The cursed emperor

"What story do you want to hear today, my dear?" a soothing, aged voice resonated in a softly lit room. An elderly woman gently lulled a toddler to sleep.

"Grandma, I want to hear the story about the cursed emperor," the child replied, her voice filled with delight. The old woman chuckled, gazing at her granddaughter with warmth.

"Alright, my dear, listen closely," the old woman said as she retrieved an old book from the shelf, gently brushing off the dust. She turned the first page with care and began to read the story slowly.

'Once upon a time, in our kingdom, there reigned a mighty emperor. He conquered all the neighboring kingdoms, uniting them under his rule. His army was so formidable that it seemed capable of challenging the entire world.'

'His battles were a source of pride for all of us but a nightmare for the kingdoms that opposed him. However, one day, as he was journeying to another battle, he accidentally killed a cow that had blocked his path.'

The old woman paused for a moment. "Grandma, what happened next? Did he eat the cow?" the child asked eagerly.

"Haha, no," the old woman chuckled and then continued reading.

'That cow was actually a pet of a god who had descended to learn about human lives. It was the only companion of that god.'

'In a fit of anger, that god cursed our emperor, saying, "I curse you to live eternally without companionship or family and to experience unending loneliness."'

'At first, our emperor was elated upon discovering that he would never die. Even if wounded by a sword, his bruises would vanish without a trace.'

'He conquered the entire world with his undying curse. However, as time went on, everyone around him began to succumb to old age and die. His wife, children, grandchildren—everyone passed away before him.'

'Loneliness followed him, and he grew increasingly despondent, eventually forsaking his entire kingdom. Rumors circulated that he was still on a quest to find a way to end his life.'

The old voice sighed, gazing at the bed where her granddaughter lay sleeping soundly.

"If eternal life is truly a curse, then what is death?"


A large crowd had gathered in front of a house, where the mournful cries of women resonated through the air.

In the center of the hall, a figure lay in a casket. Her once vibrant eyes were now peacefully closed.

A man dressed in a black coat and a large black hat walked slowly toward the casket. A peculiar black mask covered his face, revealing only a pair of light green eyes.

Silence enveloped the surroundings; even the sobbing women took a step back as he approached.

"Huh," he let out a low chuckle, though it held a profound sense of sorrow.

Setting a rose atop the old woman within the casket, he uttered, "Di Yi, you've departed as well..."

Casting one last glance at the woman, he turned slowly to depart. Tears didn't fall from his eyes—how could they? How could one cry?

"Did you see that man? He was Di Yi's husband! I remember seeing them when they first came here fifty years ago," an old woman reminisced with a hint of nostalgia in her voice.

"But after fifty years, he looks unchanged. I've heard rumors that he might be a goblin," her voice trembled as she spoke.

"Is he handsome?" a young girl asked curiously.

Gazing at her granddaughter, the old woman blushed slightly and replied, "Yes, even the gods couldn't compare. But, you see, he was a goblin," she sighed.


At that moment, Chen Yu stepped outside. Even from a distance, he could hear their voices murmuring "goblin." A solitary smile tugged at his lips beneath the mask.

He had lived longer than the current kingdom and even the current dynasty. "How much time has passed?" he murmured to himself.

He couldn't remember anymore. Once, his only desire had been to die. However, after countless attempts, he had begrudgingly accepted the bitter truth - he couldn't die.

Then, he roamed the world without interacting with anyone. However, she had changed his life. He still vividly recalled that day…

It was summer, the air warm, and the waves ceaseless. He stood on a beach, gazing at the unending tides. Unexpectedly, a woman appeared before him.

She was weeping and uttering curses, her intention clear as she attempted to end her life by jumping into the sea.

How could he stand by and let that happen? He had made a vow to himself that he would never permit anyone to die before his eyes. So, he rescued her.

From that day onwards, she trailed behind him, persistently seeking his attention. Eventually, he found himself making a challenging decision in his eternal life - he chose to marry her.

He had forgotten about tears, forgotten about emotions. But could his body truly do the same?

He relished another lifetime of love. He transformed into a devoted husband for her, a loving father to their children.

Reflecting on those moments, a smile gradually curved his lips. "Yet, you left me behind. How splendid it would have been if everyone could share eternal life with me!"

"Eternal life wasn't the curse; it was the loneliness that accompanied it." Suddenly, an old, ethereal voice resonated in his ear.

"Who?" he asked in astonishment. A breeze swept through him.

After that breeze, he realized he was standing on a vast platform. Before him gleamed a radiant object adorned with various colors.

"What is this?" he wondered aloud. As he approached the object, he discovered that it was a small crystal sword.

Something within his mind drew him towards the sword. He extended his hand slowly, reaching for it.

Why should he fear? He was someone cursed with eternal life!

But this time, a long-forgotten sensation struck him - pain. His eyes widened, yet he didn't shed tears in response to the pain. For someone like him, this pain brought a strange sense of enjoyment.

" is this possible?" his mouth hung open in astonishment.

Then he heard that ethereal voice again, saying, "This is your opportunity! Live the life you've longed for."

Afterward, his eyes were enveloped by a blinding white light. He sensed his soul being tugged by an unseen force, and a sensation of departing from his body consumed him.

"A life I yearned for..." were his final words, resonating throughout the platform.


Within that platform, space rippled suddenly, and an old man in a white robe appeared. He gazed in the direction where Chen Yu had vanished. "I trust you now comprehend the essence of eternal life... Master."