
Early morning Palermo gradually recovered. In the largest city in Sicily, buildings of various styles can be seen everywhere. There are both European mainstream Baroque styles and Arabic styles. The buildings of various styles are intertwined, giving Palermo a unique flavor.

"Ding ding ding..."

The sound of the alarm clock woke Gabriel, who was sleeping, and he reached out his hand to interrupt the alarm.

The hard bed made Gabriel's sleep not so good, but he was still satisfied with it. After getting up, Gabriel stood in the mirror and looked at his image, and couldn't help frowning. Messy hair doesn't look good with a stubborn beard and needs to be taken care of.

After washing his face, Gabriel took a comb and dipped his hair in water, then hung up his beard with a razor. Gabriel took it all seriously, as if it were the most important thing to him.

After taking care of himself, he took out his best clothes and put it on. It looked like he was going to a banquet in every way, but then he took out a pistol from the box he was carrying.

Judging from the inscription on the gun body, it is a Colt revolver. That's right, this is the well-known M1873 single-action revolver, and it is the sheriff type with the shortest gun body. The barrel of the gun is only 89 mm long, which is very suitable for hiding in clothes, which is also the most important point for him.

That's right, Gabriel is going to do a big thing today, and he has already made everyone remember his own affairs. This gun is his backing.

Gabriel's background is not bad at all. His father was originally a businessman, so he was able to provide him to go to school. And Gabriel was exposed to anarchism in college, and he agrees. And he believes that the government is just a blood-sucking worm on the people, and has no role at all.

So after finishing university, he plunged into the embrace of anarchism and publicly promoted anarchism many times. If he hadn't had a fairly rich dad, he would have been arrested by the police long ago.

However, even with the **** of Dad, no one believed what he advertised.

In the face of such a situation, the idea of making a big news and attracting people's attention was born. Do a big thing that makes a big splash in the world and make people notice your own ideas.

There is nothing more shocking in the world than the assassination of a monarch. The new king Umberto I was chosen by him, so these days he is preparing weapons and assassination plans, while paying attention to the king's developments.

Fortunately, the new king has only been on the plane for about a year. He often inspects around and is the focus of reports in the newspapers, so it saves him a lot of trouble.

And on the wall of the bathroom, there is also a photo of Umberto I cut from the newspaper.

After some cleaning, no one could tell that Gabriel was an assassin, and he took off his hat and went out with satisfaction. Today will be a day to remember.

The Norman Palace in Palermo was built in 1100. It was originally a newly built royal court by the Romans. Later, it was built by the Byzantine and Arabs, and two different styles were added to make the palace more exotic. During the kingdom era, it was valued by the king of Sicily and became the king's residence.

After the reunification of Italy, it was taken over by the royal family and became the residence of the king when he arrived in Palermo. Umberto will naturally live here after visiting Palermo.

Umberto, who is now a king, is also preparing to go out. Today, he needs to go to the city hall to listen to the city planning of Mayor Romi. At noon, he will have lunch with local celebrities. In the afternoon, there will be a parade with the people. The people felt the kindness of the new king.

"Your Majesty, it's ready to go."

The captain of the guard, Baron Filimic, walked into the room and told Umberto, who was reading the documents.

"Okay, let's go now."

Putting away the documents in his hand, Umberto, who was wearing a tuxedo, walked out with the captain of the guard.

On the road in the palace, several exquisite carriages with royal logos were already waiting here, and the cavalry guards who were responsible for the protection work were also waiting by the side.

After Umberto boarded the carriage with his entourage, the motorcade slowly walked out under the command of the coachman. At this time, the Guards cavalry guarded the convoy tightly and escorted His Majesty the King to the City Hall.

The motorcade leaving the Roman Palace was driving on the street, and the two sides of the street were full of people who wanted to see the king's majesty. The police had to block these people hard to prevent someone from suddenly disturbing the motorcade.

Gabriel didn't mix in the crowd, because he secretly bought a king's itinerary, he would choose the right time, appear in the right place, and give the king a fatal blow.

