This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human!
Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though.
Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it.
Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic—
beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!
[This novel doesn't belong to me; I only upload and translate it. All rights belong to its rightful author.]
Original Author: Kim ChiWoo/김치우
Official Page:
the writing is perfection combined with the world building and character development
One of my most favorite novels along with ORV. But sometimes the way of thinking of charachters is a little weird. Probably because of my standards that are a little different of the author’s. But still have a lot of amazing moments.
A great book with a great plot. Amazing beyond amazing. One of my favorite book to look forward to. I wish it was published a little bit more often with more chapters. Too much of a wait for such a good novel!!!!
I love not just the story development but also the characters', and how their distinct personalities interact with each other. Definitely reading this to the end, great work!
perfect character, perfect world building, and perfect story development. please update more often, but my concern now is i have an ill and i’m afraid that i’ll die first before finishing this.
when will the new chapters will release its been months/year since the last update I'm still waiting for a new one since last year oct[img=angry][img=Your move]
Bagus banget desain dunianya, plot ceritanya jg bagus, apalagi sksnsnanananananananananananaanananwjjsixbwjwoxhjwisbsinqjwodnanaihajdidfyghvjvvjgckgchkfigciycjcjgcjcutxycguggvuvuvuvvbubjbjbibububibibibibibibibibbibininononononononinuftdstdyjbubibibibibibinlnktdjgbubgcgu
Reveal Spoiler
Perfect fantasy novel, gave me goosebumps at every turns!!! (0[]0!)
Boring,Naive,Mc idiots . IQ5.Boring,Naive,Mc idiots . IQ5.Boring,Naive,Mc idiots . IQ5.Boring,Naive,Mc idiots . IQ5.Boring,Naive,Mc idiots . IQ5
Reveal Spoiler
Actually it's good but not a harem, where MC will be with Amy, even though Reina also likes him and lets him be with Amy, so I won't continue reading it anymore