda of thedeed". The original meaning of the term refers to demonstration of direct action to inspire the masses to revolutionize. But propaganda can be violent or non-violent.

Obviously this time the anarchists have their sights on King Umberto.

Since someone wants to assassinate his brother, he should be informed quickly. It's just a pity that the news Amedeo has not been confirmed. He couldn't take an unconfirmed piece of information and tell his brother, be careful, someone might assassinate you.

And this kind of situation can be seen everywhere in Europe. European monarchs in the nineteenth century were not safe at all, and there should not be too many people who wanted to assassinate them to make big news.

This is also the sequelae of the ideological explosion. Although the bloodline theory is still the mainstream in Europe, its resistance is not small at all, and the leaders are basically the children of the nobles, and it can be said that the enemies are all from within.

And Amedio, who didn't see his brother, had to wait until next time. The Duke of Aosta returned to Turin the next day.