He didn't know that someone outside was thinking about his Umberto, and he was getting familiar with the document in his hand in the carriage. Although the inspections for several consecutive days made his eyes show tiredness, this is also his responsibility. He needs to know about today's work, especially the celebrities who have lunch at noon, which is related to the development of Palermo. He needs to understand these people have full understanding.

Although these things can be understood by the captain of the bodyguard, and he can wait for the captain of the bodyguard to give a hint, but for Umberto, the introduction of the captain of the bodyguard has a different effect than saying it by himself, and it can bring the relationship between these celebrities closer. This is very important to the kingdom.

By the time the convoy arrived at the City Hall, Mayor Narsh had already waited at the gate with the officials.

"Welcome Your Majesty to Palermo."

The mayor led someone to greet Umberto who got off the bus.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for the welcome ceremony, which left a deep impression on me."

Umberto casually said thank you, and then entered the city hall under the leadership of the mayor.

After the king entered the city hall, the welcoming crowd dispersed, revealing Gabriel's figure.

That's right, he is also here, mainly to get acquainted with his target, King Umberto. After all, his photo in the newspaper is too blurry. Only by seeing it with his own eyes can we guarantee that there are no mistakes.

Now that he saw his goal, Gabriel left contentedly, and he would not come back until the afternoon.

The sun is gradually rising, and the heat it emits has made people uncomfortable.

However, the crowd in Palermo was not affected at all. At noon, people gathered on the Town Hall Square. They were holding some flags of the Kingdom of Italy, some holding the portrait of His Majesty the King, waiting for His Majesty with lanterns. 's trip.

Gabriel was also among them, and in order to conceal his identity, he also held a flag of the Kingdom of Italy and squeezed hard to the front, even though the sweat had wet his back.

It didn't take long for him to wait before the police came to maintain order. What made him even more happy was that a white open-top carriage appeared at the city hall. It seemed that the target was about to appear, which made him even more excited.

And the waiting crowd was the same, they were also shouting excitedly to see the king.

It didn't take long for anyone to wait, Umberto appeared at the door and waved to the waiting crowd with a smile.

"Mayor Narsh, take the same car with me."

Beside the carriage, King Umberto's words made His Excellency the Mayor overjoyed.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty."

The excited Mr. Mayor waited until King Umberto got into the car, then sat excitedly opposite the king, and pushed the captain of the guard to the other side, which made the captain of the guard, Baron Filimic, frown slightly. But seeing the mayor who apologized to him, he didn't say anything about it. And later, he regretted it very much.

After everyone got into the car, the parade under the protection of the guard cavalry began. UU reading For the new king, the people of Palermo showed great enthusiasm and waved their hands to pay tribute to the king. In the face of the enthusiastic people, King Umberto also responded, and everything seemed so natural.

"It's near."

"It's closer."

Gabriel, who was in the crowd, watched the carriage come over with ecstasy. Quietly lowered the flag on the way and waited until the carriage arrived. At this moment, he didn't have any excitement about taking action, but was unusually calm, so calm that he could still observe the movements of the target's fellow car.

The one sitting opposite the king is the mayor of the city. He is accompanying the target and waving to the person, and the one who is blocked by him should be a security guard because he is looking around vigilantly, but because of the mayor's shield, He sees himself in some difficulty.

When the carriage came to him, Gabriel pretended to be tripped because of his excitement, and appeared on the road as if he wanted to regain his sense of balance. This move made the cavalry guarding next to him stunned for a moment, and he took advantage of the moment when the cavalry was stunned, and quickly took out his pistol. He is very proficient in this movement, because he has practiced it thousands of times before, and he knows that his time is limited and he must draw his gun and shoot in the shortest time.

At this rare moment, he did the same. More importantly, the target in front of him just turned his head to the other side, ignorant of his sudden assassination. There is no better opportunity than this, God is helping me.

"Crack, snap, snap."

Before the others could stop him, Gabriel fired three shots in a row at close range, all hitting the king.

The sudden shooting stunned the scene. Before Gabriel planned to shoot, the guards who responded had already rushed over and subdued him.

It's just that the blood on the king's body is so conspicuous.